Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's Worse, a High School Student Dabbling In Witchcraft or A First Lady Talking to Dead People?

The press is making a big deal out of incidents that occurred when Delaware GOP Senatorial Candidate was in high school. The latest of which was a 1999 statement made on "Politically Incorrect," where she said she  "dabbled into witchcraft" but "never joined a coven." After the tape was released, O'Donnell cleared up the quote asking whether it was fair to hold candidates responsible for the "questionable folks"
"I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do," O'Donnell told Maher in 1999
"One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little blood there and stuff like that," she said. "We went to a movie and then had a little midnight picnic on a satanic altar."
I know how O'Donnell feels, one of my first dates was a woman who voted for Teddy Kennedy. It was a long-distance relationship, only my feet were planted on the planet earth.

The media obsession with O'Donnell's unfortunate choice of high school dates, is just a politically driven effort to discredit the tea party in general and Ms O'Donnell specifically.  If they were truly concerned about politicians involved in paranormal activities, they would have had their "X-Files" bureau going after former NY Senator and present Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.

When Ms Clinton was the First Lady of the United States, she used to have conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt. Not that those conversations were necessarily a bad thing, except for fact that Mrs. Roosevelt died in 1962, thirty years before Ms Clinton became first lady. Bob Woodward in his 1996 book, The Choice, brought the "conversations"  to the attention of the general public.

In his book (page 132) Bob Woodward wrote that one day, after finishing up a discussion with Eleanor, "Houston asked Hillary to carry on a conversation with Mahatma Gandhi, the Hindu leader, a powerful symbol of stoic denial. Talk to him, Houston said. What would you say and what would you ask?" And Hillary did. "It was a strong personal outpouring," Woodward reported. The WAPO reporter didn't say what Gandhi's response was.

Another book released in 2007 backed up Woodward's Claim.
A new biography on Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton reveals that during her time as First Lady, Clinton participated in strange moments of imaginary conversation with a deceased Eleanor Roosevelt from the solarium atop the White House. Grove City College professor Paul Kengor's "God and Hillary Clinton" also notes the religious devotion with which Senator Clinton advocates abortion.

An overview of the book by Kengor's Grove City colleague Dr. Warren Thockmorton notes that the book - with information from friends, colleagues and acquaintances - paints an accurate picture of Clinton's version of faith.

The woman who arranged the séance-type sessions atop the White House, Jean Houston, became very close to the Senator. Houston who was known for delving into altered consciousness, the spirit world, and psychic experiences, according to a source quoted in the book, compared Clinton to Joan of Arc and believed her to be the most pivotal woman in all of human history
The press was well aware of Ms Clinton's habit of speaking to historical figures, especially after it became Barack Obama's first "screw-up" after he was elected.  The  President-Elect had to call Nancy Reagan to apologize  after he mixed up mixed up Hillary's séances with Nancy's astrology.
President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan today to apologize for the careless and off-handed remark he made during today's press conference," said Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter "The President-elect expressed his admiration and affection for Mrs. Reagan that so many Americans share and they had a warm conversation,"
Earlier on Friday at his first news conference since sweeping to victory in Tuesday's election, Obama was asked if he had consulted past presidents for guidance.

"I've spoken to all of them that are living," he said. When some members of the media started to laugh, he added: "I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about, you know, doing any séances.".....Sen. Hillary Clinton, when her husband was president, was reported to have had imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt at the suggestion of spiritual adviser Jean Houston.
Maybe after the press is done trying to destroy Christine O' Donnell for something she did in high school, they can compare that to a Secretary of State who used to run around the White House speaking to dead people. You know, come to think of it, that wouldn't be so bad if Clinton would just once, channel one of the founding fathers who could explain to her just exactly what is in that US Constitution the progressives so often ignore.
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