Sunday, October 10, 2010

Enough About the Chamber of Commerce,When Will The Media Cover OBAMA's Foreign Donations?

The MSM has gone hog wild repeating  administration charges that there is "secret foreign money" being used by groups such as the Chamber of commerce to help the GOP run advertising for the upcoming mid-term elections. In typical administration fashion there is no truth offered to substantiate the charges, they are only making demands that the Chamber of Commerce, prove the  administration charges are false:
White House senior adviser David Axelrod said secret donations to outside political groups are "a threat to our democracy," singling out the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for criticism less than a month before elections that will determine control of Congress.

"If the Chamber opens up its books," Axelrod said on CBS's "Face the Nation" program, "then we'll know. All we have now is their assertion" that foreign money isn't used for advertising in U.S. elections.
Those same news organizations that are rushing to write about the administration's unsubstantiated charges of foreign dollars financing GOP efforts, ignored those same charges about the Obama Presidential campaign in 2008. The difference between the 2008 charges and those being made today, is the charges against the Obama campaign were backed up with evidence.

The Federal Election Commission said the Obama campaign has reported well over $200 million as coming from contributions of $200 or less. Only a small portion of that sum is attributable to donors the Obama campaign had disclosed.

During the last few months of the campaign Blogger Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs went through publicly accessible records and found foreign donors supporting the Obama effort. Geller published many reports including the series of donations to Obama made by Monir Edwan and Hosam Edwan (Palestinians born and raised in Gaza)  totaling $29,521.54. A third brother, Yousef, reportedly gave the campaign about $4,000. After that particular donation was discovered by Geller, the WSJ followed up with the Obama campaign who said the money was returned.  Nay, nay said the Palestinians, they told reporter Aaron Klein  
"No, we did not receive any money back from the Obama campaign at any time," said Monir Edwan.
 Pamela wrote a series of articles which were barely mentioned in the MSM except to trash her. Her research not only showed foreign contributors, but people who had contributed well over the $2,500 dollar limit, an contributors from the progressive media

Her investigation showed that Gaza was not alone. The Preident's contributions came from over 50 nations. The way they tried to scam the system was the  foreign contributors were making multiple small donations, ostensibly in their own names, over a period of a few days, some under maximum donation allowances, but in aggregate they were in excess of the maximums.

Other donations came in from donors with fake names such as "Hbkjb," "jkbkj," and "Doodad." Also, thousands of Obama's foreign donations ended in cents. This was evidence of foreign contributors sending in donations in foreign currencies that exchanged into odd amounts. Donations from living overseas would more likely be in dollars so they wouldn't have those "odd amounts."

The Obama campaign received a substantial amount of money from countries that have an interest in seeing a weak American President: $366,708.22 from China; $25,259.00 from the United Arab Emirates; $7,062.60 from Russia; and $6,716.28 from Saudi Arabia. Obama also took in $6,350.00 from Indonesia; $5,000.00 from Kenya; and $1,750.00 from Egypt.

The records also indicate  that Obama also took donations from Tamil Tiger leaders. The Tamil Tigers are, according to the FBI, the most successful terrorist group in the world. While the Hillary Clinton returned contributions from the Tamil Tigers, Obama kept them.

So two years after the election, the mainstream media has yet to report on stories about President Obama's foriegn donations, stories that were verified by FEC documentation, but they are reporting unsubstantiated rumors made by all the President's men. More evidence that one cannot trust what comes out of the mainstream media.

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