Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Video of Interior Sec Ken Salazar: "We Do Not Have A Choice" But To Go With "Clean Energy" (That Doe

There is no such thing as "clean" energy. Some energy is cleanER than others, but it is impossible for there to be truly clean energy, as I wrote in this prior post: What is renewable energy? It is pie in the sky, but no free lunch - Part 1. An excerpt from that post: Let me just take solar for example as to what I mean by necessary pollution as dictated by the 2nd law. Although there are no emissions when in operation (albeit it shades a swath of ground that is itself an environmental impact which is why politicians have essentially stopped further production of large-scale solar facilities in places like southern California), there are plenty of emissions, energy usage, and chemical waste in the production. For one, many solar panels rely on polysilicon being manufactured in large quantities and at a high quality. A the byproduct of polysilicon production is silicon tetrachloride, a highly toxic substance that poses a large environmental hazard. Wherever silicon tetrachloride is dumped, the land becomes totally infertile. Even liberal outlets like the Washington Post have taken note:

"The land where you dump or bury it will be infertile. No grass or trees will grow in the place... It is like dynamite -- it is poisonous, it is polluting. Human beings can never touch it," said Ren Bingyan, a professor at the School of Material Sciences at Hebei Industrial University.
Even recycling that compound takes huge amounts of energy, itself generating its own pollution in one form or another. Farther down the production line, the gaseous compound nitrogen triflouride (NF3) is required for thin film solar cells (and 'environmentally friendly' energy-efficient LCD TVs - heh). The problem? That gas is 17,000 times more potent a greenhouse gas as CO2. In fact, the atmospheric concentration of nitrogen triflouride has quadrupled and according to NASA is increasing at a rate of about 11 percent per year. Thus my point - no technology in existence either in the real world or in someone's imagination is exempt from the 2nd law. There will always be necessary pollution no matter the technology. It's just that the pollution will take on different forms and exist in different places. Some pollution like that in solar technology is produced far away from where the panels operate, masking its negative impact, an impact that the MSM has been slow to report on which in turn cloaks it from a public willing to believe in fairytales painted green.

Which brings me to fairytales painted green. They are being done so by our political ruling class, of which the incompetent Secretary of Interior Ken Slazaar is one:
The YouTube caption reads:
Ken Salazar, the Secretary of the Interior stated at the American Wind Energy Association in Atlantic City, New Jersey on Wednesday at their North American Offshore Wind Conference that 'We Do Not Have A Choice' But To Go With 'Clean Energy'
Don't even get me started on what it takes to manufacture wind turbines or the pollution that that takes. Suffices to say that I doubt in most cases that the wind turbine produces more energy from wind than it takes to build it in the first place. Salazaars assertion in the above video is tantamount to Bluto blurting this out:

Sent from my iPhone

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