Thursday, November 4, 2010

U.S. Move Unleashes Currency Concerns

Officials in Asia warned of moves to brace their economies against an expected flood of money into the region stemming from the Federal Reserve's latest plan to rekindle growth in the U.S.

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McConnell Won’t Back Down From Top Priority: ‘Deny Obama a Second Term’

Recently, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has come under fire for his comments that the most important job for new GOP leadership is to make Obama a one-term president.

On Thursday, McConnell refused to back down from that position:

Over the past week, some have said it was indelicate of me to suggest that our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term in office. But the fact is, if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill; to end the bailouts; cut spending; and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things it is to put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things. We can hope the President will start listening to the electorate after Tuesday's election. But we can't plan on it.

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Gibbs on Health Care: ‘Nothing’ From Election Suggests People Want Repeal

Speaking at the daily White House press briefing, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs suggested that Americans do not want to repeal health care legislation, and said he thinks Republican attempts to do so won't make it out of Congress.

"I honestly don't think it will come to that," Gibbs said on Thursday in response to a question about whether Obama would veto any repeal attempts.

But Gibbs went beyond commentating what he thinks will happen with Congress. In his opinion, Tuesday's elections suggested "nothing" about the American people being interested in "going back" to the way health care was handled before the controversial bill was passed.

"I don't think any data suggests that that's what people want to see after Tuesday," he said.

Congressional GOP leaders seem to disagree, and have been treating Tuesday's elections as a referendum on Obama's policies. Consequently, Republicans such as Sen. Mitch McConnell have reiterated this week their goal of repealing Obama's health care and financial legislation. McConnell echoed that in a speech today, but said that in order to be successful the country must limit Obama to one term.

This story has been updated.

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‘Unbelievable’ Pics: Young Man Boards Flight to Canada in Astounding Old Man Disguise

An "unbelievable" disguise allowed one Air Canada passenger to illegally board an October 29 flight from Hong Kong to Vancouver — a disguise that now has Canadian Border Security officials on heightened alert.

In what Canada Border Services Agency is describing as an "unbelievable case of concealment," a gentlemen who initially appeared to be an elderly Caucasian emerged from the airplane lavatory mid-flight as a young, 20-something Asian man.  After the man's swapped identity caught the attention of the flight crew, Border Services Officers (BSOs) were alerted and escorted the man from the plan when it landed on Canadian soil.  According to CNN, it was at this time that the young man "proceeded to make a claim for refugee protection."

Images: CNN

"We can confirm that officials from the CBSA met a passenger arriving off AC018 Hong Kong to Vancouver on October 29 and the matter is still under investigation," Air Canada spokesman Peter Fitzpatrick told CNN.  Fitzpatrick also noted that "there are multiple identity checks before departure at the Hong Kong international airport, including Chinese government-run Hong Kong passport control, which Hong Kong originating passengers must undergo."

But according to a security alert obtained by CNN, the man traveled with a full disguise kit that seems to have easily fooled Hong Kong's airport security screeners:

"The subject initially claimed to be in possession of one bag; however, flight crew approached the BSOs with two additional pieces of luggage which were believed to belong to the subject. One bag contained the subject's personal clothing items while the second contained a pair of gloves. The third contained a 'disguise kit' which consisted of a silicone type head and neck mask of an elderly Caucasian male, a brown leather cap, glasses and a thin brown cardigan."

The man put on the disguise for the officers who "noted he very much resembled an elderly Caucasian man, complete with mimicking the movements of an elderly person. The subject admitted at this time that he had boarded the flight with the mask on and had removed it several hours later," according to the alert.

The unnamed suspect remains in the custody of Canadian Border Security and the agency says they are now carefully monitoring all passengers arriving on international flights into Vancouver.

According to the security memo, the suspect boarded the Air Canada flight in Hong Kong using a boarding pass that belonged to another passenger. "It is believed that the subject and the actual United States Citizen passenger (whose date of birth is 1955) performed a boarding pass swap, with the subject using an Aeroplan card [frequent flyer] as identification to board the flight," the alert said.

Click here to read the full security alert (PDF)

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Former BB&T CEO: Bankruptcy of U.S. is "Mathematical Certainty"

You may recall that several trillion dollars ago, our pal Joe Biden told us we have to spend money to keep from going bankrupt as a country.Would you believe that cockamamie idea isn't working out too well?John Allison, who for two decades served as chairman and CEO of BB&T, the nation's 10th largest bank, told CNSNews.com it is a "mathematical certainty" that the United States government will go

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Fed Treads Into Once-Taboo Realm

The Fed's decision to buy $600 billion more of U.S. Treasury debt is setting off a debate about the risks of a central bank getting so entwined with the government's fiscal fortunes.

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John Boehner's Message to the Tea Party

He sent out his Dear Colleague letter today. In the Wall Street Journal, he issues his Dear Fellow American letter:

Tired of politicians who refuse to listen, Americans who previously were not involved or minimally involved in the political process are now helping to drive it. While their backgrounds are as diverse as the country itself, their message to Washington is the same: Government leaders are servants of the people; the people are not servants of their government.

The members of the 112th Congress must heed this message if there is to be any hope of repairing the shattered bonds of trust between the American people and their elected leaders. And that begins with the speaker of the House, who as leader of the institution must lead by example.

More here, with specifics. 

Kathryn Jean Lopez

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Confirmed: Geithner met with Jon Stewart in April to talk about the economy


I'm not talking about an interview on "The Daily Show" here, a la The One's eleventh-hour appearance before the election to push GOTV on young voters. I'm talking about a private meeting, on background, between the United States Treasury Secretary and a guy who once famously described his own show on Comedy Central as the [...]

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Enthusiasm Gap Largest in Swing States Signaling 2012 Problems For Obama:

The months leading leading up to election we kept hearing about "the enthusiasm" gap, a vague figure that was used to predict who was going to vote and who was staying home.  Just like almost every other polling number and every pollster had their own way of determining who was excited about the mid-term election. It was that enthusiasm gap prediction of  the Gallup organization that ramped up GOP excitement just before the election.

Nate Silver of the NY Times came up with another way to look at the enthusiasm gap. His interesting method doesn't tie it to party affiliation, but directly to their support of President Obama.  He compared the  actual presidential vote in 2008 to the presidential candidate for whom Tuesday's voters claimed they had voted, according to exit polls.
Nationally, for instance, Tuesday night's voters told exit pollsters that they had split their vote 45-45 between Barack Obama and John McCain (some said they had voted for a third-party candidate or had not voted at all.) Since Mr. Obama won the election by about 7 points nationally in 2008, this would again point toward an enthusiasm gap in the 5-7 point range that we have been describing.
There are wide differences, however when you take a look at the figures on a state by state basis.

Exit polls were conducted in 26 states (mostly, where there were competitive Senate contests). The largest enthusiasm gap came in New Hampshire. There, Tuesday night's voters claimed to have voted for John McCain by a 4-point margin, when in fact Barack Obama won the state by 10 points. That's a 14-point enthusiasm gap.
The next largest enthusiasm gap came in Indiana; the electorate there shifted from having favored Mr. Obama by 1 point in 2008 to Mr. McCain by 10 points: an 11-point gap.

The enthusiasm gap was 10 points in Nevada, and 9 points in Iowa. It was 8 points in Ohio, Wisconsin, Missouri and Illinois.
What do these states have in common? Other than Illinois, which is Mr. Obama's home state, all the others were key presidential swing states in 2008. In fact, there is nearly a one-to-one correspondence between 2008 swing states (which are shaded in the chart below) and those where the enthusiasm gap was largest:

The finding also reflect that the states that weren't very competitive in 2008 (no mater what candidate they favored) did not have an "enthusiasm gap" in 2010 (like Vermont and Hawaii which went heavily for  Obama or Texas and Arkansas which were strong for McCain.

Silver contends that the reason for the the difference is Obama's great GOTV effort in 2008 especially in the m ore competitive states. Therefore these numbers would not suggest a threat for Obama in 2012

I would offer another suggestion.  Perhaps it is those states that generated the most passion for the 2008 race, where the Obama supporters had to fight the hardest are the most disappointed, thus more likely to stay home.  Perhaps the enthusiasm gap is really a disappointment gap. If that is the case, this election foreshadows big problems for the President in 2012.
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Horrible Liar Pelosi: “We Brought Down the Deficit & Created Jobs” (Video)

After her Tuesday "shellacking" in the midterm elections by historic margins Speaker Pelosi told Diane Sawyer she had "No regrets." The failed Speaker also said she cut the deficit and created jobs.

The US deficit grew from $162 billion to $1.29 Trillion during the Pelosi years. Unemployment went from 4.6% to 9.6%.
What a horrible woman.
Via The O'Reilly Factor:

It is truly frightening the Democratic Speaker of the US House is so delusional.

A Look Back at the Wreckage–

When Speaker Pelosi took over Congress the national debt was $162 billion. When she leaves office it will be at $1.29 Trillion dollars.

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Regime tripled the national deficit in one year.

(The Captain's Comments)

When Speaker Pelosi took over Congress the unemployment rate was at 4.6%. Today it's at 9.6%.
They doubled the unemployment rate from where it was when they took over Congress.

(Source: US Misery Index)

They passed a failed Trillion dollar Stimulus bill. In fact, 48 of 50 states have lost jobs since the so-called stimulus passed.

They rammed through the most radical piece of legislation in US history – Obamacare – Without even reading it.
Remember… "We have to pass it so you know what's in it."

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GOP House and Senate Leaders Vow Votes on Health Care Repeal, Tax Cuts and Lower Spending!

They're not backing down or compromising! There were whispers in Washington on Wednesday suggesting that the GOP was likely to seek compromise and accommodation with Obama and the Dems. Most likely,...

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» All of Your Money Belongs to the State - Big Government

» All of Your Money Belongs to the State - Big Government

Video of Rudy Giuliani on

Video of Rudy Giuliani on

Fed’s Bernanke ‘Doesn’t Understand’ Economics, Jim Rogers Says


Fed’s Bernanke ‘Doesn’t Understand’ Economics, Jim Rogers Says

November 04, 2010, 7:21 PM EDT
By Simon Clark and Stephen Morris
Nov. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s decision to pump a further $600 billion into the economy shows his grasp of economics is weak, said investor Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings.
“Dr. Bernanke unfortunately does not understand economics, he does not understand currencies, he does not understand finance,” Rogers, 68, said in a lecture at Oxford University’s Balliol College yesterday. “All he understands is printing money.”
“His whole intellectual career has been based on the study of printing money,” he said. “Give the guy a printing press, he’s going to run it as fast as he can.”
The Fed said Nov. 3 it will buy an additional $600 billion of Treasuries through June, in a bid to reduce unemployment and avert deflation. While Bernanke’s near-zero rates and $1.7 trillion in asset purchases helped end the recession, the Fed said progress has been “disappointingly slow” in bringing down joblessness that is close to a 26-year high.
“Debasing your currency has never worked,” Rogers said.
David W. Skidmore, a spokesman for the central bank in Washington, didn’t respond to a message seeking comment.
Rogers, who predicted the start of the global commodities rally in 1999, said investors should put money into “real” assets such as metals and agricultural products. He told students to scrap career plans for Wall Street or the City, London’s financial district, and to study agriculture and mining instead.
Rogers, who described the U.S. as the most indebted country in history, declined to comment on the performance of his own investments in commodities.
“I’m here to sell books,” said Rogers, who lives in Singapore. “My little girls need royalties,” he added, referring to his two daughters, who are both younger than eight and were in the audience.
Rogers traveled the world by motorcycle and car in the 1990s researching investment ideas for his books, which include “Adventure Capitalist” (Random House/Wiley) and “Investment Biker.”
--Editors: David Scheer, Dan Reichl.
#<297127.2497808.># -0- Nov/04/2010 23:05 GMT
To contact the reporters on this story: Simon Clark in London at sclark4@bloomberg.net; Stephen Morris in London at smorris39@bloomberg.net.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Edward Evans at eevans3@bloomberg.net.

The End of 'The Free Pass of Zero-Accountability for Obama Czars'


Thursday, November 04, 2010

The End of 'The Free Pass of Zero-Accountability for Obama Czars'

As we savor recapturing the House of Representatives from the Democrats Tuesday night, don't overlook the fact that along with it comes the perks of the majority: The GOP will now chair all the committees, a fact that will no doubt cause much angst on the left. You think reducing Nancy Pelosi to back-bencher status was enjoyable? Well, to add a cherry on top, we no longer have to suffer through the Barney Franks and Charlie Rangels running roughshod over whoever they decide to drag before their committees. Even better, we'll see even less of the ugliest man in politics, Henry "Nostrilitus" Waxman.

So as we move forward, it will be nice to see actual government oversight of the runaway Obama spending train, and it looks like some fun is in store.
A Michigan Republican lawmaker is promising to make the White House climate czar a familiar face by repeatedly bringing her in front of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Rep. Fred Upton, who is gunning to chair the powerful panel, vows to end “the free pass of zero-accountability for Obama czars” such as White House energy adviser Carol Browner.

“Given her extensive influence within the administration, one would think [current Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry] Waxman would want to hear her at some point,” Upton writes in a Nov. 1 column in the conservative publication Human Events that is being circulated around town by his staff.

“Given her absence from Capitol Hill for the last two years, there is little doubt that she will surely become a familiar face with Republicans in charge. We have questions, and the American people deserve answers,” the column adds.

Upton is burnishing his conservative bona fides as he seeks to be chairman when the GOP assumes House control next year.

Various lobbyists and aides say Upton has the pole position to head the committee, but Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) — who is currently the panel’s senior Republican — and others are also eyeing chairmanship.
Since the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party, we've seen little if anything about those who've headed committees with the Democrats in power. Expect that to change. Anyone on the GOP side of even the slightest relevance can expect to have their entire lives turned upside down, their friends and families investigated, even the slight hint of scandal will be headline news. The George Soros Deathsquads from Media Matters will make sure of that, even if they have to just make stories up. So be careful what you wish for, Mr. Upton. And record every conversation. Georgie's boys love to splice tape.
“House Republicans pledge to conduct vigorous oversights of the Obama administration next year if the American people entrust us with the Majority. With Republicans at the helm and exercising its authority to oversee activities of the executive branch, we will restore the public trust and subject this White House and its dozens of czars to the scrutiny that taxpaying Americans expect and deserve,” Upton writes.
That's basically a declaration of war against those who suck off the government teat, so be prepared for the onslaught.

Here are the 45 Obamacare-supporting House Democrats who are no longer in Congress

Here are the 45 Obamacare-supporting House Democrats who are no longer in Congress

Dems’ defeat a crushing blow for redistricting

Dems’ defeat a crushing blow for redistricting

Breitbart.tv » President Won’t Rule Out Bypassing Congress; Using EPA to Cap Carbon Emissions

Breitbart.tv » President Won’t Rule Out Bypassing Congress; Using EPA to Cap Carbon Emissions

Boehner sounds strong against Obamacare

Boehner sounds strong against Obamacare

Krauthammer’s Take - By NRO Staff - The Corner - National Review Online

Krauthammer’s Take - By NRO Staff - The Corner - National Review Online

'Don't ask, don't tell' report expected to be delivered to Gates on Dec. 1 - TheHill.com

'Don't ask, don't tell' report expected to be delivered to Gates on Dec. 1 - TheHill.com

Conservatives More Liberal Givers

Conservatives More Liberal Givers

Food, apparel prices rising

Food, apparel prices rising

Irony: AARP pushed ObamaCare, now cite law as cause in hiking employee healthcare costs

Irony: AARP pushed ObamaCare, now cite law as cause in hiking employee healthcare costs

Video: The 5 worst moments from MSNBC on election night, including Olbermann fearing the Tea Party would eat away at the Earth

Video: The 5 worst moments from MSNBC on election night, including Olbermann fearing the Tea Party would eat away at the Earth

45 Mexican Drug Cartel Members Busted in ATLANTA


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Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, November 4, 2010, 2:46 PM
The feds busted 45 members of the La Familia Michoacana cartel in Atlanta today along with $2.4 million.
CNN reported:
Federal agents arrested 45 people in Georgia believed to be members of a top Mexican drug cartel and confiscated nearly $2.4 million in cash, authorities said Thursday.
The arrests were made by members of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, the Clayton County District Attorney’s Office and other law enforcement agencies, the DEA said. The investigation, called Operation Choke Hold, started in May 2009.
The suspects are believed to be connected with La Familia Michoacana, which “was responsible for the importation of bulk quantities of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana into the metro Atlanta area,” the DEA said.
In addition to distributing narcotics in metro Atlanta, the drug-trafficking organization also shipped large quantities to Florida, Alabama, Indiana, Illinois and North Carolina, the DEA said.
During the arrests, the DEA said in a release, authorities seized 46 pounds of methamphetamine, a clandestine methamphetamine laboratory, nearly 95 pounds (43 kilograms) of cocaine, 4,120 pounds of marijuana, 20 firearms and $2.349 million.
Related… Investigators believe 18 bodies found in a mass grave near Acapulco are members of a group of Mexican tourists kidnapped a month ago. The suspected killers said they murdered the men in an act of revenge against the La Familia drug cartel.

Battered Blue Dog Leader Calls For Pelosi to Step Down

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, November 4, 2010, 12:13 PM
The fake conservative-democrat group was sliced in half this week. The blue dogs lost 29 of 54 seats on Tuesday.

They should have listened to Evan Bayh.
Now the dogs are barking.
Whipped pup Jim Matheson called for Nancy Pelosi to step down today.
The Politico reported:
An elder statesman of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition is calling on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to step down from party leadership after a historic election in which she presided over the loss of 60 seats and control of the House.
Utah Rep. Jim Matheson, a co-chair of the Blue Dogs, told POLITICO Thursday that Pelosi should not be a candidate for minority leader – a sign that other Blue Dogs are ready to pounce if Pelosi doesn’t voluntarily cede her power.
“No,” Matheson said flatly when asked if Pelosi should seek the job. “We just got whupped.”
Matheson, one of a handful of Democrats who still represent districts that backed John McCain in the 2008 presidential election, said he does not have a favorite candidate in mind to support for minority leader. But he contends that Pelosi is no longer in position to lead the party.
“I’m just suggesting that when you have the largest turnover since 1948 then it’s time to shake things up,” said Matheson, who watched as more than half of the Blue Dog districts flipped into Republican hands on Tuesday night.
For the record… The bluedogs were bought off the night before the cap and tax vote.

Obama signals to MOVEON.Org: Full speed ahead on Liberal agenda(Video)


Obama signals to MOVEON.Org: Full speed ahead on Liberal agenda(Video)

RWB News: Sounds to me like a whole lot of nothing is going to get accomplished if this is what the President is going to be focusing on. If he doesn’t want to focus on jobs, and the Republicans can’t do much of anything with just the House, then it’s time to get working on De-Funding Obamacare.
We see now that President Obama may be willing to “compromise” on commonsense when it comes to the Bush Tax Cuts…..we will see if it is really a “compromise” by what Obama gets in return. I am sure he will spin this as “compromising” with Republicans when it was really the only alternative. Most Americans know it wasn’t “just the wealthy” getting whacked, small business owners that do the hiring were also getting whacked with these tax increases. Hopefully by extending the Tax Cuts, this will relieve some pressure on businesses so they can get back to hiring.
President Obama can believe all he wants that this election wasn’t about his Liberal agenda, but the majority of Americans know otherwise. Republicans will have a louder voice when they vote “No” on radical bills. The MSM will have to actually report the reasons Republicans are voting “No” instead of just reporting Republicans are the Party of “No” — never reporting the fact the bill had hidden $300 billion going to Hamas or even something crazier than that in it.
Breitbart: During a phone call with left-wing group MoveOn, President Obama signaled he’s looking to continue his Liberal agenda, which isn’t a surprise. However, this comes after saying he would listen to the GOP ideas and talked of compromise during his 1 p.m press conference on November 3rd.
Popularity: 1% [?]
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Memo to White House: Lawyer up


Memo to White House: Lawyer up

President Barack Obama is pictured. | AP Photo.
President Obama needs to ensure GOP chairmen don't swamp day-to-day work. | AP Photo Close
Democratic strategists say President Barack Obama needs to act fast to make sure that one of the most tangible consequences of the Republican takeover of the House — an army of GOP committee chairman seeking confidential executive branch deliberations — doesn’t swamp the day-to-day work of the White House.
Veterans of the contentious battles of the Clinton administration warn that the Obama White House is entirely unprepared for the level of scrutiny it is about to experience. “They’ve already been complaining that they’re beleaguered by Congress,” said one veteran Democratic strategist. “I don’t think [White House aides] have the slightest idea what they’re facing.”

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Obama’s Cabinet meeting

McConnell attacks Obama

Legislative gridlock may be the least of the White House’s worries over the next two years if its staff must respond to dozens of subpoenas seeking details on the implementation of the health care reform law, stimulus spending and the personnel issues that arise in every administration.
“There’s no question that just dealing with the subpoenas in and of themselves, finding the documents, the simple act of going around the White House collecting and organizing the documents, that’s an enormous effort and of course inevitably lead to fights with the Hill,” said Mark Fabiani, a lawyer who handled President Bill Clinton’s response to Whitewater and other controversies that congressional Republicans sought to investigate.
“Just managing the investigations, the inquiries and the subpoenas can consume a lot of the rest of what the White House is doing,” he said.
Sources say that White House Counsel Bob Bauer reached out in the past couple of weeks to possible candidates who could join an enhanced team of lawyers, spokespeople and legislative affairs personnel dedicated to responding to requests from the newly emboldened GOP House and others in Congress.
A White House spokesman had no comment Wednesday on any staff changes or hiring to accommodate Republican inquiries. However, one official said the White House would do what’s necessary to respond to congressional queries.
"We will of course support Congress in meeting its legitimate oversight responsibilities,” said a White House aide, who asked not to be named. “It's our hope that the administration and Congress can work together to ensure that this important function is not abused to score political points or for other improper purposes."
Some Democratic operatives pointed to the restructuring of Clinton’s staff after the Republican victory in 1994 as a model for the Obama White House. The plan, devised by then-deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes, called for personnel exclusively dedicated to handling investigations.
“In very broad brush, what we tried to do was to wall off or to some extent insulate the rest of the White House from what we called damage control,” Ickes said. “It was a blizzard of subpoenas and document production work that that really could have diverted attention.”
Fabiani said the net result of the Clinton White House’s approach was to help smooth dealings with Congress and divert press questions about the probes.
“By quarantining them, you don’t allow them to infect the daily press briefing because there’s always someone else to answer those questions and you don’t allow them to infect the other relationships you have to maintain on the Hill,” he said.
After spending months stoking stories about their newfound ability to police the Obama administration and put the brakes on key policies like health care reform, Republicans noticeably moderated their tone after Tuesday’s GOP victory.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/44709.html#ixzz14MD5mJ5s

» Happy Meals Banned in San Francisco! Reason.tv’s Nanny of the Month for October 2010 - Big Government

» Happy Meals Banned in San Francisco! Reason.tv’s Nanny of the Month for October 2010 - Big Government

Reapportionment thoughts

Reapportionment thoughts

Boehner letter to House GOP colleagues promises "a much different kind of Congress"

Boehner letter to House GOP colleagues promises "a much different kind of Congress"

All of a sudden, committee chairman money trail matters

All of a sudden, committee chairman money trail matters

A few noteworthy state-level results

A few noteworthy state-level results

It's good to be the king: US military to build kilometer-long bomb-proof air-conditioned tunnel so O

It's not bad enough that Obama is going to spend more than $200 million per day on a vacation, throwing away about $2 billion that we by the way don't have. It's not bad enough that he's taking 34 warships with him, costing who knows how much and creating a carbon footprint the size of Memphis, TN. They're even clearing trees of coconuts in Mumbai to keep the moonbat messiah safe. Nope. All that is not enough. Turns out, the US military is also digging Obama his own bomb-proof tunnel about 1 kilometer long so he can go see the Ghandi museum without having to see or smell the little people flocking around him. From Daily News & Analysis India via drudge: Tunnel for Obama near Mani Bhavan
It could give a sense of superior American organisation, or be an indicator of a deep-set persecution complex. It could also be a manifestation of Uncle Sam's penchant for a show of strength.

The matter pertains to US president Barack Obama's planned visit to Mani Bhavan —the Gandhi museum — on November 6, soon after he reaches Mumbai. On Monday, US secret agents visited the museum to plan Obama's security detail.

They were accompanied by officers of Mumbai Police and civic officials of the D ward (where Mani Bhavan is located). While inspecting the route and the buildings lining up the route to the museum, the Americans detected a skyscraper near Peddar road and also found the area to be highly populated.

Since it is difficult to monitor such a congested area, they came up with a quick solution which left the Indians accompanying them amazed: A bomb-proof over-ground tunnel — to be installed by US military engineers in just an hour.

The tunnel would be a kilometre long and measure 12ft by 12ft — enough to let Obama's cavalcade pass through. The tunnel would be centrally air-conditioned, fitted with close-circuit television cameras, and will be heavily guarded at every point, including, of course, its entry and exit.
It's good to be the king.

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Volcker warns of inflation risk with Quantitative Easing

image When he was about to take office after the 2008 election, I was surprised that Barack Obama named Paul Volcker as one of his senior economic advisors.  Volcker was one of the many architects of the 1980's economic revival, relentlessly pursuing a tight money policy during his term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. As economists go, Volcker is a conservative inflation hawk.

After many years of loose money policies at the Fed, combined with progressive fiscal strategies from the Carter White House and Congressional Liberals, the country was literally on its economic knees. Volcker slammed on the brakes at the Fed, with the central bank regularly tightening credit to reduce the money supply and rein in inflation. That, combined with the new Reagan fiscal and tax policies, put the country on a record run of growth and prosperity.  That run, according to many, persisted right through the Bush 41/Clinton/Bush 43 years, ending only with the financial collapse of 2007-2008.

So, when a man like Volcker warns that Ben Bernanke's second round of quantitative easing (flooding the banking system with liquidity) could have inflationary consequences down the road, everybody should take heed.

I don't care who his boss is, now.  When Paul Volcker speaks, the world needs to listen up:

"It does worry people" that "we're going to create so much money that down the road we'll create inflation," Volcker, 83, said in response to a question about the global implications of quantitative easing at an event at the National University of Singapore today. "I don't think that's beyond the capacity of the central bank to deal with in the future. But they're going to have to deal with it."

"It doesn't alarm me that they're thinking about buying Treasuries," he said, referring to quantitative easing. "It's the volume which they choose to do and we don't know what that is," he said, adding that "if money is too easy for too long, we'll have more" asset bubbles.

As Fed chairman from 1979 to 1987, Volcker raised interest rates to as high as 20 percent to tame inflation, triggering a recession. "Dealing with inflation and inflation potentials is always a challenge," he said. "It's manageable but not easy."

[New financial regulations] include limits to investments by commercial banks in private equity or hedge funds, known as the "Volcker Rule" because of Volcker's advocacy for the change. Under a measure that may not take full effect for as long as a dozen years, banks can invest in private-equity and hedge funds, though they will be limited to providing no more than 3 percent of the fund's capital. Banks also can't invest more than 3 percent of their Tier 1 capital.

Quantitative easing, or QE, is a massive infusion of cash from the central bank.  The Fed buys billions in outstanding Treasury securities from member banks, in the hopes that the member banks will ease credit, begin lending more and stimulate the economy through capital investment.

The problem is, the return on capital is so low right now that banks and captains of industry are more likely to seek a less risky, albeit smaller rate of return by parking the new cash in short term, safe cash accounts and short CD's.  Until capital demand rises enough to make the return on capital worth the risk of investment, little expansion occurs and there's no new employment.

The risk is that the return on capital does begin to move, and then begins to move rapidly, as all of that liquidity suddenly comes off the sidelines and starts chasing a limited supply of capital goods and the goods and services produced by the economy.  As more cash chases relatively fewer products, prices rise in a ruinous inflationary cycle, similar to what was seen in the late 1970's. It's a real, but longer term threat that won't likely be fully felt until late 2011 or 2012.

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Senate Dems Warn GOP Not To Block Radical Legislation

If you thought that after they lost 6 seats these radicals would change direction, you would be wrong.
Senate Democrats yesterday warned Republicans not to block their radical legislation.
The Hill reported:
The Hill reported:

The top three Senate Democrats said the onus was on the newly strengthened GOP conference to cooperate on legislation next year.

Republicans picked up six Senate seats Tuesday night, not enough to take control of the chamber, but the new numbers will make it harder for Democrats to get the necessary 60 votes to proceed on controversial legislation.

Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), Majority Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.) and Democratic Conference Vice Chairman Charles Schumer (N.Y.) pledged in a conference call with reporters Wednesday to work with the Republicans but also emphasized the GOP's responsibility to not block legislation.

Reid, especially, renewed a threat he made before, that Republicans must stop obstructing and start cooperating. The majority leader, who survived a close reelection battle, said he spoke early Wednesday afternoon with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

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Yet more proof Pelosi never read the health care bill

Yet more proof Pelosi never read the health care bill

Governor Christie to cut 1,200 public sector jobs, saving NJ millions

Governor Christie promised to reduce the size of government and this insurmountable debt in New Jersey, and he is pushing forward.

Come January 2011, Christie will cut 1,200 state employees from the federal payroll.

These cuts will save New Jersey tax payers $8.8 million. As you may guess, unions are in a tizzy.

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Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Communists

We've all made fun of the corny dating phrases that begin something like, "Hi, my name is Jon. I'm a writer, a Capricorn, and I like long walks on the beach." They rarely ever work. Yet someone must have forgotten to tell the communists — just watch this recruiting video from the Communist Party USA:

The video above, from June and via Weasel Zippers, was featured on the website of CPUSA's Houston chapter. Coincidentally, one of that group's leaders just happened to post some thoughts on the election, which explain what your friendly neighborhood communists advocate:

A friend of mine recently reminded me that when there is no tension between opposing forces, there can be no progress. Frederick Douglass said, "Without a struggle, there can be no progress." This is what is missing today in the class struggle. Working class unity is needed to overcome the powerful influence of the corporations, but this does not mean following the Democratic party program to the letter. Progressives should support Democrats who fight for the interests of the working class and should support policies which favor working class interests. However, we should oppose with all our might any politician and/or policy which favors the interests of the wealthy. If we do this, we can answer the question "Which side are you on?" with a great deal of pride. [Emphasis added]

Now that's interesting. Also interesting is that leader's admonishment that, in general, progressives should align themselves with Democrats. Trevor Loudon has more on that over at NewZeal.

Loudon on his blog has uncovered some convenient changes to a CPUSA website: it has apparently scrubbed one of its sites to erase its 2004 support of Barack Obama.

In 2007, CPUSA boasted about that support:

Not so much anymore. Today, an edited version leaves out some key information:

There seems to be two possible explanations. Either CPUSA has pulled its support because Obama isn't progressive enough, or CPUSA could be protecting the president from scrutiny.

Louden has his theory:

The communists naturally want to protect their "friend" from negative fallout should such associations become publicly known.

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Bush Defends Military Action After 9/11: ‘They Didn’t Hit Us Again’

Matt Lauer's full interview with Bush will air next Monday on NBC at 8 pm ET.

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Obama still doesn’t get it

Obama still doesn’t get it

DEM NIGHTMARE– 21 Pro-Obama Senators Up For Reelection in 2012

I sent top Obama buddy lib Claire McCaskill a tweet this morning.
Just so she's on notice.
She won't be able to hide from her radical pro-Obama votes in 2012. We won't allow it.

2012 will be another difficult year for the socialist-democrats. The pro-Obama party has 21 senate seats up for grabs in two years.
We anxiously wait to vote them out.
The Hill reported:

For the first time in two cycles, Democrats will have more seats up for grabs than the Republicans, and the party could see its shrunken majority erased altogether.

Several of the senators up for reelection came in on the 2006 Democratic wave, when the party picked up six GOP seats and won control of the chamber.

Sens. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Jim Webb (D-Va.) defeated GOP incumbents that year but will have to win reelection in 2012.

And two senators who won special elections Tuesday, Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), will face voters again in two years.

Democrats lost at least six Senate seats Tuesday, with results in Washington and Alaska undetermined as of press time, but they retained control.

That could change in two years, when Democrats have 21 seats up for grabs, compared to only 10 for Republicans. Also up for reelection are Sens. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) and Bernie Sanders (Vt.), the two Independents who caucus with Democrats — meaning the party has a total of 23 seats to defend.

"The numbers are really working against them, no question about it," said Jennifer Duffy, a senior Senate analyst at The Cook Political Report. "It will come down to what it always comes down to: retirements and recruiting."

Many of those Democratic seats up next cycle are in purple or red states, including those of McCaskill, Manchin, Tester, Webb and Sens. Kent Conrad (N.D.), Ben Nelson (Neb.) and Bill Nelson (Fla.).

Related… Colbert said Claire helped pass O-care.
That ought to make a good ad.

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Fed Gamble Risks America’s Greatest Asset

From The Daily Telegraph:


The fresh $600bn (£372bn) infusion of quantitative easing announced on Wednesday may or may not provide a lift for beleaguered domestic demand – both Goldman Sachs and HSBC have said much more is needed to escape a real or imagined liquidity trap – but one thing it certainly does do is further debauch the currency. Never before has dollar hegemony been so much under threat.

By flooding the world economy with yet more freshly minted dollars, America further undermines faith in the greenback as an internationally reliable store of value and is thereby squandering an economic and geo-political asset of huge importance to the nation's history.

The dollar's reserve currency status means that America can borrow at will in its own currency from the rest of the world, and at favourable rates to boot. This privilege is being recklessly thrown away.

Every time the Fed prints more dollars to fight the domestic recession, it further devalues that debt. The lenders are understandably getting restless.

As is now becoming steadily more apparent, dollar hegemony was a major underlying cause of the crisis, for it allowed America to go on an unrestrained borrowing binge; the developing world is ever more minded to think its demise part of the solution.

The Fed is taking a massive gamble with America's long term future by blindly pursuing further monetary stimulus; it may take time, but the dollar's all powerful reign on the world stage is drawing to a close.

And they wonder why US business remains in a state of paralysed shock. Policy seems hell bent on destruction.

In Obama's defence, it is usually said that the economic legacy he inherited was so poisonous that it was never likely to be easily fixed, and there is no doubt much truth in this contention.

But rather than focusing like a lazer on the economic catastrophe unfolding before him, Obama instead embarked on a wildly ambitious, disruptive and divisive legislative programme that has succeeded only in heaping further uncertainty on already damaged economic confidence.

If ever more mountainous public debt were not deterrent enough to investment and trade, the clutter of futile reform emerging from the White House would have frightened even the most loyal of American investors into inaction.

Stripped of his political authority, Mr Obama can only look hopelessly on as the newly enthused "Reds" suck the lifeblood out of health and financial reform. Hard won at near fatal political and economic cost, much of the president's legislative programme may end up neutered to death.

Read the whole thing here.

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Did Bush Personally Approve Water Boarding? DAMN RIGHT He Did!

As more leaks come out about former President George Bush's soon to be released book "Decision Points" the stark difference between our former President and today's commander-in-chief becomes even more apparent. One is a true leader that grabs responsibility, the other is someone who looks for a way to transfer responsibly to other people

For years, the left has been screaming for an investigation to determine who approved the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs) against Sept. 11 plotter Khalid Sheik Mohammed, The use of those techniques helped the government learn of additional terrorist actions coming our way.
In his book, to be released this coming Tuesday, President Bush saves them time and money. He make it clear that he personally approved the use of EITs  to be used against the 9/11 plotter.
In his book, titled "Decision Points," Bush recounts being asked by the CIA whether it could proceed with waterboarding Mohammed, who Bush said was suspected of knowing about still-pending terrorist plots against the United States. Bush writes that his reply was "Damn right" and states that he would make the same decision again to save lives, according to a someone close to Bush who has read the book.
Bush previously had acknowledged endorsing what he described as the CIA's "enhanced" interrogation techniques - a term meant to encompass irregular, coercive methods - after Justice Department officials and other top aides assured him they were legal. "I was a big supporter of waterboarding," Vice President Richard B. Cheney acknowledged in a television interview in February.
According to the Washington Post that use of waterboarding saved American lives:
After enduring the CIA's harshest interrogation methods and spending more than a year in the agency's secret prisons, Khalid Sheik Mohammed stood before U.S. intelligence officers in a makeshift lecture hall, leading what they called "terrorist tutorials."

In 2005 and 2006, the bearded, pudgy man who calls himself the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks discussed a wide variety of subjects, including Greek philosophy and al-Qaeda dogma. ...Speaking in English, Mohammed "seemed to relish the opportunity, sometimes for hours on end, to discuss the inner workings of al-Qaeda and the group's plans, ideology and operatives," said one of two sources who described the sessions, speaking on the condition of anonymity because much information about detainee confinement remains classified. "He'd even use a chalkboard at times."

These scenes provide previously unpublicized details about the transformation of the man known to U.S. officials as KSM from an avowed and truculent enemy of the United States into what the CIA called its "preeminent source" on al-Qaeda. This reversal occurred after Mohammed was subjected to simulated drowning and prolonged sleep deprivation, among other harsh interrogation techniques...... the evidence is clear: Mohammed cooperated, and to an extraordinary extent, only when his spirit was broken in the month after his capture March 1, 2003, as the inspector general's report and other documents released this week indicate.
That's right, they guy who planned 9/11 spent two years singing like a canary and running CIA "al Qaeda Schools," and all it took is a little water (and possible use of Nancy Pelosi's handcuffs).

Since President Obama has taken over, his  Justice Department later repudiated some of the underlying legal analysis for the CIA effort in an effort to placate his progressive base and find something new to "Blame Bush" for.

It is interesting that despite Obama's intention to blame the Bush administration for what the progressives consider torture, President Bush is being a stand up guy and taking responsibility for his actions. Now compare that to President Obama's press conference yesterday where instead of taking the blame for his party's poor election day showing, he attempted to shift responsibilit to the misunderstanding of the American people, the fact that he "has a strange name and has lived in lots of places," and of course my personal favorite " If right now we had 5 percent unemployment instead of 9.6 percent unemployment, then people would have more confidence in those [my] policy choices."

My friend Avi was a tank commander in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.  He once explained to me the difference between a good and a poor leader.  When a poor leader sends his men into battle he screams Charge!. But a good leader screams Follow Me!  Barack Obama has proven himself to be the kind of leader that pushes responsibility on to others, he screams Charge! George Bush was the type of leader who screams Follow Me (or in this case Damn Right!). If America is going to face down all of the threats confronting us today (economic and security) we need to have more of that Follow Me kind of leadership.
Please email me at yidwithlid@aol.com to be put onto my mailing list. Feel free to reproduce any article but please link back to http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com

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Ut-oh: American warship sends directed missile into Gaza City

And for this I applaud our president.  Sending an American missile into Gaza takes some international balls:

A missile fired from an American warship in the Mediterranean hit the car in which Muhammad Jamal A-Namnam, 27, was driving in the heart of Gaza City Wednesday, Nov. 3 and killed him, DEBKAfile's exclusive counter-terror sources report. Namnam was an operational commander of the Army of Islam, Al-Qaeda's Palestinian cell in the Gaza Strip. He was on a mission on behalf of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula – AQAP to plan, organize and execute the next wave of terrorist attacks on US targets after last week's air package bomb plot.

According to our sources, the Palestinian cell members were planning to infiltrate northern Sinai from the Gaza strip over the coming weekend and strike American personnel serving with the Multinational Force and Observers Organization – MFO, which is under American command and is stationed at North Camp, El Gorah, 37 kilometers southeast of El-Arish.

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Housing market ruined by leftist good intentions

Policy Backfire: Washington has pushed hard since the 1990s to increase homeownership. And what did we get for the effort? Homeownership in America is now at its lowest point in this century.

IBD Editorials


But don't be fooled. Frank, a zealous advocate for boosting homeownership, is at the center of the housing problem and the financial meltdown — along with his retired Democratic Senate colleague from Connecticut, Chris Dodd.

"Increasing homeownership among minorities and other people of low or moderate incomes," Sowell wrote last year, was part of a "political crusade" that both parties took part in.

But it was Democrats who pushed it hardest — and who stood in the way when Republicans tried to reform it.

It was Clinton's manipulation of the CRA, once called an extortion scheme against the nation's banks by then Senate Banking Committee Chairman Phil Gramm, that forced banks to meet a quota for inner-city and low-income mortgages — and led to the meltdown.

The current fall in home ownership is what should be expected when government tries to micromanage an industry. Expect similar disasters as busybody politicians insert themselves into energy, health care, manufacturing, finance and other private enterprises.



The "Economic Problem" is Not Economic

15 million homeowners 'under water' – flood of pending foreclosures?

Barney Frank Is Anything But On Housing

The Cynically Ruthless Barney Frank, Enabler Of The Mortgage Meltdown

How Obama and Democrat policies caused the financial crisis- video

How Economics and Politics, not Capitalism, Failed the Country

Barney's new excuse

Barney Frank Must Go – probably to jail

"Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009

New Obama appointee had role in housing crisis

Building the next subprime crisis

"Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009

Fannie-Freddie Fix at $160 Billion With $1 Trillion Worst Case

Covering Their Fannie

The Bottomless Pit Of Fannie And Freddie

CRAven Cover-Up

Why Radicals Matter

Has the SEC Charged the Right People with Securities Fraud?

Hoyer: No Plans Yet by Democrats To End Fannie, Freddie Bailouts

Democrats rejected a Republican plan to end the government's support of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Why are Fannie and Freddie left out of finance reform?

Republican Opens Investigation Into Hedge Fund and Advocacy Group Groups Deny They Worked to Inflate Housing Bubble

Paulson gets tax deductions for giving million$ to 'non-profit' that lobbies for his billion$ in profits

The Center for LESS Responsible Lending

Repeal CRA, stop blackmailing banks and wrecking the economy

Barney Frank Must Go – probably to jail

2008 Market Crash Should be Investigated

Greenspan Gets It (Why Not Others?)

Greenspan agrees leftist housing laws caused crash

And now they are in charge of everything! We are sure to go broke.

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? Bombshell

The Housing Boom and Bust by Thomas Sowell» A must read to all of us who are interested in the housing boom and bust, which led to the current financial crisis.

The history of the housing crisis and why we MUST throw the bums out!

Why is Obama Administration Hiding $5 Trillion More Debt with Accounting Gimmicks That Would Make Enron 'Blush,'?

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‘We’re Greece’ in a Few Years: Sen. Gregg

Senator Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) and Senator Evan Bayh, (D-Ind.) discuss the mid terms and what the challenges are for America.

Bayh is obviously still unaware that the socialist progressives have taken over the Democratic Party and they don't care what the people want.

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