Sunday, December 5, 2010

Detroit Free Press shocked, SHOCKED! that John Conyers has a sense of entitlement

The Free Press is shocked, SHOCKED! at the obvious. A lieutenant Renault moment for them:
What took the Free Press so long? He refuses to read bill that he votes on and the freep was silent. Looks at porn openly in public and the freep is silent. Makes up clauses in the US Constitution that don't actually exist and the freep is silent. John "too many white people on your staff" Conyers was caught using government payroll employees as indentured servants (including driving his kids to the best private school in the area while his constituents kids wallow in the filth of DPS - the worst school district in the nation), was also caught up in his wife's scandal ( House ethics complaint filed against John Conyers, links to Monica) used the "teabagger" slur on openly on the radio, and called the tea party "small and dismissive" to a group of socialists where he was caught on video trumpeting a 1-world government, and his staff stole 60 turkeys from a charity just before those same turkeys were to be donated to the poor and downtrodden just before Thanksgiving. The freep was silent, silent, silent, silent and silent. But now, all of the sudden, they come to life to condemn his giving the keys to his gas-guzzling SUV to his son John III - a chip off the old block. Committed liberal Mike Thompson drew up this political cartoon at Conyers expense:
Writes Thompson:
Normally this affair would rank pretty low on a list of congressional scandals. But the matter gains significance against the backdrop of the conviction of the congressman's spouse and the congressman's own history of ethical lapses. It seems that a pattern has emerged: The Conyers family's sense of entitlement is as large as that government-issued Escalade.
I suspect the fact that it's small potatoes is exactly why the freep is springing into action this time. It's a kabuki dance to make it look like they are unbiased, which is opposite of the truth. From some background on the latest Conyers scandal, My Fox Detroit has this: Items Stolen John Conyers' Government-Registered Cadillac
More background from Michelle Malkin, JammieWearingFool and The Gateway Pundit. Henry Payne doeas add this over at The Michigan View: Treehugger Conyers' Big SUV
Adding hypocrisy to embarrassment, House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers' official vehicle (ransacked while in the improper possession of his son over Thanksgiving) is a Caddy Escalade. This from a professed tree-hugging congressman who voted for Nancy Pelosi's pet Cap and Trade bill to deter Americans from driving planet-killing behemoths like. . . Caddy Escalades.
Conyers family motto: "Do as I say, not as I do."

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