Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Woah! Leftist Website Calls for Hillary’s “Scalp” After Wikileaks’ Revelations

from The Gateway Pundit

Woah! Leftist Website Calls for Hillary’s “Scalp” After Wikileaks’ Revelations: "

Pakistani-Saudi relations were not the only casualty from the Wikileaks release this week. The far left Obama Administration is getting pummeled by the disclosures. And, democratic darling Hillary Clinton is taking a huge hit.

Not only is Hillary being accused of acting like a communist, there are already calls for her resignation.

Jack Shafer at the leftwing Slate website is calling for her “scalp.”

A U.S. diplomat must possess patience, poise, and tact. He must also be attentive to cultural differences, a good observer, and proficient in several languages. When called upon, he must use his skills as a negotiator in the national interest. And, as the latest dump of WikiLeaks tells us, if the dip works for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, he must also be prepared to spy on his fellow diplomats.

…what makes Clinton’s sleuthing unique is the paper trail that documents her spying-on-their-diplomats-with-our-diplomat orders, a paper trail that is now being splashed around the world on the Web and printed in top newspapers. No matter what sort of noises Clinton makes about how the disclosures are “an attack on America” and “the international community,” as she did today, she’s become the issue. She’ll never be an effective negotiator with diplomats who refuse to forgive her exuberances, and even foreign diplomats who do forgive her will still regard her as the symbol of an overreaching United States. Diplomacy is about face, and the only way for other nations to save face will be to give them Clinton’s scalp.

How embarrassing are the WikiLeaks leaks? A secret cable from April 2009 that went out under Clinton’s name instructed State Department officials to collect the “biometric data,” including “fingerprints, facial images, DNA, and iris scans,” of African leaders. Another secret cable directed American diplomats posted around the world, including the United Nations, to obtain passwords, personal encryption keys, credit card numbers, frequent flyer account numbers, and other data connected to diplomats. As the Guardian puts it, the cables “reveal how the US uses its embassies as part of a global espionage network.”

On the other hand, conservatives, George Bush and Israel have not been touched by the disclusures this week.

Is this really what the far left intended?


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