Saturday, September 18, 2010

Typical: Obama Leaves "By their Creator" Out of Declaration of Independence at Hispanic Caucus Speec

Good grief (Obama speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on September 15, 2010):
I find it most ironic that Obama, who has by his vote protected both abortion on demand and infanticide (4 times!), to invoke the unalienable right to life.
Glenn Gilbert, editor of the Oakland Press had this a few days ago: Why questions about Obama s faith, background refuse to die. Glenn quoted me in his piece:
"There is confusion about his faith because what he does does not match with what he says."
 "By his actions, he appears to be anti-Christian, and by his actions he is friendly to Muslims — the Cairo speech last year, support for the Ground Zero mosque, claiming America is a Muslim country, etc.," Kobus said. "That adds to confusion when his surrogates profess him to be a Christian. His former church run by Jeremiah Wright does not teach Christianity but rather black liberation theology that is not biblical. Also, since leaving that church he hasn't joined one since. I would guess in the end that he has great faith, but it resides in the Church of Liberalism rather than one based on Jesus Christ."
The above video just adds to the evidence. He's no Christian. He is a liberal and liberalism is his god.

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