Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Waivering Obamacare & White House Ignorance Of Main Street America


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via The Strata-Sphere by AJStrata on 11/14/10

Obamacare was an ill-conceived half-thought, created by liberal minds with zero comprehension of the private sector and health care. Proof is found in the 111 waivers this inept White House has had to provide to private industry because Obamacare would do more damage than good:

Look, this is not rocket science or brain surgery. But if you need a rocket scientist or brain surgeon you want them to have more than a passing ability to spell the words. This White House is IGNORANT of the private sector. And I mean totally ignorant:

The Democrats running things the past two years proved they have no clue about the business of business. In their world, the real world of the private economy is an abstraction, a political figment.

Exhibit A: Along the road to ObamaCare, the party's planners inserted into the bill the now- famous 1099 provision, requiring businesses to do an IRS report for any transaction over $600 annually. No member of Congress, White House staffer or party flunky thought to say, "Oh, wow, this 1099 requirement will crush people running their own businesses. Are we sure we want to do this?" Yes, and that 1099 fiasco is a metaphor now for the modern Democratic Party.

What in the world is the government going to do with a record of every service and purchase over $600, except hire tens of thousands of people to scan, record and archive this mess. In a $10 trillion a year economy this idiotic rule could produce almost 17 billion records. Government waste taken to a whole new and ridiculous level. The Einsteins in the White House have come up with an answer to their ignorance – they plan to hire a token business person as some fig leaf to cover up their incompetence. Incompetence that cannot be missed in their policies:

It began in early 2009 with the cap-and-trade climate bill. The country was going to have to chow down its provisions no matter how many jobs got lost in Ohio, West Virginia, Michigan and other coal-using states. The bill portended so much damage to businesses in these states that some of the Senate's most liberal members had to beg off supporting it.

At his news conference last week, Mr. Obama still wouldn't rule out the EPA's impending "carbon finding" to regulate emissions, another Freddy Krueger nightmare for the average business.

The private sector is all about business, small and large. Main Street America is the private sector. Which means this White House is clueless about the heart and soul of America. If you don't have a clue about the private sector, you are literally clueless about America.


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