Saturday, October 9, 2010

Surrender: Obama wants US tanks, battleships to be solar powered or something

The military has - or at least used to have - one objective: win. You do this by supporting the military with our abundant resources such that any enemy of the US would be quickly overwhelmed. Sadly, that's not what the Obama regime wants. Rather, they want the military to be a champion of eco-fascism. What else to make of this headline from the New York Times?: U.S. Military Orders Less Dependence on Fossil Fuels. Fossil fuels are the best source of chemical potential on the planet - a resource necessary for victory I would think. Uh - nope:
Last week, a Marine company from California arrived in the rugged outback of Helmand Province bearing novel equipment: portable solar panels that fold up into boxes; energy-conserving lights; solar tent shields that provide shade and electricity; solar chargers for computers and communications equipment.

The 150 Marines of Company I, Third Battalion, Fifth Marines, will be the first to take renewable technology into a battle zone, where the new equipment will replace diesel and kerosene-based fuels that would ordinarily generate power to run their encampment.

Even as Congress has struggled unsuccessfully to pass an energy bill and many states have put renewable energy on hold because of the recession, the military this year has pushed rapidly forward. After a decade of waging wars in remote corners of the globe where fuel is not readily available, senior commanders have come to see overdependence on fossil fuel as a big liability, and renewable technologies — which have become more reliable and less expensive over the past few years — as providing a potential answer. These new types of renewable energy now account for only a small percentage of the power used by the armed forces, but military leaders plan to rapidly expand their use over the next decade.
Rapidly expand them into what? Powering battleships? Abrams tanks? And don't for a minute believe that this came from a bunch of generals. This edict for earthly oneness came from Obama himself, the same guy that overrode every single general that has his ear and ordered them to abandon Afghanistan: Obama: "We can absorb a terrorist attack," wants to surrender Afghanistan war. Where will this greening of our military end? When our soldiers are shooting solar-power water pistols at terrorists with greenhouse-gas filled bombs.
The aircraft carrier of Obama's dreams - environmentally friendly, useless in combat
HT: memeorandum. By the way, it's not just the military. Obama wants the government to fill up on electric vehicles that charge their batteries on cola power. From The Detroit Free Press: Government to add electric vehicles to fleet

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