Saturday, October 23, 2010

Good News: Michigan loses another 12,700 jobs in September. The state is also losing $2.5 billion in

Finally someone else notice what I was posting about last week: Michigan Unemployment Rate Drops Slightly To 13% Because Unemployed Gave Up Looking For Work Or Left State, MSM Fails To Mention That Last Part. Michigan is continuing to bleed jobs, even though the establishment MSM is proclaiming a decrease in the unemployment rate from 13.1% to 13% as some sort of positive news. It's not simply because the Enron-style accounting of the unemployed. When people lose benefits, give up looking for work, or leave the state entirely, the unemployment rate decreases even though those situations are mostly a net negative. The only non silver lining silver lining is that Michigan is now #2 in unemployment rather than the #1 spot we've held for the past 4 years up until a few months ago (thanks Harry Reid in Nevada!). From The Detroit News, a dose of reality:

The predictable result of liberal policies
Michigan lost jobs in September and maintained the nation's second-highest unemployment rate at 13 percent behind Nevada's 14.4 percent, the U.S. Department of Labor reported today.

The next three states were California at 12.4 percent, Florida at 11.9 percent and Rhode Island at 11.5 percent.

Michigan lost its position four months ago as the state with the nation's highest unemployment rate to Nevada. Michigan had held that distinction for four years until Nevada surged to a 14 percent unemployment rate in May, while the Great Lakes state came in at 13.6 percent.

...Michigan ...experiencing what the bureau called a "statistically significant" decrease of 12,700 jobs. One of the reasons the state still saw its jobless rate decrease is that more people stopped looking for work or left the state, Comerica Inc. Chief Economist Dana Johnson told a Livonia audience of bank clients on Thursday.
Which brings us to cause and effect. It's time for liberals to admit that forced unionization is hurting the state. Nobody has yet explained to me how forced unionization is constitutional, especially for state employees. While forced unionization states like Michigan continue to bleed jobs, right to work states are gaining jobs. From Michigan Capitol Confidential: Michigan Loses $2.5 billion Yearly Income; Right to Work States Gain Billions
Michigan lost $2.5 billion in income from 2007 to 2008 as people migrated out of the state, trailing only California ($4 billion) and New York ($2.52 billion) in lost income, according to a calculation by The Tax Foundation.
Shocker - states run by liberals are going down the toilet.
The Tax Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan educational organization in Washington D.C., provides a "migration calculator" that can track where people are moving and taking their paychecks with them.
...The calculation also shows that the top ten states hit the hardest in terms of gross lost income were all forced-unionization states. Yet, nine of the 12 states that showed the largest growth in income were right-to-work states.  The National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation defines states as right-to-work if the law guarantees that no person can be forced, as a condition of employment, to join or not to join, nor to pay dues to a labor union.
Liberal are only pro-choice when it comes to murdering babies.

UPDATE: From John Stossel at Reason via Instapundit: Public-Sector Unions Choke Taxpayers
"I thought unions were great—until at Chrysler, the union steward started screaming at me. Working at an unhurried pace, I'd exceeded 'production' for that job."
That comment, left on my blog by a viewer who watched my show about unions, matches my experience. No one ordered me to slow down, but union rules and union culture at ABC and CBS slowed the work. Sometimes a camera crew took five minutes just to get out of the car.
Now unions conspire with politicians to rip off taxpayers.
Steve Melanga of the Manhattan Institute complains that politicians get union political support by granting government workers generous pensions and health benefits. After those politicians leave office, taxpayers are liable for trillions in unfunded promises.
"It's squeezing out all other spending," Melanga says. "Where are we going to get this $3 trillion dollars? ... When they're (government workers) allowed to retire at 58 and the rest of us are retiring at 60 and 67—and by the way we're living to 80—it's crazy. The public sector is the version of the European welfare state which, by the way, in Europe, they're actually rolling back."
Read the whole thing.

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