Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bloomberg Has Worked Behind the Scenes With Islamists to Get Ground Zero Mosque Built

from Moonbattery

Bloomberg Has Worked Behind the Scenes With Islamists to Get Ground Zero Mosque Built: "

The "Muslim–moonbat alliance" is more than a figure of speech. Progressives have been sympathetic to expansionist Islam since 9/11, possibly hoping it might succeed where Soviet communism failed. Sometimes this goes beyond sympathy, to the point where the liberal elitists who govern us actually coordinate campaigns with jihadists.

An appalling example is 9/11 itself, an ongoing terror operation that will not be complete until a mosque has been constructed at the site of the Islamic victory, in keeping with the time-honored tradition of Muslim conquest. This is as crucial as flying the planes into the buildings. If we had rebuilt the towers, Muslims still would have struck a painful blow, but they couldn't have counted it as a victory. But if instead a mosque is built, that means that we 'feel ourselves to be subdued,' as the Koran defines dhimmis.

This is where the liberal fifth column comes in — not just by spewing sickening propaganda and demonizing anyone who puts up resistance, but by actually working in the trenches to advance the al Qaeda agenda. From the American Center for Law and Justice:

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which has filed a lawsuit to stop the Ground Zero Mosque, says that Mayor Bloomberg's newly released response to its Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests validates the substance of its suit and reveals an inappropriate involvement between the Mayor's Office and developers of the mosque.

"The documents released underscore what we've believed all along - that the Mayor was working behind the scenes — in a secretive manner — to promote and advance a project that offends most New Yorkers and most Americans," said Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ. "The fact that the Mayor's Office waited four-and-a-half months to respond to our FOIL request and then released only a portion of the documents right before Christmas validates the substance of our claim and clearly indicates that the Mayor continues to hide the full nature of his involvement in this process. … We intend to seek a full disclosure from the Mayor in court shortly after the New Year."

Getting full disclosure from liberal pols in the age of Obamunist transparency won't be easy — but it will be worth the effort to learn just how far Bloomberg has gone out of his way to get the mosque built.

The ACLJ's lawsuit on behalf of Tim Brown, a firefighter and first responder who survived the Twin Towers' collapse, alleges that New York City's Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) acted arbitrarily, abused its discretion, and violated administrative law by allowing political pressures to influence its decision not to landmark a building where the proposed Mosque would be built. The suit was then amended to add Mayor Bloomberg's Office for failing to respond to the ACLJ's FOIL request from July 30.

Landmarking the building would have been an easy way of showing the decency to prevent the construction of the obscene victory mosque.

The 21 pages of disclosures released by the Mayor's Office reveal that City Hall had direct communications with the Mosque's developers, explicitly tried to assist with the political process, and was involved with discussions between the developers and the Community Board 1. An email from the developers' attorney, Shelly Friedman, also acknowledged that Robert Tierney, the Chairman of the LPC, was seeking 'political cover' from politicians in order not to landmark the building.

The disclosures, however, are perhaps most significant for what they did not provide. The Mayor's Office claimed two exemptions under the Public Officer's Law, including one for intra-agency and inter-agency communications.

Whatever Bloomberg is trying to hide, it's shocking to think it could be worse than what we already know. In sane times, he would already be acknowledged as a traitor. But if these were sane times, this Islamophile nanny state totalitarian would never have been allowed to set himself up as New York's Mayor for Life.


New York's answer to Vidkun Quisling.

On a tip from BURNING HOT. Hat tip: Yid With Lid.


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