Friday, September 24, 2010

Reid tapes his 30 minutes for the forum and is a no show but he sends his thugs to interrupt Angle

RWBNews:  You don't need to watch all of this.  You know Sharron Angle and her message.   Reid chose not to attend but he certainly sent his thugs to interrupt Angle over and over again.  Of course, let's not assume Reid chose to not attend so his 30 minutes would be broadcast and politely listened to and Angle would be interrupted and lose time to give her positions.  Nah…it's just a coincidence.

By Jim Hoft

Video at link along with full article http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2010/09/harry-reids-thugs-interrupt-sharron-angle-at-debate-start-fight-in-crowd-video/

A fight broke out in the crowd last night in Las Vegas at the Reid-Angle debate.
Harry Reid recorded his answers to the questions and couldn't make the debate but his turned out and continually interrupted conservative Sharron Angle during her segment. Later in the debate a fight broke out in the stands.

The video shows the constant interruptions during Sharron Angle's segment.

Sharron Angle interrupted on several occasions during her segment of the US Senate Candidate Forum at Faith Lutheran High School on September 23, 2010.

Elisabeth Crum has more on the raucous crowd at National Review:

Incredible but true: Nevada's Senate candidate forum ended in a loud shouting match and fist fight between supporters of Harry Reid and Sharron Angle.

The unruly affair went down at the unlikely venue of Faith Lutheran high school in Summerlin, a master-planned community just west of the Las Vegas city limits.

As the forum opened, attendees were asked not to applaud or shout out questions or comments during the event. Harry Reid answered questions via a pre-taped 30-minute interview, and then Sharron Angle answered a moderator's questions live on stage.

A few in the 800-member audience snickered and murmured during portions of Reid's video segment, particularly when he was talking about health care reform, and a couple of comments were uttered loud enough to be heard throughout the auditorium. For the most part, though, the crowd was respectful and fairly reserved during the Reid portion of the forum.

That changed once Angle appeared. Most of the 800-member audience jumped to their feet, half of them cheering, half loudly booing as she and the moderator took the stage. Even once all were seated and Angle began to speak, many in the crowd were quite boisterous and some became increasingly bold and uncivil as the event continued.

Angle was repeatedly shouted at as she tried to answer questions. Scornful remarks, sarcastic questions, and accusations including "Liar!" were shouted by Reid partisans. The moderator politely asked for order, twice, but it had little effect on the more raucous members of the crowd.

At one point, the moderator admonished the audience and said shouting and applause cut into Angle's speaking time. A few people then deliberately continued clapping and making comments to prevent Angle from saying anything. To her credit, Angle stayed composed and continued speaking even when as many as 30 or 40 audience members were shouting all at once.

Of course, the fact that Harry Reid's goon squad wouldn't let Sharron Angle speak surprises no one.


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