Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sarah Palin urges WHITES to vote for change

This is pure racism, straight up:
Sarah Palin, seeking to fire up an important part of her support base ahead of November's elections, told whites on Saturday she wanted their support to "vote for change" she wants to deliver.
"I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, and your workplaces, to your churches, and barbershops, and beauty shops. Tell them we have more work to do. Tell them we can't wait to organize. Tell them that the time for action is now."
Let me ask you, do you find that offensive? Because I sure do. However, the above quotes have a slight difference from what was actually written by al Reuters. It wasn't Sarah Palin but Rather Barack Hussein Obama who said those things and to black rather than white people. Here's the actual quote:
President Barack Obama, seeking to fire up an important part of his support base ahead of November's elections, told black leaders on Saturday he wanted their support to "guard the change" he was delivering.

"I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, and your workplaces, to your churches, and barbershops, and beauty shops. Tell them we have more work to do. Tell them we can't wait to organize. Tell them that the time for action is now," he told the Congressional Black Caucus.
If you thought that the quote would be inappropriate and racist for Sarah Palin to make specifically to whites, why is it appropriate for Obama to make his statement specifically to blacks? The headline of the al Reuters piece is Obama urges blacks to vote and "guard the change". The Detroit News had the same story but by the AP on their website: Obama: Black lawmakers must rally voters back home. Can you imagine the indignation if the races were reversed and it was Rush or Palin of Newt that said any such thing?

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