Thursday, December 2, 2010

Obama still blaming Bush for $1.3 trillion 2009 deficit THAT HE VOTER FOR AS SENATOR!

Good grief. The hypocrisy of this guy has no bounds. None. Obama voted for the 2009 budget that included a large deficit. It was a Democrat budget and nary a Republican voted for it. He not only voted for it but he trumpeted how good it was (more on that later). He voted for TARP and the bailouts that added to the deficit. When he became President he signed a holdover spending bill that added even more to the 2009 budget deficit. Plus the stimulus boondoggle. But now he is blaming it all on Bush. Again. Even the Detroit Free Press, long a bastion of liberalism in the Midwest, admitted that Obama inherited a $400 billion deficit, not the $1.6 trillion one that Obama claims. From The White House via memeorandumFact Sheet: Cutting the Deficit by Freezing Federal Employee Pay. Check out how this one starts:
Because of the irresponsibility of the past decade, the President inherited a $1.3 trillion projected deficit upon taking office and an economic crisis that threatened to put the nation into a second Great Depression.

Need I remind anyone - again (I do) - that Obama 1) voted for as Senator or signed into law as President every single penny of the deficit he now says he inherited, and 2) the housing meltdown was due to policies that he helped put in place going all the way back to his community organizer days when he muscled banks to give loans to people that couldn't pay them back. For one, his own voting record:
  • Voted "yea" March 18, 2008 on the $3.1 trillion in fiscal outlays with a projected $400 billion budget deficit (only 2 Republicans voted "yea", and not one Republican in the House voted for it after the conference committee)
  • Biden, Rahm Emmanuel and Hillary Clinton voted "yea" as well
  • Voted "yea" October 1, 2008 for the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) along with Biden and Clinton
  • Pushed through and signed into law the $787 billion stimulus bill boondoggle in February 2009
  • Signed into law $410 billion of additional spending in the 2009 budget in March 2009
Thus, how does he blame Bush when he either voted for (along party lines no less) or signed into law every single gosh-darned penny that is now the record $1.4 trillion deficit, with a 2010 deficit of $1.39 trillion and a 2011 projected deficit of $1.42 trillion? The above projections do not take into account either ObamaCare or cap-and-trade.This by the way does not absolve Bush for leaving a $400 billion deficit that I thought was unconscionable, but by comparison Bush looks like a fiscal conservative. Obama, in contrast, not only voted for the 2009 budget, but praised it afterwards. From NewsBusters:
March 14 (2008)
Obama Statement on the Senate's Passage of the FY 2009 Budget

Washington DC -- Sen. Obama today released a statement on the Senate's passage of the FY 2009 Federal Budget:

"In Illinois and throughout the country, Americans share common hopes and common struggles. They are worried about keeping their jobs and being able to pay record gas prices and stay ahead of their mortgages and credit card bills and still have enough left over to make ends meet. They want to know that they'll have health care when they get sick - not just for themselves, but for their children and elderly parents. They want to know that a quality education and a college degree are within reach for all Americans. They want to retire with security and dignity. And they want to know that our government is doing everything it can to keep our nation safe and secure.

"The budget passed by the Senate tonight makes significant progress in getting our nation's priorities back on track. After years of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, this year's budget helps restore fiscal responsibility in Washington, and provides tax relief for the middle class and low-income families who need help most. It includes an expansion in the Child Tax Credit that I have fought for and makes marriage penalty relief permanent. And it rejects the President's drastic cuts in important domestic programs.

"We need change in this country, and this budget is an important step in helping bring it about. I commend Chairman Conrad for his extraordinary leadership in moving this resolution forward and moving America's fiscal policies in the right direction."

The FY 2007 federal budget - the last one put together by Republicans - was $2.7 trillion. Since Pelosi and Reid took over the federal budget is at $3.8 trillion. The deficit is entirely comprised of new Democrat spending since 2007. And as bad as a $400 billion deficit sounds, it is absolutely puny compared to what has happened since Obama took office. And keep this in mind: National Debt Has Increased $5 Trillion Since Nancy Pelosi Vowed, "No New Deficit Spending". The President doesn't just spend money. Congress holds the purse string.

Good News: FED to buy $1 trillion for bonds with money we don't have to make economy look better than it really is
Detroit Free Press' Rochelle Riley still blames GOP for deficit
Obama added $3 trillion in debt in just over 1 1/2 years. It took from 1776 to 1990 to borrow that much for first time
Video: Socialist on Obama's Debt Commission: "We have to spend money to make money," claims if we cut deficit spending "we will end up as a third world nation"
Video: After record deficits, Obama vows to keep spending
Detroit Free Press: $856 Billion stimulus GOOD! $750 billion war spending EVIL!
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: "national debt is the single biggest threat to national security"
Sen. Michael Bennet (D): Trillions in Debt, "NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT"
Obama Deficit of $167 Billion, Just In JULY! Tops Bush Deficit For Entire Year of 2007. Liberals Worry That $36 Billion Cost Of Extending Tax Cuts Will Bankrupt The USA Or Something
The debt commission: alcoholics trying to solve their problem over drinks in a bar
Video: Axelrod again blames Bush for Obama's economy
Pelosi: We'll stop blaming Bush when our his problems go away
Obama again blames Bush for deficit, but voted 'yea' or signed into law every single penny of the 2009 deficit

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