Monday, December 20, 2010

NYC Sued After Cops Drag Smoker to Psych Ward

from Moonbattery

NYC Sued After Cops Drag Smoker to Psych Ward: "

Omnipresent government's unceasing attempts to protect us from ourselves have once again crossed the line into self-parody in the dystopian nanny state of Michael Bloomberg's New York:

Mark Moody said he was taking his usual nicotine break on the window ledge of his Peck Slip (Lower Manhattan) home on a hot August day with a cigarette in one hand and a cellphone in the other, a scant 12 feet off the ground.

Five patrol cars and three ambulances soon converged on the scene. The authorities had decided that Moody was about to commit suicide — whether by jumping from the second-story window or by smoking isn't clear.

Before he knew it, a beefy officer was inside his apartment, lifting him out of his own living-room window from behind, Moody said. The cop slammed him on the living-room floor while another kneeled on top of him and cuffed him, he claimed.

He was dragged off to Beth Israel Medical Center, where a psychiatrist quickly discharged him.

Unfortunately for taxpayers, Moody is a trial lawyer.

Moody, who The Post found still takes his cigarette breaks sitting in his open window, sued the city and the police officers for $400,000 in damages on Dec. 8 in Manhattan federal court.

In defense of the authorities, they must have figured someone with a name like Moody was sure to be a suicide risk. At least we know that when Big Government bursts into our homes and drags us off in chains to a loony bin, it will only be to keep us safe.

On a tip from Sean.


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