Sunday, September 26, 2010

"The establishment media reveals itself, not as the people’s watchdog against irresponsible governme

The MSM elected Obama, not We the People. They lied to the American people to get an unqualified radical that hates this country elected as President. Via moonbattery:
That's the bigger picture. A subset of that is the MSMs continued lies on the national debt. Karl opines (via Instapundit) on the MSMs lies, especially that of omission on fiscal policy:
our unsustainable financial situation led to the creation of a Tea Party movement — one of the biggest political developments in America over the past two years. It would seem to be the perfect news peg for ongoing media coverage of our government's fiscal irresponsibility. Of course, it didn't work out quite that way, did it? Instead, the establishment media ignored, then attacked the Tea Party movement — first as astroturf, then as racist, as Birthers, as hypocritical (for not having formed when the problem was less dire, and for gullibly expecting the government to make good on current entitlement promises or reform them before adding new ones), etc. The establishment media's coverage of the Tea Party often seems devoted to discussing anything other than the issues at the heart of the movement.

Thus, the establishment media reveals itself, not as the people's watchdog against irresponsible government, but as the irresponsible government's guard dog against the people. It is ground zero for manufacturing center-left consent. After all, how could the establishment have seriously discussed passing the trillion-dollar ObamaCare behemoth, when so much of the funding comes from "reductions" in Medicare and Medicaid spending that is unsustainable in the first instance? How could the media have gone along with the laughable CBO estimate that ObamaCare will reduce the deficit (based on assumptions the CBO admits are unrealistic), if they had to take our ginormous public debt seriously? How could they float an economy-crushing cap-and-tax scheme to combat global warming, or climate change, or climate disruption, or whatever it's being called today, if everyone was forced to acknowledge how far government has already promised beyond its means?
Answer: BECAUSE THEY ARE LIBERALS! They sympathize and promote the liberal Democrat agenda by any means necessary, and that means flat out lying to the rest of us in the hope that enough shlubs still exist in America that will eat what they spoon feed rather than check the 'facts' themselves in the new media. Unfortunately, they are right. This is how they got the community organizer-in-chief elected.

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