Monday, September 20, 2010

We Already Knew That: Union Thug Describes Media As "Willing Partners"

As if we didn't already know that the MSM is in cahoots with unions in smearing Republicans and painting positive narratives for Democrats. What's surprising here is that thugs are now openly admitting it. It used to be that the union thugs and the MSM would at least pretend that the media was objective. Or at least just shut up about the plot without telling everyone in earshot. Even the pretense of objectivity is going out the window these days. From the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel via Dan Riehl:
Organized labor is hatching a plan to use prominent Democratic officials and TV ads to pummel Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker over the O'Donnell Park garage accident to try to keep him from being elected governor.

So says a local union official with loose lips who was secretly recorded yakking away outside an east side bar earlier this month.
The article has embedded video (on the left sidebar towards the top), and Dan Riehl has the partial transcript:
2: I work for a union. I work for the Service Employees Union.
1: S…E?
2: SEIU. It's a big janitors union based in Chicago.
2: Yeah, I do political lobbying, communications work, research and media.
1: Oh, so you're like big time in this thing.
2: I'm kinda at the center of like a maelstrom right now in terms of kicking Scott Walker's ass. I've been
kicking Scott Walker's ass for two months now. We've been on TV; we've done all kinds of stuff.
1: You guys did TV?
2: No, We just get Channel 4 to come down with their news cameras and just a …. do news.
1: They seem like they do a pretty good job covering you guys.
2: Pretty good. You've seen that stuff?
1: Well just like the anti-Walker stuff.
2: Yeah, they've been really willing partners in it. They come in with the TV cameras and (channels) 58,
12 come, and 6 doesn't always. But yeah, they've been really helpful. They think it's fun.
1: Do they get the message? Do you think they agree with you?
2: Sometimes. It's not perfect, but yeah, they get our message across.

1: [inaudible]
Full transcript at this link. Again, no surprises here.

Sent from my iPhone

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