Thursday, October 14, 2010
Uh-Oh… Michelle O Campaigns In Polling Place!! May Have Violated Law (VIDEO)
Following the Law is for Thee… But Not For Me.
Michelle Obama reportedly campaigned for her husband and his radical agenda at a Chicago polling station today.
FOX News reported on the infraction:
Drudge reported:
First lady Michelle Obama appears to have violated Illinois law — when she engaged in political discussion at a polling place!
The drama began after Mrs. Obama stopped off at the Martin Luther King Center on the south side of Chicago to cast an early vote.
After finishing at the machine, Obama went back to the desk and handed in her voting key.
She let voters including electrician Dennis Campbell, 56, take some photos.
"She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband's agenda going," Campbell said.
According to a pool reporter from the CHICAGO SUN-TIMES at the scene, the conversation took place IN the voting center not far from the booths.
Illinois state law — Sec. 17-29 (a) — states: "No judge of election, pollwatcher, or other person shall, at any primary or election, do any electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion within any polling place, within 100 feet of any polling place."
A top Ilinois State Board of Elections official tells the DRUDGE REPORT how Mrs. Obama may have simply been ignorant of the law and thus violated it unintentionally.
"You kind of have to drop the standard for the first lady, right?" the official explained late Thursday. "I mean, she's pretty well liked and probably doesn't know what she's doing."
When questioned about the brazen nature of Mrs. Obama's campaigning, press secretary Robert Gibbs defended the action.
"I don't think it would be much to imagine, the First Lady might support her husband's agenda," Gibbs smiled.
Related… She also snarfed down a cheeseburger today too.
More… Bruce added this:
There's NO WAY you can spend as much time running for office and working on political campaigns over the last ten years, as these two have, and be ignorant of this most basic of basic election laws.
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Oops! Obama Offends DEA in Drug War Comments
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Climate Science Corruption: Practiced And Perpetuated By Scientific Societies
Obama's White House leads the charge, but all governments continue to pursue policies that make them appear green, while ignoring the facts.
by Dr. Tim Ball at Canada Free Press
A recent Pew Center poll shows public concern about global warming continues very low and even declining slightly. They've been there for a year now as comparison of their 2009/2010 results show. The most significant shift is in Energy, which dropped from 60 to 49 percent. Partly due to the declining gas prices, but also lower concern about failure of the basic energy sources and reduced threat of carbon taxes.
A recent Pew Center poll shows public concern about global warming continues very low and even declining slightly. They've been there for a year now as comparison of their 2009/2010 results show. The most significant shift is in Energy, which dropped from 60 to 49 percent. Partly due to the declining gas prices, but also lower concern about failure of the basic energy sources and reduced threat of carbon taxes.
Lord May led a major part of the manipulation of public perception through national scientific societies. It began with the UK Royal Society and they persuaded other national societies to become involved by making public statements. Some, like the Russian Academy climatologist Yuri Israel protested but was quickly pushed aside. At a climate meeting, "The Russian scientist was immediately and disrespectfully admonished by the chair and former IPCC chief Sir John Houghton for being far too optimistic. Such a moderate proposal was ridiculous since it was "incompatible with IPCC policy". (Source)
It became part of the consensus argument still used by some. Consider the view of US National Academy of Sciences member Peter Gleick. His article, "Climate-change deniers versus the scientific societies of the world: Who should we listen to?" is a classic. It's problematic when a scientist doesn't know that consensus is not a scientific fact or the basis for a scientific argument.
Fortunately some scientists within the various societies and academies are beginning to protest, demanding retractions and revisions.
Already suspicious and galvanized by the events revealed by the leaked emails from the Climatic research unit (CRU), the British public and science community was ahead of the world in recognizing the scam that is official climate science. As a result, they are in the forefront of demanding more reasonable positions. "The UK's Royal Society is reviewing its public statements on climate change after 43 Fellows complained that it had oversimplified its messages. They said the communications did not properly distinguish between what was widely agreed on climate science and what is not fully understood."
They still don't denounce the entire fraud, but it's hard to acknowledge serious error, especially if you still don't understand the science.
Harold Lewis Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California and former member of the American Physical Society (APS) understands and dropped a nuclear bomb recently, He is "former" because he tendered his resignation in a devastating letter. "It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the slightest doubt that this is so should read the Climategate documents, which lay it bare. I don't believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that word revulsion a definition of the word scientist. So what has the APS, as an organization done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it."
Perpetrators of the pseudoscience and some of their supporters continue to try and maintain the fraud. No doubt they're emboldened by the despicable cover-ups orchestrated by governments and universities. As Lewis notes, funding corrupts them. "I think it is the money, exactly what Eisenhower warned about a half-century ago." "Your own Physics department (of which you are chairman) would lose millions a year if the global warming bubble burst. When Penn State absolved Michael Mann of wrongdoing, and the University of East Anglia did the same for Phil Jones, they cannot have been unaware of the financial penalty for doing otherwise."
One of the first scientists to publicly and professionally identify the corrupt science was Professor Edward Wegman. His report to the US Senate Committee investigating the hockey stick scandal identified the incestuous group publishing together, peer-reviewing each others work and controlling and bypassing the peer-review process. Now there are attempts to discredit him by accusations of plagiarism.
William Connolley is a, politically-driven, founding member of Realclimate, a web site set up to control and develop propaganda for the CRU group.
His main task was control of 500 Wikipedia climate entries.
They supposedly removed his editorial control, but it appears that's not the case. He's still removing material he doesn't like.
Gavin Schmidt is an employee of NASA GISS, the agency run by environmental activist James Hansen, Schmidt was actively involved and appeared to spend an inordinate amount of time with Realclimate for a bureuacrat.
He recently participated in a project with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) titled, "Climate Change and the Public: Overcoming Skepticism After Climategate." His involvement, after all the disclosures of Climategate is ridiculous, but no less than the entire exercise. Schmidt has a reputation of inaccuracy and less than full disclosure.
It wasn't about science at all, but a lesson in how to further deceive and exploit fear
It's an outrage that a scientific organization doesn't know that science is about skepticism and all scientists must be skeptics. But their objective was even more disgraceful. "Panelists will share their best practices for public and media engagement, debate how to respond to critiques, and explore the idea of reframing climate change as a public health issue." It wasn't about science at all, but a lesson in how to further deceive and exploit fear. Schmidt's record shows he is well qualified on those topics. Lewis said the APS went along with the corruption accepting it as the norm. The AAAS goes further by providing methods and mechanisms for perpetuating "the most successful pseudoscientific fraud." If you remain a member of AAAS or any other association and don't speak out against such falsity and corruption then you condone the actions and activities. Speak out or watch science self-destruct.
"Dr. Tim Ball is a renowned environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Ball employs his extensive background in climatology and other fields as an advisor to the International Climate Science Coalition, Friends of Science and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy." Dr. Ball is a regular contributor to
Dr. Ball can be reached at:
'Obama's EPA a Growing Menace to Economy' – Sen. Inhofe
BIG GREEN 3, Green Gold: BP, GE & the World's First Carbon Billionaires
Drill, North Dakota, Drill
Another Massive Energy Tax Looms on the Horizon
UC Santa Barbara emeritus professor of physics quits American Physical Society over global climate hoax
America's Crude Advantage
Another Scathing Indictment of Climate Change
What Is Congress Establishing? climate religion
High and Hidden Costs: There is Nothing Free about the Wind
The Green War on Children – Michelle Malkin
Slowdown in Shallow-Water Drilling Could Cost $4.3 Billion for Gulf Economy
A Tale of Two Legacies; One Positive And Constructive, The Other Negative and Destructive
Another One: Climate Change Ad Features Young Girl in a Noose
W.Va. Sues Obama, EPA Over Mining Coal Regulations
Dems urge Hillary to push global redistribution of US income for climate hoax
EPA's Own Estimates Say Greenhouse Gas Regs Could 'Slow Construction Nationwide for Years' — and Take a Century to Reduce Temperature 0.0015 Degrees
New high gas mileage standard could make vehicles cost more, less safe
Pushing Junk Science on Children
Ozone Rule Would Kill 7.3 Million Jobs, Raise Costs
The Green Agenda
Hard to believe they're still pushing the warming hoax a year later
Eco-terrorism pushes carbon reduction for warming hoax
The renewable energy scam
Landrieu battles White House for killing drilling jobs
Greenism – Intelligence not the problem!
Cuba Will Drill Deeper Than BP Off Coast of Florida
Where EPA Is Public Enemy #1
Strickland profits from 'green' patronage in Ohio
Stink in the air – Carnahan's brother gets $107 million for wind farm
Lights Out
EPAs Anti-Industrial Policy – Threatening Jobs and Americas Manufacturing Base
The Big Green machine – The Big Money & The Global Governance Agenda That Fuels Environmentalism
EPA rules to shut down industry, cost jobs
EPW report shows new EPA rules will cost more than 800,000 jobs
Big Green: Emanuel's pot of green gold is called Exelon
Will Christie take on cap and trade?
Global Cooling and the New World Order
Climate propaganda still pushed by media
Landrieu to block OMB nominee unless oil drilling ban lifted
Obama team uses flimflammery to inflate job numbers
Issa calls for "relook" at climate science
Bill Clinton's global shakedown
Congressman Calls For Schools To 'Promote The Agenda' Of Climate Change, Population Limitation
The Green Death
No Science, Fake Science, and the Deliberate Destruction of the Nation
Energy Department Says It Has 'Mandate' to Force 'Market Transformation' for Household Appliances
Texas Sues to Block Bizarre "Global Warming" EPA Rules
Endangered Species: Members of Congress fight to save the incandescent light bulb
Rebranding the climate hoax
Green slime – The people behind Obama's war against fossil fuels
Two Lies Make A Truth In Green and Liberal Views on Climate Science
Green scheme dims lights of freedom
Founder of The Weather Channel says sue Al Gore
Nazi Dreams were Green Dreams
Meltdown of the climate 'consensus'
Desperate Greens Make Desperate Claims
Reid to force renewable energy mandate in lame duck session
UN climate commission found flawed in investigation
IPCC and CRU Rewrite Facts But Can't Rewrite History
The Green $windle
Pushing 'green' for fun and profit
Run Like A Deere From Cap-And-Trade
Wind energy is a lot of hot air
Lone Star state won't participate in Obama's lawless policy
McConnell: Cap-and-trade 'dead' – but watch out for executive orders
Secretary Clinton's Climate Con
Reflected Sunlight Shines On IPCC Deceptions And Gross Inadequacies
Forecaster predicted Russian heatwave, Pakistan flood
Banning the Incandescent Light Bulb
Hillary uses Pakistan flood disaster to push climate hoax
Leading US Physicist Labels Satellitegate Scandal a 'Catastrophe' for climate hoax
Cancer of Tropic – the Algoreaholics are still at it
Gore calls for major protests to push his climate hoax legislation
Why Warming Is Falsely Reported When World Is Cooling
Global warming lies, damn lies and easy rebuttals
Former NASA Blacklisted Scientist Challenges Global Warming Orthodoxy
The EPA Must Be Stopped!
Big Green Lies are Imploding
Global Warming, R.I.P
States secretly already raising rates for cap & trade – is your state next?
Northeastern states cap & trade program secret and greedy
Leftist climate activist bails out of global warming hoax
Carbon Cronyism: Why Cap-and-Trade Is Not Dead Yet
Carbon trading scheme passed in finance 'reform' bill
Cap and Trade alive and kicking at EPA
Dems Ditch 'Cap and Trade' but don't be fooled
What you should know about the lie that is coming in cap and trade
Cap and trade bill will clobber D.C. and you
Dems change 'climate' saving language to 'pollution'
EPA pushes ahead to kill energy industry
Obama is Strangling Big Oil -$7 a gallon gas anyone?
No objectivity in climate debate
What you should know about the lie that is coming in cap and trade
Cap and trade bill will clobber D.C. and you
More proof of the 'climate warming' hoax: Polar Ice Caps Larger than Long-Term Average, NOAA Satellites Show
Dems change 'climate' saving language to 'pollution'
EPA pushes ahead to kill energy industry
Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket
Obama is Strangling Big Oil -$7 a gallon gas anyone?
No objectivity in climate debate
The Bait-And-Switch On Cap-And-Trade
Malkin explains Salazar's deception on drilling ban
New $3.4 TRILLION in taxes hits all Americans
Obama's Gulf Oil Spill Commission and the Missing Experts – agenda to pass cap and trade?
Obama Is Wrong; Alternative Energy is Not an Alternative
Obama Trumpets Radical Energy Agenda -Sen. Inhofe
Dems ready for big push on global warming
$7-a-gallon gas?
Krauthammer: Dreamer in chief wants to lead us down green path to destruction
Obama's 'green' jobs role model, Spain, is next European bailout
Green Stimulus Money Costs More Jobs Than It Creates, Study Shows
Obama administration hides truth on 'green' jobs with help of big wind businesses which stand to make big money with government subsidies
The 'green jobs' lie
The Big Wind-Power Cover-Up – 'green' slime of corruption
The Weatherization Boondoggle -'green' union money pit
The Green Pied Piper from Chicago
Billions for 'green jobs,' whatever they are
Myth of 'green jobs' continues
The Green Con Job – higher 'green' energy costs = job losses
Obama Still Backs Job-Destroying Global-Warming Agenda by Sen. Inhofe
Obama Sells Economic Snake Oil
The Great Global Warming Swindle – video documentary on CO2
Cap & Ruin also known as the American Power Act
Obama: Under My Plan Electricity Rates Skyrocket
American Power Act: Oil Spill Does Not Justify Wrecking the Economy
BP is Kerry ally on cap and trade (now known as American Power Act)
John Kerry's Big Business Buyoff to get cap and trade passed
Obama uses oil spill to push cap and trade
Crime, Inc. (also known as cap and trade) highlights
Nonpartisan Proof: Cap-and-Trade Is an Economy-Killer
Obama: Under My Plan Electricity Rates Skyrocket
Cap and Trade is a UN power grab orchestrated by Maurice Strong et al
Exposing the cap and trade bill as a criminal enterprise
Cap-and-Trade: A Scam Based on a Scam
Drive those SUVs! Global Cooling Is Coming — and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns
Iceland volcanoes could cause climate cooling!
Former White house staffer & communist Van Jones on the father of the climate scam Joel Rogers
Crime inc.~ Joel Rogers & The New Green Deal
Al Gore's Carbon crusade: The Money and Connections Behind It
Cap and Trade is a UN power grab orchestrated by Maurice Strong et al
Exposing the cap and trade bill as a criminal enterprise
Cap-and-Trade: A Scam Based on a Scam
Cap and Trade bill would legalize criminal scam by Chicago Climate Exchange
How Obama's 'green' policies will steal your freedom and bankrupt America
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Obama Administration lets Insurers Raise Premiums on Sick Children
RWB News: I am sure this will not be reported on much by Obama media……just another lie from this administration. I still say Obamacare is working as the Democrats wanted.
As reported by the NY Times
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, aiming to encourage health insurance companies to offer child-only policies, said Wednesday that they could charge higher premiums for coverage of children with serious medical problems, if state law allowed it.
Earlier this year, major insurers, faced with an unprofitable business, stopped issuing new child-only policies. They said that the Obama administration's interpretation of the new health care law would allow families to buy such coverage at the last minute, when children became ill and were headed to the hospital.
In September, the administration said that insurers could establish open-enrollment periods — for example, one month a year — during which they would accept all children.
Now, on Wednesday, the administration, answering a question raised by many insurers, said they could charge higher premiums to sick children outside the open-enrollment period, if state laws allowed such underwriting, as many do.
Insurers "can adjust their rates based on health status until 2014, to the extent state law allows," said Jay Angoff, director of the Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at the Department of Health and Human Services.
The difficulty in preserving access to child-only insurance policies is the latest example of unintended consequences of the new law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The problem may be solved in 2014. If Democrats can beat back Republican efforts to dismantle the law, most Americans will be required to carry health insurance, starting in 2014, and insurers will be required to accept all applicants, regardless of pre-existing conditions.
Read the rest of the article:
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The Tea Party Goes International
The Tea Party Goes International | ![]() |
The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
October 14, 2010 4:00:08 PM
Anna Leutheuser
Despite the media's negative portrayal, support for the Tea Party is growing at astonishing speed. Over half of the electorate now consider themselves favorable to the Tea Party, according to recent polls. Just this weekend, the Virginia Tea Party Convention, co-hosted by The Heritage Foundation, attracted over 2,000 attendees – the largest state-wide rally to date. Such broad support is remarkable for a movement that began not quite two years ago in scattered local gatherings of frustrated and concerned citizens. Yet when considering the Tea Party's grounding in the principles of limited government, individual freedom and the rule of law, it is unsurprising that their message resonates across the country – and as we're beginning to see – around the world.
Australia is one such country experiencing a groundswell of support for a more fiscally conservative government. The election of Tony Abbott in December as opposition leader against the Labor Party precipitated a "savage swing" toward conservatism. Although Abbott's Liberal Party [Australia's traditionally conservative party] was unable to win an outright majority this August, they did gain enough power to deny the Labor Party a governing majority. Throughout this period, Mr. Abbott has continued to explain–without ambiguities—his conservative stance on the economy, stimulus spending, faith, and cap-and-trade legislation, giving Australian politics a clarity and focus that many countries would desire.
Australia's conservative shift is evident in the creation of its very own T.E.A. [Taxed Enough Already] Party. The Australian T.E.A. Party states that it is a "worldwide movement united for free markets, fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited small governments and individual freedom". Rather than become another political party, the T.E.A. Party seeks to influence existing parties and work within the established system to catalyze economic and structural reforms. Such tactics should not be underestimated. As Henry Olsen notes in his latest Weekly Standard article, fiscal conservatism has dominated six of the last eight elections in the developed world. The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden—yes Sweden!—and the Netherlands (among others) have all taken steps toward the stated goals of the Australian and American Tea Parties by voting for tax cuts over expanded welfare—an unprecedented shift in these established welfare states. Even Great Britain's government demanded that government department cut their budgets by 25% – prompting references to a new British Tea Party.
The principles that precipitated the first Tea Party – a respect for the rule of law, and desire for limited government and individual liberty – are universal; and they are just as threatened now as they were at the time of the American founding. This time, however, the United States is not alone in coming to their defense.
Do you have New Common Sense? Sign up today!
American Leadership First Principles Austalia Australian T.E.A. Party tea party Virginia Tea Party Convention
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The States to Speaker Pelosi: They’re Serious
The States to Speaker Pelosi: They're Serious | ![]() |
The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
October 14, 2010 4:18:28 PM
Robert Alt
When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was asked by a reporter "where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate," she responded, "Are you serious? Are you serious?"
Today comes an answer from Florida, 19 other states, and the National Federation of Independent Businesses: they are very serious. Federal District Court Judge Roger Vinson today rejected the Obama administration's invitation to throw their case out, allowing the constitutional challenge to proceed.
The 65-page decision is reasoned and methodical. To give but a taste, the judge spends no less than 22 pages assessing whether the penalty assessed for failing to comply with the individual mandate is a tax or a penalty. This seemingly arcane issue is important because, despite President Obama and Congress's claims throughout that the penalty is not a tax increase, the Justice Department has argued in Court that it is, in fact, a tax, in order to rely upon Congress's taxing powers as an answer to the question that we began with, namely "where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate."
The federal government's change in position on this issue earned a strong rebuke from Judge Vinson, who used the Justice Department's own arguments about congressional accountability against them:
[I]t is obvious that Congress did not pass the penalty, in the version of the legislation that is now "the Act," as a tax under its taxing authority, but rather as a penalty pursuant to its Commerce Clause power. . . . And, now that it has passed into law on that basis, government attorneys have come into this court and argued that it was a tax after all. This rather significant shift in position, if permitted, could have the consequence of allowing Congress to avoid the very same accountability that was identified by the government's counsel in the Virginia case as a check on Congress's broad taxing power in the first place. . . . .
Congress should not be permitted to secure and cast politically difficult votes on controversial legislation by deliberately calling something one thing, after which the defenders of that legislation take an "Alice-in-Wonderland" tack and argue in court that Congress really meant something else entirely, thereby circumventing the safeguard that exists to keep their broad power in check.
Opinion at 27-28 (internal citations and footnotes omitted).
With the Alice-in-Wonderland taxing argument taken away, the government is left with only one constitutional rationalization for the mandate: that forcing individuals who are not engaging in commerce regarding insurance contracts to enter into contracts for insurance with private, third-part insurers is somehow a regulation of interstate commerce. The government argued that this use of congressional authority was nothing unusual, and that the case should be dismissed. The Court disagreed, finding the question of whether to allow the claim "not even a close call." The Judge found that "[t]he power that the individual mandate seeks to harness is simply without prior precedent"—contrary to the government's "nothing to see here" argument. Demonstrating the breadth of the regulatory scheme, the Court noted:
The individual mandate applies across the board. People have no choice and there is no way to avoid it. Those who fall under the individual mandate either comply with it, or they are penalized. It is not based on an activity that they make the choice to undertake. Rather, it is based solely on citizenship and on being alive.
The decision is yet another loss for the Obama administration, which now will have to defend the mandate at a hearing on December 16. And with these mounting losses, the answer to Speaker Pelosi's question is getting stronger, and clearer.
Health Care Rule of Law health care reform individual mandate Judge Roger Vinson Judge Vinson Obama Health Care Plan Obamacare unconstitutional Vinson
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Reason TV: Boondoggle in the Motor City: Detroit's Train to Nowhere
- Granholm has a fever, and the only prescription is more rail
- High-Speed Rail Between Detroit and Chicago Is A Pipe Dream
- High-Speed Rail Between Detroit and Chicago - Part Deux
- High-Speed Rail Between Detroit and Chicago?
- Detroit Free Press: Make transit bigger part of stimulus plan
From Reason TV on YouTube:
Here's the video:
The Motor City is moving ahead with a plan to build a 9.3-mile light rail line that will run from downtown Detroit to the edge of the suburbs. It'll cost an estimated $500 million. Three-quarters of the bill will be paid by federal taxpayers, with the rest picked up by a consortium of foundations and businesses.
If built, the project will end up on the Mackinac Center's list of government-subsidized white elephants touted as "crucial to Detroit's comeback," its "rebirth," and pivotal to "turning things around." In reality, it'll just be another train to nowhere, much like Detroit's existing light rail line, the unfortunately named "People Mover," which operates at 2.5% of capacity.
Reason TV also had this related video back in March of this year: 3 Reasons Why Obama's High-Speed Rail Will Go Nowhere Fast
Since Reason mentioned the ironically-named People Mover in Detroit, I had this last year on that very topic: Detroit Free Press: Make transit bigger part of stimulus plan
Henry Payne has some thought on the Woodward corridor light rail boondoggle, which gets at my above assertion that only a few rich businessmen will benefit from it: Why Detroit rail? Because key businessmen demand itHasn't the people mover been just an expensive failure for 20 years now? Why yes. Yes it has! Here's a story from the Macinac Center: The Detroit People Mover Still Serves as "a Rich Folks' Roller Coaster" (subline: A poor city subsidizes 20 years of failure) From that article:
Operating at 2.5% capacity - A sick joke on taxpayers More than a year before People Mover opened in 1987, Time magazine printed an unflattering preview of the coming attraction titled "Horizontal Elevator to Nowhere." Estimating the project to be a year late and 50 percent over budget, Time detailed numerous defects and problems, with the most notable mistake being the decision to build it at all. One Detroit resident was quoted as saying that it was "a rich folks' roller coaster," and a Reagan administration transit chief predicted that it could become "the least cost-effective transit project in the last 20 years." The People Mover has repeatedly revisited these themes as if they were stations on its tiny circuit.Read the whole thing (hint: it goes downhill from there). So what say we scrap the whole People Mover concept and go with simple rail at or below ground level. Like Amtrak. Since, you know, Amtrak has such a great track (pun intended!) record (no profit whatsoever in 2 generations!). This is exactly what happens when government runs anything (social security, medicare, medicaid, Post Office, etc. ad infinitum!)
...Convinced that Detroit is a dysfunctional city, these men are not out to save all 138 square miles of Detroit, but to make its downtown a livable, safe, trendy urban center that will put Detroit back on the map as a destination city.Read the rest. More on the boondoggle at The Michigan View:
Their pan stands on three legs:
1. Locate top corporate HQs in Detroit, forcing young coupes and singles to work downtown. Dan Gilbert, the feisty founder of Quicken Loans is the latest CEO to bring his employees in, joining Karmanos' Compuware and, of course, GM in the RenCen.
2. Consolidate all Detroit sports teams in the Circus Park area, creating an economy of scale with the Wings, Lions, Tigers, Pistons and accompanying entertainment events that will attract dozens of restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. After the Yuppies emerge from work, this theory goes, they will go to the sports/entertainment complex, dine, and ultimately want to locate downtown " Chicago-style - for its vibrant urban nightlife. Ilitch is currently negotiating the purchase of the Pistons " with the design of moving them from Auburn Hills to join in a new stadium shared with the Wings.
3. Build Woodward light rail connecting waterfront GM to Compuware HQ to the stadiums to Wayne State university to Midtown to Royal Oak. This "spine" is the glue that connects downtown to suburb " the "hip" transport that will propel Yuppies from their condos, their schools, their workplace.
That's the dream. Backed by an extraordinary $125 million raised by the Big Four in order to get an initial $125 million in matching federal funds. Your funds..
- Howe's: Gilbert's master plan
- Crain's: Where the dough comes from
- Detroit boondoggle? $500 million for light rail
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Judge's Decision To Allow Obamacare Suit Blasts Government For Mandate/Tax Flip-Flop
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EXCLUSIVE: New Pakistani Taliban Operative Feared Inside U.S. After Times Square Failure
EXCLUSIVE: New Pakistani Taliban Operative Feared Inside U.S. After Times Square Failure
U.N. official: U.S. is $1.2 billion in arrears at U.N.
National Debt Increases for 53rd Straight Fiscal Year; Jumped $1.65 Trillion in FY 2010
Did First Lady Michelle Obama Violate Illinois Election Law?
First Lady Michelle Obama stopped in at the Martin Luther King Center on Chicago's south side Thursday to cast her early vote for the upcoming November midterm elections. But reports from the scene suggest Mrs. Obama may have engaged in political discussion at the polling place — a big no-no according to state election law.
According to a flash story on the Drudge Report, Mrs. Obama finished casting her ballot and stopped to take pictures with residents. It was at this time that electrician Dennis Campbell, 56, says the First Lady inappropriately lobbied for support of her husband's administration.
"She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband's agenda going," Campbell said.
Drudge also points to another witness — a pool reporter — who says the entire conversation took place inside the voting center near the booths.
Illinois state law — Sec. 17-29 (a) — states: "No judge of election, pollwatcher, or other person shall, at any primary or election, do any electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion within any polling place, within 100 feet of any polling place."
Responding to the report Thursday afternoon, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs reportedly defended the First Lady's actions. "I don't think it would be much to imagine, the First Lady might support her husband's agenda," Gibbs said.
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About the Florida ObamaCare ruling: Obamanauts flail losingly trying to call the mandate penalty a t
The Judge's Order is 65 pages and can be found here.
The first at-length discussion is whether the fine for not buying insurance is a "penalty" or a "tax. Those are two different things, legally speaking. A "tax" is authorized to Congress through its rather broad taxing authority. A "penalty" comes under the more narrow Commerce Clause authority. Also, if a "tax," then the discussion in a lawsuit may be premature, since the liability doesn't arise until 2014 and other cases establish so. A "penalty" is couched in the Commerce Clause, and the entire scheme can be reviewed now.
Remember the early days of the discussion? Republicans (they can't be this smart) shouted that it was a tax – an increase in taxes. So the democrats and Obama yelled back that it was not a tax. And the latter made sure the law read that way.
Well, when the lawsuits started flying, all of a sudden the Obamanauts are calling it a "tax" because they realized that they could lose the ripeness argument ("too early") if it were a "penalty."
The Judge handles it this way:
The defendants assert in their memorandum, see Memorandum in Support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss ("Def. Mem."), at 33, 50 n.23 (doc. 56-1), as they did during oral argument, that in deciding whether the exaction is a penalty or tax,"it doesn't matter" what Congress called it because the label "is not conclusive." See Transcript of Oral Argument ("Tr."), at 27-29 (doc. 77). As a general rule, it istrue that the label used is not controlling or dispositive because Congress, at times,may be unclear and use inartful or ambiguous language. Therefore, as the Supreme Court recognized more than 100 years ago in Helwig, supra, the use of a particular word "does not change the nature and character of the [exaction]," and it is the ultimate duty of the court to decide the issue based on "the intrinsic nature of the provision" irrespective of what it is called. See 188 U.S. at 612-13; accord Cooleyv. Bd. of Wardens, 53 U.S. (12 How.) 299, 314, 13 L. Ed. 996 (1851) ("it is thething, and not the name, which is to be considered"). However, as also noted in Helwig, this rule must be set aside when it is clear and manifest that Congress intended the exaction to be regarded as one and not the other. For that reason, the defendants are wrong to contend that what Congress called it "doesn't matter." To the extent that the label used is not just a label, but is actually indicative of legislative purpose and intent, it very much does matter. By deliberately changing the characterization of the exaction from a "tax" to a "penalty," but at the same time including many other "taxes" in the Act, it is manifestly clear that Congress intended it to be a penalty and not a tax.
Hoist by their own petard. They called it a "penalty," by God it is, and this Court has jurisdiction to review it right now. There are other reasons for this designation such as Congress citing Commerce Clause authority and their failure to identify a revenue-raising purpose for the money extorted inward.
Here's how weakly the Obamanaut argument stands that it is a tax: The defendants have not pointed to any reported case decided by any courtof record that has ever found and sustained a tax in a situation such as the one presented here, and my independent research has also revealed none. At bottom, the defendants are asking that I divine hidden and unstated intentions, and despite considerable evidence to the contrary, conclude that Congress really meant to say one thing when it expressly said something else.
Of course, to us it is a tax. Everything we pay to the government is a tax. But it makes a difference in this case.
And it's so much fun to see them flailing about trying to prove what Barry said was not a tax, is, in fact, a tax. I think the Judge says it best:
This conclusionis further justified in this case since President Obama, who signed the bill into law, has "absolutely" rejected the argument that the penalty is a tax.
Too funny.
But the Judge was not amused. Not, at least, with the lead government attorney.
This foregoing statement highlights one of the more troubling aspects of the defendants' "newfound" tax argument.
The "foregoing statement is a reference to the lead government attorney speaking in the Virginia ObamaCare case:
In Virginia v. Sebelius, 3:10cv188, one of the twenty or so other lawsuits challenging the Act, the federal government's lead counsel (who is lead defense counsel in this litigation, as well) urged during oral argument in that case that the penalty is proper and sustainable under the taxing power. Although that power isbroad and does not easily lend itself to judicial review, counsel stated, "there is a check. It's called Congress. And taxes are scrutinized. And the reason we don't have all sorts of crazy taxes is because taxes are among the most scrutinized things we have. And the elected representatives in Congress are held accountable for taxes that they impose." See Transcript of Oral Argument (Virginia case), at 45.
The emphasis on "tax" is what this court noted:
Congress should not be permitted to secure and cast politically difficult votes on controversial legislation by deliberately calling something one thing, after which the defenders of that legislation take an "Alice-in-Wonderland" tack and argue in court that Congress really meant something else entirely, thereby circumventing the safeguard that exists to keep their broad power in check.
Smack. And if that wasn't enough, the Judge quoted Alice in the footnote:
Lewis, Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass, Chapter 6 (Heritage 1969):"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a ratherscornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean —neither more or less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can makewords mean so many different things."
This all falls under the rubric, "Counsel, I cannot believe you just said that."
Ouch. That'll leave a mark.
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