Saturday, October 2, 2010

Reuters: ObamaCare to worsen doctor shortage

Let's see - you have a certain number of doctors that are out there in the US. They are already full in regards to their time and seeing patients. 30 million people are added to the load, and Democrats didn't expect that as a result there would be a significant doctor shortage? There aren't nearly enough doctors to absorb 30 million additional people and keep the quality that you have come to expect. Remember when Nancy Pelosi - simultaneous holder of the dual titles of Speaker of the House as well as Dimmest Bulb of the House (we're in the best of hands folks!) - said that "we need to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"?
Well we're finding out, and it's all bad. Insurance premiums are increasing even faster than they would have if ObamaCare hadn't passed, and Obama's minions are threatening insurance companies with bankrupcy for even hinting that ObamaCare is the cause (it is). That's in spite of the fact that Democrats have abandoned the claim that ObamaCare will reduce cost and deficit.  The Obama regime via the FDA is deep-sixing miracle cancer drugs that extend life because they cost too much (ObamaCare begins early: FDA may pull Avastin approval OVER COST CONCERNS). Insurance companies are being forced to cut coverage plans. Every time socialized medicine has been tried, it's been a proven failure. And I'm not just talking about other countries (Britain, Canada, etc), but rather states here in the US:
Massachusetts should have served as a warning that dumping people onto the doctors adds to the waiting times because there is a corresponding relative shortage in doctors. From al Reuters via memeorandum
The U.S. healthcare reform law will worsen a shortage of physicians as millions of newly insured patients seek care, the Association of American Medical Colleges said on Thursday.

The group's Center for Workforce Studies released new estimates that showed shortages would be 50 percent worse in 2015 than forecast.
Those ObamaCare forecasts just a few short months ago sure were accurate! They were in fact as much of a fraud as the rest of the claims around the ObamaCare bill. It was never about healthcare. It was all about control. Always is with the regime. The doctor shortage will continue to worsen for the next 15 years!:
"While previous projections showed a baseline shortage of 39,600 doctors in 2015, current estimates bring that number closer to 63,000, with a worsening of shortages through 2025," the group said in a statement.

"The United States already was struggling with a critical physician shortage and the problem will only be exacerbated as 32 million Americans acquire health care coverage, and an additional 36 million people enter Medicare."
The shortage will be most pronounced in specialties such as cardiology, oncology and emergency medicine, where the need is acute. In other words, people will die as a result. But worry not, because ObamaCare will help you quit smoking and that boob job you always wanted will be all taken care of. Just don't get a heart attack. Or cancer. Because if you do the regime doesn't want to go through the expense of keeping you alive. Especially if you're a senior and have been bled dry of your tax contribution.

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