Thursday, December 2, 2010

US Lied To India About Mumbai Attack-Protected Pakistan Intellegence

from YID With LID

US Lied To India About Mumbai Attack-Protected Pakistan Intellegence: "

It was a horrible attack, terrorists ravaging the Indian City of Mumbai. Just like America's horrible 9/11 its know by its date 26/11 (November 26th). According to the latest documents released as part of the Wikileaks document dump, the United States Government was pressuring India to keep secret any information about Pakistani Intelligence involvement in the attack . Three specific State Department Cables are outlined in a report by Times of India

The first set of cables exposes how Washington backstabbed India after 26/11. The cables - explicitly show how - America paid more attention to the concerns of the ISI Chief Ahmad Shuja Pasha - rather than Indian concerns. The first set of cables show that USA post 26/11 expressed concerns over India's intentions to make public information related to 26/11. It was believed that rogue elements within the ISI were involved with the attack.

...What is more appalling is that this was done to prevent embarrassment to ISI Chief Ahmad Shuja Pasha post the release of this information by India. And to pacify Pakistan's insecurity over the release of this information, USA asked India to withhold any information on the 26/11.

Not known and certain to shock Indians is the news that while Pranab Mukherjee was working to put pressure on Pakistan, USA was playing a double game, trying its best to stop India from releasing information that nailed the Pakistani role. “We are concerned that the India’s premature public dissemination of this information will undermine essential law enforcement efforts and forestall further Indo-Pakistan cooperation. Our goal is not only to bring the perpetrators of this attack to justice, but also to begin a dialogue that will reduce tensions between India and Pakistan,” the first cable from USA Embassy in Islamabad to Secretary of State dated on January 2009 said.
In the second and third cable dated on January 2009, USA Embassy said,

“If Pasha (ISI Chief) is embarrassed, by what is essentially public dissemination without the Indians providing the results of their own investigation, it will undercut Pakistan ability to pursue its investigation, generate a public backlash in Pakistan and could undermine Pasha personally.” “Therefore we believe Department should urge the Indian govt to delay the release of the information about their investigation until intelligence and law enforcement sharing with Pakistan (and with us) has been able to move forward.”
It's sad that our government tried to blunt the investigation of this horrible crime. This was not just a terrorist attack it was a sexual crime. According to the Mumbai Mirror

Disturbing photographs made available to this newspapers by police sources indicate that several of the guests at the Taj Mahal Hotel during the siege November 26 were sexually humiliated by the terrorists and then shot dead.

Police sources confirm that even as the terrorists were engaged in a fierce combat with NSG commandos, they were humiliating their hostages before ending their terrifying ordeal.

Foreign guests were their particular target. Eight of the 31 killed at the Taj were foreign nationals.
'Even the Rabbi and his wife at Nariman House were sexually assaulted and their genitalia mutilated,' said a senior officer of the investigating team, not wishing to be quoted. [The Rabbi's wife was pregnant]
I would love to understand the American reaction to that attack because at first glance our protection of the ISI was wrong in every way.

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