Friday, October 1, 2010

Obama Sees The Polls And Turns To Jesus [Reader Post]

With his RCP approval rating at 44% and dropping and with Nancy Pelosi as unpopular than BP, Obama has turned to a higher authority.

I know. You didn't think there was a higher authority than Obama.

Realizing he needs help badly, Barack Obama has found God.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is getting more public about his Christianity.

First he raised his Christian faith at a White House news conference this month. Then he went church for the first time in five months. And on Tuesday he responded to a question with an expansive talk about how he chose Christianity, how Jesus Christ influences his life and how he prays every day.


"..he went church for the first time in five months."

A convenience Christian. Obama's Christianity is on his own terms, as is pretty much everything else. Obama has not been part of a church since he resigned from the Trinity Church in Chicago in 2008. The Trinity Church in Chicago is the church Obama claimed to attend for twenty years yet not ever hear any of Jeremiah's Jeremiads.

Until he did.

Obama admitted in his speech that he personally heard some of Wright's fiery rhetoric. "Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in the church? Yes."

On Friday, Obama, in an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, Obama said something different. "I'll be honest with you. I wasn't in church when any of those sermons were issued."

Obama is both "devout" and "not overtly religious."

Go figure.

It's not the first time Obama has ratcheted up his faith. He made an issue of it just as he began to campaign through the Bible Belt in 2008. So this new found fervor is more then likely simply another tool in the political shed. A cynic might note that this chapter from the Book of Obama Revelations takes place in New Mexico with its heavily religious Hispanic population.

But that's just me.

Maybe Obama didn't really want to go. Maybe he was forced to go- because of "prejudice and bigotry." AT least, that's what Sally Quinn thinks.

Yet from the way the media has continuously portrayed Obama

perhaps he needs no church at all. Maybe he is unto Himself. Maybe he could be his own church.

The Church of Sort of Obama

After all, Evan Thomas said Obama is "sort of God."

And God doesn't need a church.

Sent from my iPhone

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