Thursday, October 21, 2010

Anita Montcrief: Feds Fund ACORN, Investigate Tea Party

Anita Montcrief writes a damning piece today about the Department of Justice, federal funding of ACORN and how Democrats are counting on the government to interfere with fraudulent voting practices by going after poll watchers. Please go read the whole thing. Here is just a bit of her investigative piece:

It is equally disturbing that the grant in question is part of the Help America Vote College Program, administered by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), a federal agency established by Congress in 2002 to provide assistance to states in the administration of federal elections. According to its website, since 2004, the EAC has awarded 72 grants worth a total of $2.4 million to recruit and train college poll workers. How much of that 2.4 million went to ACORN?

To be clear, according to Democrats and folks at the DOJ, ordinary citizens who want to ensure fair elections are not welcome at polling places without being accused of voter intimidation but ACORN receives tax dollars to train college students. With ACORN's history of partisan and aggressive activity, I wonder if they would have qualified without Project Vote's tax status and reputation.

Will the DOJ silence the efforts of True the Vote or help them expose fraudulent voter registration drives? Will Democrats succeed in painting ordinary citizens as racists? As the election draws nearer, every American should be asking themselves these questions. If citizens are not allowed to expose corruption and fully participate in the electoral process our votes will be diluted by those with partisan political intentions. It's up to all of us to stand with True the Vote and demand an investigation into the voter fraud in Texas.

What is happening in Harris County, Houston, Texas seems emblematic of a systematic problem where the DOJ sees through race-colored glasses to achieve political ends. It is almost as if the Department of Justice is an extension of the Democratic party who have the force of the law to go after political opponents. This is a real problem.

Meanwhile, the government gives grants to groups like ACORN which help the Democratic party.

The only way the Democrats can lose? At the ballot box. It appears that they're doing everything in their power–both legal and illegal–to make sure that doesn't happen.

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