Sunday, November 7, 2010

Don’t Believe Peter Orzag or The New York Times. Obamacare is a Disaster


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via Somewhat Reasonable by Jim Lakely on 11/6/10

If you want a thorough debunking of the absurdly named "Affordable Health Care Act" Congress jammed down our throat, you should read The Obamacare Disaster by Heartland fellow Peter Ferrara. But Reason's Veronique de Rugy does a great job debunking former Obama budget director Peter Orzag's pathetic claim in the Nov. 3 New York Times that "To Save Money, Save [Obamacare]."

Writes de Rugy:

Orszag's article amounts to little more than wishful thinking. Using Congressional Budget Office (CBO) data, the chart below shows that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 have left the cost curve of federal healthcare spending virtually unchanged over the next 25 years.

And she has the chart to prove it.

Unleashing the power of the free market — by dropping the Iron Curtain that prevents insurance companies from competing over state lines, eliminating unnecessary coverage mandates and expanding HSAs — actually would bend that cost curve downward. And it would be painless for the taxpayer and the federal budget. But as Commentary's Jen Rubin notes, don't expect such evidence to move our president off the idea that Obamacare only needs to be "tweaked" around the edges.

For now, we're stuck with an Obamacare Disaster that sentences us to higher health care costs — which is already causing thousands of businesses to reduce coverage, raise premiums and throw people off their rolls. For now …


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