Friday, January 7, 2011

The new Babylon: 41% Of NYC Pregnancies End In Abortion

35 They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin. - Jeremiah 32 (NIV)
Moleck was an Old Testament Ammonite god to which many, including Israelites, sacrificed their first born children in return for a promise of prosperity. Today, many have been convinced in this country, under the false pretense of 'choice' that was foisted by judicial fiat in violation of the 14th amendment, that sacrificing their unborn child will lead them to property as well as unintended pregnancies have been labeled as the proverbial ball and chain by the pop culture. In New York City, there are parts where almost half of conceived children lose their lives to a lie. From CBS New York via drudge: 41 Percent Of NYC Pregnancies Result In Abortion
Archbishop Timothy Dolan is calling for efforts to make abortions in New York City "rare."
Uh - isn't that what Democrats have been saying forever now? Safe and rare? Well, abortion is neither. Every abortion kills a life, so it's not safe. And certainly Democrats don't want it to be rare either. Their vote for ObamaCare proved that fact decisively.
Dolan gathered with other religious leaders on Thursday to draw attention to the city's high abortion rate. The city health department last month released statistics that showed 41 percent of pregnancies were terminated in 2009.

While the numbers have declined in the last decade, the religious leaders said they are still too high.

Dolan said the practice is unlikely to end but that it was important 'to tell people what is happening."

The Wall Street Journal reports that the religious leaders also criticized public schools sex education programs that include condom distribution.
That condom distribution is largely from Planned Parenthood that by the way have the highest failure rate of any condom as listed by the CDC. They have let evil into the public schools through wide open doors. How is this different than Molech worship in Old Testament times?
4 If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molek and if they fail to put him to death, 5 I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together with all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molek. - Leviticus 20 (NIV)

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