Monday, September 20, 2010

IT’S TRUE– Proof That the DNC and Team Obama Are Targeting Tea Partiers and Top Conservatives

These Are Dangerous Times

With one-in-seven Americans living in poverty, with unemployment at record levels, with an unprecedented national deficit, with foreclosures up and businesses down you'd think the Obama Administration and Democratic National Committee (DNC) would be focusing on the economy…
You'd be wrong.

Instead, the Community Organizer In Chief and the radical left is focusing its energy on stalking and harassing top conservatives and tea party patriots.

On Saturday, September 18th, Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart headlined an event entitled "Right Nation 2010," held just outside of Chicago, Illinois. When Andrew Breitbart, a speaker at the event, arrived at the Sears Centre west of Chicago, he was met by an angry mob of radical protesters who were "praying" for an "end to hate" while also hurling insults and homophobic slurs toward the targets of their enmity. One of the prayer leaders at the event and the lead organizer, C.J. Hawking, is also a noted national socialist from the Chicago area.

In the following video, posted at Big Government, Andrew Breitbart brought the protest to a complete halt by cleverly asking sign holders to do the impossible: explain the placards they were carrying. In the end, the frustrated organizers abruptly ended their protest and left in their busses.

This is an amazing video of leftist thugs attacking Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and tea party activists:

So, guess who was behind this radical protest? Guess who was promoting this protest? Guess who organized this protest?
Barack Obama and the DNC, that's who.

This protest was promoted on Barack Obama's Organizing for America website:
(Click on the image to enlarge)

The woman at the end of the video above admitted she heard about the protest at the OFA website.

Notice that at the bottom of the OFA page are both the Obama and DNC logos.

And, notice that the ad is "Paid for by the Democratic National Committee."

The DNC says the host for the project is the Accountability Project
Guess what? They're sponsored and paid for by the DNC, too. It's posted at the bottom of their page.
What a complete shock.

So, rather than focus all energy on the economy and the suffering of the American people, Barack Obama and democrats are stalking, protesting, and harassing top conservatives and tea party patriots.
Why are we not surprised?

Sent from my iPhone

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