Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Obama: My name is not on the ballot, but my agenda is! Thanks For The Warning

RWB News: So he is telling the voters to pay attention to his radical agendas that has caused a horrible economy, record job losses, record food stamps, record deficit, run away budget, record home foreclosures, privatization of the health care system and Illegal Immigration to mane a few. He is right America, we are voting on his agenda.

The Hill

President Obama said Tuesday that while his name isn't on the ballot on Nov. 2, his agenda practically is.

The president stopped short of saying next week's election is a referendum on his policies, but suggested the outcome of key elections next Tuesday could determine the fate of his agenda.

"My name may not be on the ballot, but our agenda for moving forward is on the ballot, and I need everybody to turn out," Obama said Tuesday afternoon during an appearance on the Rev. Al Sharpton's radio show.

Obama made the remarks to appeal to African-American voters to show up for Democrats at the polls. The president has made appeals to young voters and Latino voters in recent days in order to try to drive high voter turnout and replicate the coalition that propelled him and congressional Democrats to victory in 2008.

Read More: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/125911-obama-my-names-not-on-the-ballot-but-my-agenda-is


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