Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CNN: Cost of your health plan to rise 14%, the opposite of what Obama promised in runup to ObamaCare

How do you know when a Democrat is lying? When his lips are moving. And even more specifically, when he or she promises things that common sense says is the opposite of reality. Since well before ObamaCare passed either chamber, many saw the illogic in the foundational arguments behind it. You cannot add some 30 million to the pool and claim to reduce cost. You cannot define children as being up to 26 years old, keep them on mom and dads insurance policy, and reduce cost. You cannot force insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions and reduce cost. And the list goes on and on. Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the minions told us it would indeed save cost. In fact, Obama chastised Republicans on national TV for saying that costs would rise as a result:
After ObamaCare was passed into law by legislative fiat, here is the result via CNN:

via Gina Cobb
Chances are you'll learn that your 2011 health insurance tab will be sharply higher, as companies continue to shift the burden of rising costs onto their workers.

Employees' share of premiums for a family plan is up an average 14%, to $3,997, vs. just a 3% rise in the total bill, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

And it's not just premiums that are spiraling higher. You're also likely to be hit with higher deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums as well as bigger bills for doctor's visits and drugs.

...Recent data suggest that many insured Americans are now forgoing care because of the cost.
The faster this monstrosity is repealed, the better. It is a net negative. We continue to keep finding out about ObamaCare and it's all bad. Insurance premiums are increasing even faster than they would have if ObamaCare hadn't passed (Connecticut is seeing a 47% increase this year, Boeing is paring back healthcare benefits for its employees, while even the White House admits that seniors will see higher costs and less benefits), and Obama's minions are threatening insurance companies with bankruptcy for even hinting that ObamaCare is the cause (it is). That's in spite of the fact that Democrats have abandoned the claim that ObamaCare will reduce cost and deficit.  The Obama regime via the FDA is deep-sixing miracle cancer drugs that extend life because they cost too much (ObamaCare begins early: FDA may pull Avastin approval OVER COST CONCERNS). Insurance companies are being forced to cut coverage plans, and the law is creating a huge doctor shortage. Every time socialized medicine has been tried, it's been a proven failure. ObamaCare is no different except that it can still be repealed before it's too late. Hugh Hewitt says that Obama's Arrogance & Healthcare Lies Will Appear On Election Day:
And this via Doug Ross: Hurtling to Single-Payer: A Reference Guide to ObamaCare's Trail of Destruction (click on this pic for the vid)
CT: Anthem Approved For Health Rate Hikes As High As 47 Percent.

FL: Blue Cross Blue Shield: Rates Up 10% in 8 Months. Excerpt: "President Obama told us that under his plan, health insurance premiums would go down. I think he forgot to tell Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida."

NC: Celtic: Half of 18% Premium Increase Due to ObamaCare.

NY: Insurance for New York City small businesses rise as much as 74% in 2011. Excerpt: "[The company CFO] wants to know why [the] health care provider, GHI, is asking state regulators for permission to hike insurance premiums by 50% to 74%. ...The only solution he sees to rising rates is maintaining his current staff of 10 employees, instead of expanding—which does nothing to reduce the city's 9.4% unemployment rate."

OR: Regence BlueCross BlueShield: Expect Up to 17% Rate Hikes.

WI: Celtic Insurance Premiums To Rise 18%.
More at the link.

UPDATE: I should have included this graphic from the CNN piece:

Sent from my iPhone

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