Monday, October 11, 2010

No longer a Christian Nation? US school system to get Muslim holiday (Video)

RWB News: President Obama once said, "'We are no longer a Christian nation; we are now a Nation of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, . ." ?

Click here to view the embedded video.

As more and more Christian values are taken out of public schools, this school district has approved a day off for a Muslim holiday.  Bet you would never have guessed something like that getting past the ACLU… with that whole "separation of church and state" they use so well against anything that has to do with Christianity.  The school will either close for Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice, depending on which holiday falls within the school year.  I hope this doesn't offend anyone like the word "Christmas" does.

This article spins it by giving an example of one Muslim girl living in the school district and how unfair life is for her.  I think it goes well beyond that.  Last month we told our readers about a public school taking a class trip to a mosque (so happens to be the same State). These students were on video praying to Allah, and once the prayer was over the little girls were asked to leave.  Don't you love a public school system that teaches young girls how inferior they are at a young age? The school apologized a few days later after the video was discovered.

Texas just voted to get rid of textbooks that were said to be promoting the religion of Islam over Christianity.  One textbook used in Texas high schools from 1999 to 2003 devoted 120 lines to Christian beliefs, practices and holy writings, compared to 248 devoted to those of Islam.  In another textbook approved for Texas high schools, 82 lines were devoted to Christianity and 159 to Islam.  Hopefully people will start paying more attention to what is happening in the name of "political correctness."  Remember last month when city council meetings in Hartford CT were to be opened with a Muslim prayer before every meeting?  Then the city decided not to do it and started receiving threats from Muslims.  Scary stuff!!

As reported by boston.com

As a Muslim and a high school senior at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 17-year-old Dunia Kassay faces a tough choice every year on Islamic holy days:  go to school or stay home to be with family and friends.

If she stays home, Kassay says, she will be forced to play catch-up and make up her school assignments.  But if she goes to school, she will be neglecting what she feels is her religious obligation on holidays such as Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting.

The school district's decision, announced last month, was made as the national discussion about Islam continues, fueled by a Mosque proposal two blocks from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Florida preacher Terry Jones's threat to burn a Koran.  The discussion has also touched local schools, as Wellesley school officials drew criticism recently for a video that showed sixth-grade students kneeling during a prayer service at a Boston mosque during a field trip in May.

Read More: http://www.boston.com/news/education/k_12/articles/2010/10/10/school_system_to_get_muslim_holiday/?page=2


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1 comment:

  1. It was so amazing that I fell over. I am really thankful and thankful to the sky that I am only now discovering such a wonderful article.토토


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