The Obama Energy Tax Game Plan
In February of this year, after Sen. Scott Brown's (R-MA) victory put Obamacare on life support, health insurer Anthem Blue Cross announced a 39% rate hike for its individual market subscribers in California. Despite the fact that the President's health care plan will only drive health insurance rates higher, the White House seized on this story to revive the government takeover of the health insurance industry. Two months later when the President's financial regulation plan was stalled in the Senate, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Goldman Sachs with fraud in marketing some of its subprime mortgage investment products. Again, the White House pounced on this news to get its preferred legislation through Congress.
Now that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill has turned into an environmental disaster, the White House is again trying to turn public anger at one corporation into massive government intervention of an entire sector of the economy. In an email to his leftist Organizing for America activists, President Barack Obama previewed his Oval Office address tonight calling on Congress "to move forward on legislation to promote a new economy powered by green jobs, combat climate change, and end our dependence on foreign oil." Separately, Joel Benenson, a pollster for the Democratic National Committee and Obama's presidential campaign, circulated a memo on Capitol Hill arguing that a comprehensive energy bill "could give Democrats a potent weapon to wield against Republicans in the fall." Politico reports that Benenson's recommended "messaging architecture" includes the slogan "Making BP Pay Isn't Enough" and adds: "frame the opposition" as "Big Oil and corporate polluters who have blocked energy reform for decades" and "politicians protecting the special interests that fund their campaigns."
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Fwd: Morning Bell: The Obama Energy Tax Game Plan
Fwd: Morning Bell: A Crisis of Competence
Nearly 31 years ago, on July 15, 1979, President Jimmy Carter told the American people from the Oval Office: "Energy will be the immediate test of our ability to unite this nation, and it can also be the standard around which we rally. On the battlefield of energy we can win for our nation a new confidence, and we can seize control again of our common destiny." Last night the American people heard almost the exact same speech from President Barack Obama: "I've returned from a trip to the Gulf Coast to speak with you about the battle we're waging against an oil spill that is assaulting our shores and our citizens. ... The tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now. Now is the moment for this generation to embark on a national mission to unleash America's innovation and seize control of our own destiny."
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs billed the speech as an "inflection point," where the President's initial response would be replaced by more decisive action. But this is now day 57. Where has the decisive action been up to this point? The Obama administration has not been working in a coordinated fashion. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of the Interior, the Department of Homeland Security, and the White House, as well as the Coast Guard, have been putting out confusing and contradictory statements since the disaster began.
Fwd: Bachmann: Obama Exceeding Constitutional Authority in Ordering BP to Surrender Funds--'It's All About Extortion'
Today's Headlines Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Bachmann: Obama Exceeding Constitutional Authority in Ordering BP to Surrender Funds--'It's All About Extortion'
Washington (CNSNews.com) – Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Tuesday that President Barack Obama is exceeding his constitutional authority in telling BP it must set up an independent fund, not controlled by the company, for compensating victims of the Gulf oil spill. She described the administration's policy as an action "that's all about extortion."
State Department: African Americans Were Enslaved in Florida in Last Six Years
(CNSNews.com) – Luis CdeBaca, U.S. ambassador-at-large for the State Department's human trafficking office, said Monday that African Americans who are U.S. citizens have been enslaved in agricultural work in Florida within the last six years. CdeBaca spoke at a briefing after the State Department released its annual report on human trafficking.
U.S. Hails 'Success' at Human Rights Council After 29 Percent of U.N. Members Criticize Iran
(CNSNews.com) – The Obama administration claimed a victory for American leadership at the U.N. Human Rights Council Tuesday after 56 countries – less than one-third of the total U.N. membership – supported a statement critical of Iran's human rights record. HRC statements do not carry the weight of formal resolutions.
School Nutrition Bill Allocates $1 Million to Study How Government Can Restrict Food Ads Directed at Kids
(CNSNews.com) – A recently introduced House bill proposes to spend $1 million to study how the government can restrict food advertisements aimed at children. The study would examine "all media through which foods and beverages are marketed to children in elementary and secondary schools," including, but not limited to, book covers, school supplies, scoreboards, branded fundraising activities, and incidental exposure to food and beverage marketing through computer use.
Middle Class Is Abandoning Obama: He Gets Majority Approval Rating Only From Americans Making Less Than $24,000 Per Year
(CNSNews.com) - According to the latest Gallup Poll, when the president's approval is separated by incomes groups, it is only the lowest income bracket -- those who earn less than $2,000 a month — that gives Obama a majority favorable approval rating, with 52 percent saying they approved of the job he is doing as president. Obama's approval rating slides in other income brackets.
Obama's Approval at All-Time Low, Says Gallup, Especially Among Church-Goers, Married People, Those Over 65
(CNSNews.com) - President Barack Obama's weekly approval rating is at an all-time low for his presidency (46 percent), according to the latest Gallup Poll, and it is especially low among those 65 or older, those who are married, and those who attend church every week. Obama's highest weekly approval rating (67 percent) came in the week he was inaugurated.
Four Top Conservatives Win Prize for Outstanding Achievement
(CNSNews.com) – Hundreds of conservatives will gather Wednesday night at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, where the 2010 Bradley Prizes will be awarded to four top conservatives – with each winner to receive a quarter of a million dollars in prize money. This year's recipients are columnist and political analyst Michael Barone; Wall Street Journal editorial page editor Paul Gigot; law professor Bradley Smith and Stanford economist John Taylor.
Hamas TV Losing Viewers Across Europe
(CNSNews.com) – After a series of successes in its quest for diplomatic and popular support, the Islamist group Hamas faced a setback this week after French authorities ordered a halt to broadcasts in Europe by its Gaza-based television station. The move against Al-Aqsa Satellite Television is the latest accomplishment in a campaign first launched six years ago to target "terrorist media." It came after the E.U.'s executive commission said the broadcasts were breaking E.U. directives prohibiting incitement to hatred or violence.
Two-Thirds of Americans Say They Are Angry at the Media
(CNSNews.com) – A new Rasmussen poll found that 66 percent of voters describe themselves as at least somewhat angry at the media, including 33 percent who are very angry. The poll did not differentiate, however, between news outlets such as CNN and Fox News Channel.
Gloria Estefan: 'I'm Not Affiliated' With Republicans or Democrats
(CNSNews.com) - Grammy award-winning singer Gloria Estefan told CNSNews.com that she is "not affiliated" politically with Republicans, Democrats or Independents, and that she does not know why she is often grouped with moderate or conservative Republicans in media reports.
Gloria Estefan: Arizona Immigration Law Won't 'Stop Criminals'
(CNSNews.com) – Grammy award-winning musician Gloria Estefan told CNSNews.com that Arizona's new law against illegal immigration is not "going to stop criminals." She also said, "You can't equate criminals with undocumented workers."
Obama Pledges to Restore Gulf Coast Land
Federal Government's Polar Bear 'Habitat' Plan Is Too Much, Alaska State Official Says
BP Shares Slip Ahead of White House Meeting
After Blasting BP, Obama Now Faces Its Leaders
President Calderon Asks for Mexicans' Support to Fight Drug Cartels Amid Rising Violence
Oil Leak Estimated at 2.52 Million Gallons Daily, Government Scientists Say
American Who Was Hunting for Bin Laden in Pakistan Examined by Doctor
Two More American Troops Killed in Afghanistan Wednesday
Toys R Us Announces Prepaid Shopping Card
$300 Million Needed to Clean Up Agent Orange in Vietnam, U.S.-Vietnam Working Group Says
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Video: Uninsured woman shoots herself to get medical attention
White House wants authority to boot corporate execs from Medicare for fraud
Sen. Hatch wants unemployed to face mandatory drug tests
Pastor tests IRS by endorsing candidate; Hopes to undo tax code rule
UMass project must use unions; Critics say move will boost costs
After setbacks, Rep. Hoyer hints Dems' support for Afghanistan is slipping
Harry Reid lauds Obama's energy push, but calls on Republicans for support
Sen. Barbara Boxer declares climate change as the greatest threat
Obama silent on carbon caps in Oval Office speech
Obama vows 90% cleanup of oil this summer
Palm Beach County will hire help if BP doesn't move fast enough to stop oil
Republicans try but fail to repeal individual mandate in health care law
Alaska man attacked by bear while biking to work
Congressman slams federal funds for family planning organizations
Racial comments make Iowa Republican unwelcome in Colorado
Former U-Miami professor accused of smoking pot, mooning students
Oklahoma lawmakers seek voter backing to ban shariah from U.S. courts
Federal rules will cap late fees on credit cards, ban inactivity fees
Hard times force French to work longer -- to age 62
Paris police ban 'sausage and booze' street party in Muslim area
Where Does Obama Get the Authority to 'Inform' a Private Company That It Must Surrender Its Money?
By Terence P. Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief
In his first-ever address from the Oval Office on Tuesday night, President Barack Obama said he was going to "inform" the chairman of BP that he must surrender the company's money to an independent party that will distribute it to people and businesses determined to have been harmed by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The president's declaration raises a serious constitutional question about his authority: Where does the president get the lawful power to order any private-sector company—BP or any other—that it must surrender its money?
Obama's Ideal American
By Terence P. Jeffrey
This week, Gallup reported that Obama's approval rating is at an all-time overall low of 46 percent. Obama still finds greater approval among unmarried, unchurched, poor and inexperienced Americans than he does among the married, churchgoing, middle-class and middle-aged. But he is losing his grip on the unchurched and the poor. But Obama is holding strong is among Americans who went to graduate school.
The Speech
By Rich Galen
There are very few people, on either side of the aisle, who think President Obama did himself any good in his first Oval Office speech last night. One of the AP's most senior writers, Tom Raum, wrote that Obama's pledge to leave the Gulf in better shape than before the spill "eerily echoes President George W. Bush's pledge after Hurricane Katrina to rebuild New Orleans 'higher and better.'" There was no soaring "call to action" in the speech. Then there's the fact that Obama is not comfortable speaking from a sitting position behind his desk.
Stuck on Stupid: Obama's Czar Fetish
By Michelle Malkin
Here is the Obama Disaster Management Theory: In times of crisis, you can never have enough unelected, un-vetted political appointees hanging around. Nearly two months after the BP oil spill, the White House will now name an oil spill restoration point person to oversee recovery efforts in the Gulf of Mexico. Too many czars have already spoiled this administration's credibility. Might as well pile on another.
Is President Obama the Worst President in History?
By Ben Shapiro
Aside from Barack Obama, there are only two other true contenders for the title of 'worst president in U.S. history',' and they are Jimmy Carter and James Buchanan. The good news is, all of America's worst presidents served one term, and America recovered.
Smearing Republican Women
By L. Brent Bozell III
The media can disregard a lot of tastelessness when the women who are smeared are Republicans.
Fwd: Obama Wants $50 Billion more for Stimulus, Networks Nearly Silent
June 16, 2010
Vol. 6 No. 24
Obama Wants $50 Billion more for Stimulus, Networks Nearly Silent
Is soccer more important to American taxpayers than President Obama's latest push for a $50 billion state bailout? It was to the broadcast networks, which devoted 38 times as much coverage to the World Cup as they did the appeal for cash.
The Un-friendliest President
Obama needs to read some Dale Carnegie.
Obama Speech Sounds Just Like Carter at His Worst
Will media highlight similarities between Gulf and 'malaise' speeches?
You can also find Dan Gainor's commentary on The Fox Forum.
You can also check out BMI's editorial cartoon: Bottom Lines by Glenn Foden.
Get Your Free 'I don't believe the liberal media!" bumper sticker
Fwd: Morning Bell: An Offer BP Couldn't Refuse
On October 13, 2008, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson summoned the CEOs of the nation's largest banks into a gilded conference room at the Treasury Department just a stone's throw away from the White House. Each CEO was then handed a one-page document that said their company would agree to sell hundreds of billions worth of equity to the federal government through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). "We plan to announce the program tomorrow – and that your nine firms will be the initial participants." In case anyone missed the subtle message, Paulson added, "We don't believe it is tenable to opt out, because doing so would leave you vulnerable and exposed." Sure enough, just like a certain fictional band land leader once did, all nine CEOs signed their respective contracts.
Yesterday, history repeated itself. This time it was the executives of BP who were summoned directly to the White House to have a little chat with the President and Attorney General Eric Holder (who has threatened BP with criminal prosecution). The exact conversation may never be known, and by the end of their "no-nonsense business meeting" BP emerged from the Roosevelt Room to announce that they would "voluntarily" place $20 billion into an escrow account to begin covering claims associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and contribute another $100 million to a foundation that will support oil workers made unemployed by President Barack Obama's indefinite ban on offshore oil drilling.
Don't buy for a second any of the mainstream media's line about this being good for BP. The White House made clear yesterday that the $20 billion was just a down payment and in no way represented a cap on BP's liability. In fact, the President explicitly said that the fund would not preclude individuals or states from pressing claims in court, and that it would remain separate from BP's liability for the damages to the environment. And these damages may include the costs of cleanup for damage far beyond what BP caused. The Washington Post today reports that a gulf restoration plan of the sort promised by President Obama could cost as much as $30 billion. That's $50 billion in damages so far. And that does not include any future money, on top of the existing $100 million donation, the White House may press BP to pay to cover the unemployment caused by President Obama's offshore drilling ban.
Fwd: Budget Bulletin: The Debt Commission, Health Care, and Obama’s Budgetary Game Plan
Budget BulletinYour source for federal budget news and analysis
Recent Updates
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Highlights Unsustainable Debt NEW VIDEO: Federal Spending By The Numbers Featured ResearchThe Debt Commission, Health Care, and Obama's Budgetary Game Plan
By James C. Capretta
When the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (commonly referred to as the "debt commission") held its first official meeting in April (the second meeting was held last week), all of the talk was of getting serious about putting the nation's fiscal house in order and that everything would be "on the table" for consideration.
Unfortunately, the timeline for the United States to take corrective action may have already been shortened in just the past few weeks. What began as a slow-motion crumble of Greece's economic house of cards has now quite clearly become the triggering point for full-fledged examination of the risks posed by massive increases in governmental debt combined with aging populations around the developed world. No country is exempt from the scrutiny of the bond markets, including the U.S. Moreover, if Europe's economy slides back again into a deep recession as the debt crisis spreads, no part of the global economy will be completely spared from the fallout, including the U.S. The new health care law will only worsen the nation's fiscal situation, and despite President Obama's claim that "everything is on the table," it is clear that the Administration wants to lock in Obamacare and force the commission to look elsewhere.
Stacking the Deck
Given the serious risks to growth posed by rising debt and continued deficit spending, one might have thought that the first order of business for a newly elected President of the U.S. would be to address the budgetary challenge and put the nation's fiscal house in order. But that was not what happened when Barack Obama was sworn in as the nation's 44th President in January 2009. Instead, he chose to spend all of 2009 and the early part of 2010 pressing Congress to pass the largest entitlement expansion in decades.
The Administration's decision to press for an expansion without a clear and credible plan to rein in cost escalation proved to be highly polarizing. In the end, the health law passed with votes entirely from the President's political party.
>> Click here to read James Capretta's full report
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About The Heritage FoundationFounded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institute - a think tank - whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002 | 202.546.4400
Fwd: In Medical Malpractice Reform, States Should Shirk the Washington Way
It's long been established that part of controlling rising health care spending in the United States will mean enacting meaningful medical malpractice, or "tort" reform. Though tort reform is not a silver bullet to creating savings, it is one of many changes vital to containing patients' medical costs.
Unfortunately, in passing the mammoth Obamacare, Congress and the president failed to take tort reform seriously, leaving out any serious provisions to encourage states to reform their medical malpractice laws.
The Scoop
Instead, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act threw an illusory bone to Republicans, the main proponents of tort reform, through the inclusion of $25 million in demonstration grants to try out new state-level ideas for reform.
This week, the Department of Health and Human Services announced the winners of the grants. The money will be split among small, voluntary programs by hospitals and medical centers and "planning grants." Completely unacknowledged are the several states where malpractice reform has already been enacted with clear results.
Obamacare's medical malpractice reform demonstration programs will be small and inconsequential, and are unlikely to have any serious effect. However, states can—and should—go ahead with tort reform without Washington, using states that have already successfully implemented reform, such as Texas and Mississippi, as their guide.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour both visited The Heritage Foundation to discuss the success of their states' reform efforts. Regarding Texas, Heritage wrote:
"Prior to establishing liability restrictions in 2003, Texas was a haven for big medical tort litigation, triggering a dramatic increase in medical malpractice insurance rates. As a result, doctors left the state."
"Out of the 254 counties in Texas, 99 lost at least one specialist. Unfortunately, the majority of specialists left rural counties, leaving no additional specialists in the area. Access to care and quality plummeted. In 2003, Texas took action by passing comprehensive medical liability reform."
"The results were outstanding. Malpractice premiums fell by 27 percent on average and 125 counties added a high-risk specialist. Health systems began saving millions in medical liability costs and reinvested those savings in technologies (such as electronic medical records) designed to improve quality of care."
The states don't need trivial demonstration programs funded by the federal government to create savings for their doctors and patients through medical liability reform. All they need to do to be successful is look to their neighbors, who, acting as "the laboratories of government" they were intended to be, have already demonstrated the right way to reform.
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The White House has launched a taxpayer-funded Web site to "reality check" credible criticisms and arguments. Problem is the Obama administration's videos "debunking" each "myth" are low on facts. Click here to see our response. The Heritage Foundation - 214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC
Call us at 202 546 4400
Fwd: Tea Party Movement Shouldn't Focus Only on Fiscal Conservatism, It?s Also About Traditional Morality, Congressman Says
Today's Headlines Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tea Party Movement Shouldn't Focus Only on Fiscal Conservatism, It's Also About Traditional Morality, Congressman Says
(CNSNews.com) – Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), the chairman of the House Republican Conference, said Americans are drawn to the Tea Party movement because it embraces traditional American morality, including the sanctity of life and the traditional definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman. "[O]ur present crisis is not just economic and fiscal. It's moral in nature," Pence told a gathering of conservatives on Wednesday.
Health Secretary Spending $250 Million to Boost Ranks of Primary Care Providers
(CNSNews.com) – A shortage of primary care doctors looms as one of the stumbling blocks for the Democrats' new health care law. So Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced on Wednesday that her department will "invest" $250 million to help "train and develop" 16,000 new primary care professionals over the next five years.
Ex-Porn Star: 'Porn Destroys Human Lives and is Destroying Our Nation'
(CNSNews.com) - Illegal hardcore pornography is running rampant on cable television and the Internet -- and federal prosecutions are virtually nonexistent. That needs to change, said a group of researchers and anti-porn activists who came to Capitol Hill this week. They're calling on the Obama administration, Congress, and the Justice Department to boost enforcement of obscenity laws they say are being ignored.
Citing 'A Sacred Obligation' with the Troops,' Petraeus Won't Rule Out Asking for More Soldiers for Afghanistan
(CNSNews.com) - Gen. David Petraeus told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday that it is his "sacred obligation" to U.S. troops to give the president his best military advice, and that as a result, he could never rule out asking for an increase in the number of troops in Afghanistan—even though President Barack Obama is committed to begin a withdrawal of U.S. troops from that country in July 2011."I would never rule out coming back and asking for something more. I think that would be irresponsible."
Kerry, Lieberman Not Worried Cap-and-Trade Bill Will Hurt Democrats
(CNSNews.com) – Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said they are not worried that their cap-and-trade plan might harm fellow Democrats going into the November elections, at a time when voters are more concerned about bread and butter issues such as the economy and the 9.7 percent unemployment rate.
As Pro-Palestinian Activists Gather in NYC, Jewish Group Urges State Dept. to Probe Their Links to Terrorism
(CNSNews.com) – Tensions in the Middle East over the recent Gaza flotilla incident could surface in New York City on Thursday evening, when a pro-Palestinian group hosts flotilla activists at a public meeting, which Jewish activists have tried to thwart. Earlier this week, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York held a press conference with a group of New York lawmakers, urging the State Department to closely investigate anyone linked to the flotilla applying for a visa to visit the U.S.
Turkey May Not Send Its Ambassador Back to Israel
(CNSNews.com) – Turkey reportedly may downgrade its diplomatic relations with Israel amid a continuing rift between the one-time allies over Israel's deadly interception of a flotilla of ships headed for Gaza. Turkish media outlets cited official sources as saying Ankara's ambassador, who was recalled following the May 31 incident in the Mediterranean, may not return to Tel Aviv, depending on Israel's response to a set of Turkish demands.
More Americans Say They Want BP 'in Charge' of Cleaning Up Oil Spill Rather Than Obama's Federal Government
(CNSNews.com) - A USAToday/Gallup Poll asked 1,014 adults this question between June 11-13: "As you may know, BP is currently in charge of the efforts to control the oil spill and its effects on the ocean and coastal areas. Do you think the federal government should take over these efforts, or should BP continue to be in charge?"
Gloria Estefan: 'I'm Not Affiliated' With Republicans or Democrats
(CNSNews.com) - Grammy award-winning singer Gloria Estefan told CNSNews.com that she is "not affiliated" politically with Republicans, Democrats or Independents, and that she does not know why she is often grouped with moderate or conservative Republicans in media reports.
Gloria Estefan: Arizona Immigration Law Won't 'Stop Criminals'
(CNSNews.com) – Grammy award-winning musician Gloria Estefan told CNSNews.com that Arizona's new law against illegal immigration is not "going to stop criminals." She also said, "You can't equate criminals with undocumented workers."
Jobless Aid Bill Hits Deficit Wall in Senate
Democratic Lawmakers Challenge Pentagon on Afghanistan War
Lawyers Deliver Final Arguments in California 'Gay Marriage' Case
FCC Set to Reconsider Broadband Regulations
BP CEO Telling Congress He's 'Devastated' by Spill
Oil Rig Workers Hunting for Jobs After Obama's Drilling Ban
Countries Paying for Teen's Rescue Won't Seek Recompense; Say Rescue Is International Obligation
Home Construction Sinks, Building Permits Down
AP Poll: Most Unhappy With Obama on Oil Spill
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac to Delist Shares From NYSE
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Wal-Mart challenges Cape Wind's high prices
Temporarily short on money, Colorado delays Medicaid payments
Obama wants $15 million for oil spill panel
With criminal charges for oil spill, costs to BP could soar
Military reexamines reproductive health, liberalizes policies
Adult and topless pools make a splash in Las Vegas
Prop. 8 backers: Marriage promotes procreation
Arlington National Cemetery headstones found lining stream bed
'Time to give it up' to charity, Buffett and Gates tell the super-rich
Washington Post/ABC News poll shows support or Arizona immigration law
Poll: On disaster clean-ups, Louisiana voters give poorer marks to Obama than Bush
'Tea Party' fundraising PACs surge, but cash comes slowly
GAO still encounters delays in access to federal agencies
U.S. prices could rise with Chinese workers' salaries
Constitution full of ambiguous language and competing imperatives, Souter argues
US Chamber of Commerce: Obama judicial appointee 'unfit to serve'
Kenner, La., could outlaw human billboards, political sign-wavers
Obama Speech Sounds Just Like Carter at His Worst
By Dan Gainor
It took Barack Obama less time to become Jimmy Carter than it took Carter. Sure, their presidencies have taken similar tracks – relative Washington newcomers amidst bad economies and talk of cities defaulting on debt. Carter went down in history as a man overwhelmed by the office he held. And Tuesday night, in front of the entire nation, Barack Obama sounded just like him. Both men wanted to intervene in the energy crisis. Both wanted to rally a divided America. Neither was up to the task.
Economic Myths, Fallacies and Stupidity
By Walter E. Williams
Criticism that businesses are just in it for money and profits reflects gross stupidity or misunderstanding. Compare our level of satisfaction with the services of those "in it just for the money and profits" to those in it to serve the public as opposed to earning profits. For example, Wal-Mart and millions of other businesses are profit-motivated whereas government schools, the USPS and state motor vehicle departments are not.
Fwd: MRC Alert: ABC Touts Entrepreneur Seeking Backing of Government 'Lawyers and Lobbyists'
A daily compilation edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert items are drawn from daily BiasAlert posts and distributed by the Media Research Center's News Analysis Division, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.
Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
Friday June 18, 2010 @ 09:46 AM EDT1. ABC Touts Entrepreneur Seeking Backing of Government 'Lawyers and Lobbyists'
The day after President Obama's speech decrying America's "addiction" to fossil fuels, ABC's World News obliged the White House's agenda with a profile of solar cell manufacturer Natcore, whose president says he can cut the costs of solar cells (which are right now too expensive to be economically viable without government subsidies). But the problem, as ABC correspondent Dan Harris helped frame it, is that this entrepreneur was getting nothing but "blank stares" from the "congressional staffers, lawyers and lobbyists" he met with in Washington, D.C. - as if a venture capitalists and other private investors wouldn't be tripping over themselves to get in on the ground floor of a process that could actually make solar power viable.2. USA Today Frets Obama Unable to 'Infuse Courts with Women and Minorities' -- ie Liberals
The "deeply polarized confirmation process in the Senate" has "undercut Obama's effort to significantly infuse the federal courts with more women and minorities," USA Today's Joan Biskupic fretted in a Wednesday front page article in which she refused to identify Obama's nominees as liberals as she attached the positive "diversity" patina to Obama's agenda without any regard for the irony such "diversity" is ideologically uniform. She led her June 16 story, "Push for court diversity hits snag: Partisan rancor ties up action on Obama nominees," however, by noting the ideology supposedly pushed by President George W. Bush: "President Obama came into office determined to stop the rightward shift of the federal courts -- after eight years of appointments by President Bush -- and to add more diversity to the bench." She then outlined Obama's achievement.3. ABC Focuses Oil Spill Blame on BP and Coast Guard, Not Obama; CBS Gives President 'C' for Response
On Thursday's Good Morning America on ABC, co-host George Stephanopoulos laid blame on BP and Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen for mishandling the Gulf oil spill response but depicted the Obama administration as having done everything it could. In contrast, on the CBS Early Show, guests from both sides of the aisle gave the President a 'C' grade for his response. Stephanopoulos deflected any criticism away from President Obama and suggested another target: "The White House has approved the building of berms, they've sent the boom down there, Admiral Allen is on the scene every day. Are you saying he is not giving you the help you need? And do you think he should keep his job?"4. Meet the Conservative Intellectual Elite (According to the NYT): Kathleen Parker, David Frum, Christopher Hitchens?
New York Times journalist Pamela Paul on conservatism (?) in exile: "...this was more a bunkering of the conservative intellectual elite, a group that domineered its way through the Bush years but is now sidelined, a somewhat baffled shadow of its former blustery self. Whither the conservative establishment in today's bilious political landscape? Certainly the typical Tea Party denizen, with his 'I Wanna Party Like It's 1773' T-shirt and 'You Lie!' trucker hat, would seem out of place...."
Fwd: Morning Bell: Fathers Who Are Husbands Spare Children from Poverty
Fathers Who Are Husbands Spare Children from Poverty
A wedding ring on Dad's finger is more than a symbol of his commitment to Mom. It also proves to be the ultimate anti-poverty weapon for their children. Now that's something to celebrate and encourage this Father's Day. It's fitting on Sunday to honor all the fathers who strive to keep that commitment, even when they grow weary.
"The principal cause of child poverty in the U.S. is the absence of married fathers in the home," Robert Rector, senior research fellow in domestic policy studies at The Heritage Foundation, writes in a new paper. "Marriage is a powerful weapon in fighting poverty. Being married has the same effect in reducing poverty as adding five to six years to a parent's education level."
In the paper, accompanied by 12 new charts on marriage and poverty, Rector illustrates the severe social costs of record-high births outside marriage – and of homes without fathers.
The escalating rate of births to unmarried women – four of every 10 babies overall, but more than half the Hispanic births and a staggering seven of every 10 births for blacks – is driving the collapse of marriage in America, especially in lower-income neighborhoods.