CanadaCare: Woman dies waiting 90 minutes in ER. “She was crying out, ‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe’. . . Nobody attended to my daughter”: "A peek through the looking glass as to what government-run ObamaCare will look like here in the US if it isn't struck down. From the Star via Instapundit:
It’s no surprise to Thelma Lee that emergency room wait times are not meeting provincial targets.Just go ahead and throw in another $200 million. And another $200M after that. The liberal solution is always to throw money at the problem. And after all that, nothing changes anyway:
Lee said her 41-year-old daughter, Marlene Stephens, died Saturday after waiting nearly 90 minutes at the William Osler Health Centre’s Etobicoke campus emergency room with breathing problems.
Lee feels her daughter was not seen fast enough by medical staff.
“They didn’t touch her,” said the grieving Lee. “She was crying out, ‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe’. . . Nobody attended to my daughter.”
On Monday, Auditor General Jim McCarter released his annual report which found that despite putting an extra $200 million into shortening emergency room wait times over the last two years, “significant province-wide progress has not yet been made.”
“Complaints about overcrowding and delays in hospital emergency rooms have persisted for years,” McCarter told a news conference on Monday.
Emergency room waits for people with serious conditions sometimes reached 12 hours or more, the report said. That is far greater than the province’s 8-hour wait time target, the report found.An 8 HOUR target? WHAT?!? And what else would you expect from government-run plans?We should have learned that lesson from Massachusetts
Exit question: will healthcare rationing bureaucrats use their cookie as a shield when asked why the system has gone to crap?:
Previously on Canada's (lack of) healthcare:
Video: Canadian official uses cookie as shield against answering questions of why healthacre system is failing
Reason TV: The Road to CanadaCare? Sally Pipes on The Truth About ObamaCare
Single-Payer Hell: Canada about to force seniors to pay for their own care because of soaring costs
Video: The tea party chronicles, episode 10 - Canada's healthcare and the US Constitution
Single-Payer Hell: Canadian brain cancer patient refused life-saving drugs because he escaped to US for treatment instead of dying
Single-Payer Hell: Canadian Premier That Came To US For Heart Surgery Says “It’s my health, it’s my choice”
Single-Payer Hell: disabled Canadian Lin Gilbert loses 2+ years fighting uncompassionate healthcare bureaucracy
Single-Payer Hell: Cheryl Baxter Escapes Canada To The U.S. For Care After 8 Years Of Pain
Video: Single-Payer Hell: The Cheryl Baxter Story
Videos: What Canadians Want You To Know About Their Healthcare System - Part 2
Videos: What Canadians Want You To Know About Their Healthcare System
Government-Run Healthcare Is A Prescription For Death
Video: Single-Payer Hell: The Lindsay McCreith Story
Single-Payer Hell: In Canada, Citizens Participate In Lottery To Determine Who Sees A Doctor
Detroit MSM starting to notice: Why are Canadians getting health care in Detroit?
Single-payer hell: Thousands of surgeries may be cut in Metro Vancouver, leaked paper reveals
Deroy Murdock: Government medicine stumbles in Canada, U.K.
President of the Canadian Medical Association: 'health-care system is sick, imploding...'
British National Health Service Sends Patient With Chest Pains Home With Pain Pills, Patient Dies
Paul Krugman Gets An Unexpected Response Regarding Canadian Health Care
WSJ: 'Too Old' for Hip Surgery
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