State of public ed: 40% of Chicago Public School Teachers Send Own Kids to Private Schools: "This makes me curious as to what percentage of Detroit teachers send their kids to private schools rather than their very own. After all, for as bad as the Chicago school system is, Detroit Public Schools (DPS) is even worse. DPS is in fact the worst school district in the nation bar none with a graduation rate of only 1 in 4. We already know that Detroit Rep John Conyers was caught using government payroll employees as indentured servants including driving his kids to the best private school in the area while his constituents' kids wallow in the filth of DPS. From Warner Todd Huston:
Liberals love to claim that the public school system is the shining success story of the American political system. And even when the schools break down in effectiveness, liberals double down on their support for them and insist that we spend ever larger chunks of the taxpayer's money to 'fix' them.So unionized, failing schools for thee, but not for me. More proof that liberals don't even believe their own bs. How about these very teachers start fighting for the right of all parents to send their children to the school of the parents choice?
Of course, even as liberal politicians constantly extol the virtues of the public schools they are quietly sending their own kids to private schools. These hypocrites don't seem to mind sending the public's kids to subpar, failing schools but they'll be damned that they'll do so with their own kids.
Apparently it isn't just politicians that are admitting with their actions that the public schools are a failure, though. The Chicago Tribune had a shocking statistic in a recent report on the hypocrisy of politicians re the public schools.As recently as 2004, a Thomas B. Fordham Institute study found that 39 percent of CPS teachers sent their own kids to private schools.
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