Friday, September 24, 2010

Totalitarian Hell: 3-year-olds being labelled bigots by teachers as 250,000 children accused of raci

You read that right. 3 year olds. Just out of diapers. Maybe. Teachers are reporting these children in nursery school for using words deemed illegal by the liberal ruling class in Britain. They even passed a law called the Race Relations Act 2000 that makes words illegal but doesn't say what those words are. it is left up to the liberal moonbats in the trenches to make those definitions and change them on a daily basis in perpetuity, reporting anything they deem offensive to either themselves or someone else. From the UK Mail Online, which has this in regards to the above speech restriction law:

More than a quarter of a million children have been accused of racism since it became law...
All your child are belong to us!
Munira Mirza, a senior advisor to London Mayor Boris Johnson had this to say on the absurd situation:
'Teachers are now required to report incidents of racist abuse among children as young as three to local authorities, resulting in a massive increase of cases and reinforcing the perception that we need an army of experts to manage race relations from cradle to grave.
Teachers are to report racism even if the alleged victim was not offended. Or if the child does not understand what they were saying. And it shouldn't surprise you that the Race Relations Act also requires CHURCHES to report anything deviating from the moonbat norm. If you go to confession in Britain, you will be confessing to both church and state simultaneously. The church will be forgiving, the state not so much.

And don't for a moment think that these moonbats will take the huge increase in bogus racism claims that they themselves are mandating to then turnaround and claim an increase in racism to epidemic proportions that they have to then try and solve through more theft of liberty and freedom. It's the rinse-repeat logic of totalitarian moonbats.

This shouldn't surprise anyone. Britain is ground zero for the explosion of moonbattery that is corroding civilization back into the stone age. Schools in Britain have already dropped all references to the holocaust because it offends Muslims. Without idiotic totalitarian speech laws here in the US (coming soon though), US teachers in failed government run schools are still inflicting similar damage to young minds. Before you knew it, your daughters were getting abortions with assistance from public schools without you knowing, curriculum standards got dumbed down, even though old school methods are to this day proven to be superior, math was replaced with environmental moonbattery, as will drivers ed, leading to lots of children fearing environmental apocalypse, school districts are run by the illiterate, homeschooling is equated to child abuse, parents are losing the right to opt their kids out of gay indoctrination or sex ed, and schools are run for the benefit of unions rather than children. Next up, students won't be able to run away from deranged shooters because it's not fair to less athletic or resourceful students and little boys in kindergarten will be suspended for making a gun with their finger, and forced to cross-dress. No wonder 6 times as many kids are depressed today versus during the Great Depression. Reason's #1,460-1476 to homeschool your kids before it;s too late.

Sent from my iPhone

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