Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Broke and Spending: Debt Spikes asGovernment Borrowed an Additional $1,500 Per Person in U.S.

by Pamela Geller

Broke and Spending: Debt Spikes asGovernment Borrowed an Additional $1,500 Per Person in U.S.: "

Obama is aiding and abeting the destruction of the nation:

Federal Debt Jumped $463.6 Billion In First Quarter of FY 2011--As Government Borrowed an Additional $1,500 Per Person in U.S.

The national debt jumped $463.6 billion in the first quarter of fiscal year 2011 (which ran from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31), the Treasury Department reports – that’s an average of $1,501 of new government borrowing for every man, woman and child in the country, analysis by CNSNews.com Editor in Chief Terry Jeffrey shows.

If government debt continues to accumulate at that pace through the remaining three quarters of the fiscal year, total new debt for the year would amount to approximately $1.85 trillion--or about $6,000 for every person in the country.

That would rival fiscal 2009’s record $1.89 trillion in new debt added when the federal government bailed out some of the nation's largest banks and President Barack Obama signed his economic stimulus package. (CNS news)

Add to this Chinese president Hu's visit. He arrives tonight. Huge State dinner tomorrow. Will O-bowa?

Recall that a recent trade negotiation delegation to China came back emptyhanded. And of the 4 Americans mentioned below, none are true proponents of America, much less skilled negotiators. Geithner is in so far over his head, he should be tried for treason, given his reckless, not-reality-based, monetary policy. Failed.

The left is loving the new world order, even as they feed their children to the crocodile. Anybody else, even the freedom crushing Chinese, than America:

China's too big to be bullied by the US (hat tip Van)

In Tuesday's summit with Hu Jintao, Obama must recognise new realities – however unpalatable

Tim Geithner, the treasury secretary, Robert Gates at defence and Obama himself have all joined Clinton in setting out what the US expects from China.

The problem with America's exhortatory approach to human rights and other issues is that it rarely works.

This unpalatable reality reflects a bigger truth: the US must stop trying to tell China what to do. The time for that has passed. China is too big to be bullied, too canny to be conned, too complicated to be changed from without. And it cannot sensibly be blamed for America's declining global clout. Some self-awareness, a focus on practical, mutually beneficial measures, and a little circumspection would ultimately work better to stop a war of words turning into something worse. That's not to say human rights abuses can be ignored. But grandstanding will not help.


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