Sunday, October 3, 2010

Video: Eco-fascist ad showing children being blown up remix

An update on this sad episode from 2 days ago: Eco-fascists apologize for vile video ad showing children being murdered to save environment from... GLOBAL WARMING! Here was that offensive ad (STRONG CONTENT WARNING):
And now the inevitable remix from "Orwell's Spectre", which is appropriate since the above ad shows people not getting with the progressive program (not going with eth group-think) being exploded into oblivion:
Ed Morrissey adds this in regards to the original ad and the blowback:
While I normally think that using terrorists' words to equate to political positions is unfair, 1010Global has it coming in this instance. Their film expressly used the imagery of blowing people up for a refusal to submit to groupthink, which they found humorous but almost everyone else immediately equated with terrorism and tyranny. It doesn't matter whether that groupthink is environmentalism, Islam, or ethnic supremacy; imposing it with threats of violence, especially in such a graphic and chilling manner, changes its nature not one whit. And issuing a non-apology "I'm sorry if you were offended" apology makes it clear that either they don't get that concept, or they don't care much one way or the other.
HT: Instapundit. Exit question: did the braintrust behind the original ad get the idea for how to blow people up from Watchmen?

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