Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington, plans to travel more: "On 'Meet the Press' December 26, top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett said President Obama's 'biggest regret' is that the severity of the economic crisis forced him to 'spend almost every waking hour in Washington focusing very hard on solving that crisis' and thus kept him from traveling the country to connect with the...
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington, plans to travel more
Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington, plans to travel more: "On 'Meet the Press' December 26, top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett said President Obama's 'biggest regret' is that the severity of the economic crisis forced him to 'spend almost every waking hour in Washington focusing very hard on solving that crisis' and thus kept him from traveling the country to connect with the...
"The grave human tragedy of the Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, has worsened dramatically"
"The grave human tragedy of the Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, has worsened dramatically": "
All that American blood and treasure in Iraq .... for the sharia. Breathtaking. Note this as well: Women's rights steadily eroding in Iraq as Islamic supremacists gain power
Dire reportage from the singular and exceptional human rights champion, David Littman.
A letter from David G. Littman, representative to the UN-Geneva for the World Union for Progressive Judaism, to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay:
* * * * *
RENEWED APPEAL (2008, 2009, 2010)... for the New Year 2011To the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay
31 December 2010
Your Excellency,Having suffered a serious brain haemorrhage on 27 November - and now being treated for acute leukaemia - it seems highly unlikely that I shall be allowed by my doctors to return to the Palais des Nations - without a mask, if at all - to defend universal human rights as I have endeavoured to do for the past 25 years. Hopefully, I shall remain in shape to prepare an 'Appeal' now and again - and perhaps more, if providence should allow.
Our 1st intervention on 3 February 1986 was a written Appeal - on behalf of the WUPJ - to the Chairman of the CHR's 42nd session, condemning the nomination of ex-Nazi Byelorussian, Dr. Hermann Klenner, as one of three vice-chairmen. Our 1st oral statement (12 February) condemned the ongoing Orwellian UN General Assembly Resolution 3377, voted on 10 November 1975 (37 years after the evil 1938 Kristallnacht), equating Zionism with Racism. Our 2rd oral statement (3 March) dealt with the question of "fanatical fundamentalists preaching jihad actions of international terrorism against their sworn enemies: either Muslims, referred to as 'heretics'; or non-Muslims, referred to as 'infidels'." Our 3rd oral statement (7 March), inter alia, dealt with the situation of dhimmis (Jews and Christians in Arab-Muslim lands), providing full details on this historical phenomenon, which slowly emptied 'Arab lands' of their ancient Jewish populations - from time immemorial - numbering over 900,000 in 1948 - under 20,000 by 1986; today they are less than 5,000 (barely ½ of 1%).
Madam High Commissioner, we are providing these 'details' (*), in order to stress that for 25 years we have reminded the CHR (and since 2006 the HRC), to no avail, of that commonplace saying: "after Saturday comes Sunday": i.e. after the dhimmi Jews will have been expelled from Arab lands, it will be the time of the dhimmi Christians. Alas, the 'international community' has shown no interest in "Jewish refugees" from Arab-Muslim lands (representing about ½ of Israel's Jewish population of 5.5 million) - only in "Arab-Palestinian refugees" from UN mandated Palestine, whose tragic plight resulted from the Arab League's 1947 "no!" to international legality and its military attack to destroy Israel. This refusal then to recognise a Jewish State continues today.
The grave human tragedy of the Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, has worsened dramatically since our joint 2008 and 2009 Christmas Day Appeals to you, UNSRs, and at UN bodies. We are enclosing again our last year's joint Appeal and a recent article by a Qatari liberal, Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari: "The Perpetrators of the Massacre at the Baghdad Church are 'the Children of the Culture of Hate." [Al-Jarida-Kuwait, 15 Nov. 2010, tr. by MEMRI, Special Dispatch 3473, 27 Dec. 2010].
This 'writing on the wall' has been evident for decades to all with eyes to see and ears to hear. On the eve of the New Year, we call on you as HCHR, on concerned SRs, and UN bodies to strongly condemn this atrocious martyrdom of a religious-ethnic community, dating from the birth of Christianity in the Middle East. There are less than 10 Jews in Iraq from over 140,000 in 1948. If the UN does not act decisively, the 1¼ million or so Iraqi Christians a decade ago (now under ¼ million) will be reduced to mere thousands or hundreds and all their possessions confiscated, as happened to the dhimmi Jews. The plight of Egypt's Copts for decades is another neglected tragedy, totally ignored by the OIC, itself. The HRC is following the CHR - and the UN is suffering irreparable damage to its reputation in all fields: "for yielding pacifies great offences." NOW is the "time to speak" - and not "a time to keep silence."
David G. Littman - Representative to the UNO-Geneva (Case Postale 205, 1196 Gland - Suisse)
* WUPJ, Human Rights and Human Wrongs, No 1 (1986), pp.1-17 (UN Public Library, NY/Geneva). For historical documentation, see Paul B. Fenton & David G. Littman, L'Exile au Maghreb: La condition juive sous l'Islam : 1148 - 1912 (800 p.), Paris-Sorbonne, Nov. 2010
cc. Ms. Asma Jahangir, SR : Freedom of Religion & belief ; Mr. Githu Muigai, SR: Racism...; Mr James Anava, SR: HR and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples; Ms. Gay J. Mc Dougall, Independent Expert on minority issues; Pr. Walter Kälin, Rep. of S-G- HR of IDP.
More Muslim Propaganda Debunked: NY Report, Hate crimes against Jews: 251. Hate crimes against Muslims: 11
More Muslim Propaganda Debunked: NY Report, Hate crimes against Jews: 251. Hate crimes against Muslims: 11: "
All this Islamic propaganda nonsense about the ground zero mosque ginning up "islamophobia" is a lie to shut the infidels up. It's a lie to enforce Islamic law (sharia) -- do not insult Islam. No candor, no criticism of Islam.
I wonder, of the eleven reported crimes against Muslims, how many were faked hate.
Just-released New York 2009 report: Hate crimes against Jews: 251. Hate crimes against Muslims: 11. JihadwatchAnd yet we endlessly hear about "Islamophobia," as if Muslims were huddled in their homes, cowering in the darkness as roving bands of Islamophobes marauded outside, throttling any hapless Believers who dared to stray outside. In reality, Jews are far more likely to be victimized in hate attacks -- and yet there is no hand-wringing, there are no official statements of outrage and solidarity, there are no seminars or webinars or earnest talking-head discussions about the rise in antisemitism.
Yet more evidence that the "rise in Islamophobia" theme that the mainstream media keeps returning to is just a shell game to divert attention from Islamic jihad violence and supremacism: "NY sees a surge in hate," by Fredric U. Dicker for the New York Post, December 31 (thanks to Ken):
ALBANY -- Hate crimes across New York state jumped 14 percent in 2009, led by an increase in attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions, state records released yesterday show.There were 683 hate crimes reported to police authorities across the state in 2009 compared with 599 in 2008, according to a report released by the state Division of Criminal Justice Services. [...]
Anti-Semitic incidents, which made up 37 percent of the reported hate crimes, were up 15 percent in one year, from 219 in 2008 to 251 in 2009. [...]
Crimes motivated by anti-Muslim sentiment rose from eight to 11....
Yeeeeee Hawwwww! Prices Are Going Up For The New Year!
Yeeeeee Hawwwww! Prices Are Going Up For The New Year!: "
The excitement from ABC’S Good Morning America could hardly be contained. Oh, it started out on a somber note about the price of everything going up in 2011. Populist concern showed on Robin Roberts face as she said, “The former head of Shell Oil said gas prices may hit $5.00.” She continued to say that the cost of just about everything will be going up.
Hummmm. Where have I been hearing that?
I believe Rush Limbaugh mentioned this a year or two ago. It’s been hard to watch a day of Glenn Beck without him preaching that inflation is going to smack us silly soon and we had all better be prepared. How could they have possibly been so brilliant as to know this? In fact, how could anybody not have predicted this when you look at Dear Leaders economic policies?
The big difference is, Limbaugh and Beck (and other conservatives) have told us why this is happening, ABC, and for the most part, the rest of the activist old media mention inflation without stating the cause, and in fact, in this case, they even said it was a good thing!
“If we look at the big picture, it means the economy is doing better,” smirked Roberts. At that point I was thinking swear words as I watched the segment (my daughter was in the room.) Her “expert” guest, Farnoosh Tarobi responsed “It’s an interesting story at a grand level, you know you’re looking at the economy, GDP is getting revised upward, retail spending, we had one of the greatest holiday spending seasons in history, so all of that is good for corporate profits, it’s good for the job market potentially, but unfortunately it means that prices are going to go up because we can afford more.”
Who can afford more? You and Robin Roberts? Were you talking about yourselves personally there? You sure as hell were not talking about the American people. Have you noticed 10% unemployment and another 30-40% underemployed, and those who do have jobs are making less and less all the time and—as you said, prices are going up and up. Yeeeeeee Hawwwww! BTW, this is the kind of garbage that happens in Banana Republics. Which reminds me, have you seen the price of clothes lately?
So the same media that promised they would protect us from every “disaster” they created in order to keep us watching the next newscast has now sided with the elitists and their Dear Leader in the White House to keep us broke. Broker. Brokerist.
To those on the left it may have felt like the “Ralphie” moment in A Christmas Story when he found out that the Ovaltine “gift” he had gotten in the mail was just a “stinkin’ commercial.” What, my Great Protectors in the activist old media have sided with the Machine that is keeping me down? What happened to the angle to this story that minorities and women will be hardest hit by this inflation? I was actually hoping to see that.
Of course, a freshman econ student could tell you why prices are going up. Obama policies have printed trillions of dollars we don’t have and Dear Leaders policy of allowing less drilling has increased the price of gas. Bingo. I guess Robin and Farnoosh didn’t have time to explain why this is happening. They were too busy fawning over how this is a good thing.
Happy New Year!
"ABC News Staffer Warns GOP Against ObamaCare Repeal
ABC News Staffer Warns GOP Against ObamaCare Repeal: "
More analysis at Big Journalism: ABC News Continues Lobby Effort for ObamaCare
"Democrat on Death Panels: 'The Longer This Goes Unnoticed, the Better Our Chances of Keeping It'
Democrat on Death Panels: 'The Longer This Goes Unnoticed, the Better Our Chances of Keeping It': "They celebrate death, but just don't want you rubes to know about it. Democrats: The Party of Death.Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) is distancing himself from a memo sent by his office that urged health reform advocates not to advertise new end-of-life counseling regulations to avoid reviving talk of “death panels.”The weeks-old memo recommended that end-of-life advocates celebrate a “quiet”"
Gasoline 'Expert': 'A Dollar More Per Gallon Isn't That Much'
Gasoline 'Expert': 'A Dollar More Per Gallon Isn't That Much': "Whenever you want some mind-numbing idiocy, go find an expert.The price of oil is poised for another run at $100 a barrel after a global economic rebound sent it surging 34 percent since May. That could push gasoline prices to $4 a gallon by summer in some parts of the country, experts say.Flying, shipping a package and ordering a pizza all likely would get more expensive in the new year if that"
Smart Diplomacy: Hillary Has 'Friendly Chat' With Communist Thug Chavez
Smart Diplomacy: Hillary Has 'Friendly Chat' With Communist Thug Chavez: "Maybe she's taking notes for her boss on how to destroy the economy.Despite a simmering diplomatic row, President Hugo Chavez and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were seen having a brief, friendly chat Saturday at the inauguration of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff."They talked and smiled, at least for five minutes. It looked like a social conversation, both were smiling," a Brazilian"
Napolitano beefing up border security… in Afghanistan
Napolitano beefing up border security… in Afghanistan: "
Secretary of Homeland insecurity?
Janet Napolitano goes to Afghanistan to promote protection of their borders.
Unreal. Here in the United States our borders are still wide open.
Communism literally stinks: Cuba drops hygiene products from monthly ration
Communism literally stinks: Cuba drops hygiene products from monthly ration: "
Cuba’s communist system is running out of other people’s money.
Now they’re done subsidizing hygienic products.
Miami Florida: Coldest December on Record
Miami Florida: Coldest December on Record: "
How’s that global warming thing workin’ out for ya’? From the NOAA National Weather Service Office in Miami: A cool and wet January through March was followed by the hottest summer on record, and then concluded with the coldest December on record for the main climate sites in South Florida.
by Anthony Watts at Watts Up with That?
From the NOAA National Weather Service Office in Miami comes this year end report:
2010 South Florida Weather Year in Review
Coldest December on Record Concludes Year of Extremes
December 30th, 2010: Temperature and precipitation extremes marked the weather of 2010 across South Florida. A cool and wet January through March was followed by the hottest summer on record, and then concluded with the coldest December on record for the main climate sites in South Florida (details on the above mentioned periods will be included below).
Here are December 2010 temperature averages for select sites (through 7 AM Dec 30th):
* Location of observations for each location have moved since the first year of record, but are representative of the city for record keeping purposes.
** Present Miami Beach and Moore Haven temperature data may not be totally comparable to historical data due to difference in time of daily reports which causes double-reporting of low temperatures.
Complete statistics of the record cold December for all sites above (except Moore Haven) will be provided in Record Reports which will be issued early on Jan 1, 2011.
The main culprit behind the cold temperatures in December 2010 was the same one which caused the cold winter of 2009-2010; a strongly negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Arctic Oscillation (AO). When these atmospheric oscillations are in the strong negative phase, they essentially “flip” the weather pattern across North America, with upper-level high pressure and relative warmth over Greenland and Northeastern Canada and upper-level low pressure and cold over the eastern Continental United States, including Florida (Figure 1). This pattern forces the jet stream to plunge south from northern Canada into the southeastern U.S., transporting Arctic air masses into Florida.
A pronounced shift in the ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) phase was noted in 2010, from a strong El Niño, or warm, phase to a borderline strong La Niña, or cold, phase. While this may appear at first glance to be a key contributor to the temperature extremes noted across South Florida during 2010, it is believed that it was the strongly negative NAO and AO, not the ENSO phase, which contributed to the cold temperatures in early and late 2010. A strongly phased NAO/AO operating on shorter time scales can override the longer-term ENSO phase.
As mentioned above, South Florida experienced its hottest summer on record in 2010 (with the exception of Naples which recorded its second hottest recorded summer). Despite the record hot summer, average yearly temperatures at the main climate sites will end up around 1 degree below normal, which will be the coolest calendar year since the early and mid 1980s, and among the top 10 on record (except for Miami). At secondary sites Miami Beach and Moore Haven, it was the coolest year on record (please note caveat below table).
Here are the 2010 temperature averages for the year for the primary climate sites through December 29:
** Present Miami Beach and Moore Haven temperature data may not be totally comparable to historical data due to difference in time of daily reports which causes double-reporting of low temperatures.
Some other interesting 2010 temperature statistics:
- Miami International Airport (MIA) observed 103 days of temperatures at or above 90 degrees, the 4th most on record. The average number of 90+ degree days per year is 51. MIA also had a record 45 days of low temperatures of 80 degrees or higher, besting the previous record of 39 set in 2009. The average number of 80+ degree low temperature days per year is 13. On the other end of the thermometer, MIA had 6 mornings with low temperatures below 40 degrees. This ties the 5th most number of sub-40 degree days on record. The average yearly number of sub-40 degree days is 2.
- Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport (FLL) observed 9 days of low temperatures below 40 degrees. This ties the 4th most number of sub-40 degree days on record. The average yearly number of sub-40 degree days is 3.
- Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) observed 106 days of temperatures at or above 90 degrees, the 8th most on record. The average number of 90+ degree days per year is 56. PBI also had a record 34 days of low temperatures of 80 degrees or higher, crushing the previous record of 17 set in 1900 and 2002. The average number of 80+ degree low temperature days per year is 6. On the other end of the thermometer, PBI had 18 mornings with low temperatures below 40 degrees. This easily breaks the previous record of 10 days set in 1920 and 1981. The average yearly number of sub-40 lows at PBI is 3. Six of the 18 days occurred in December, which breaks the previous monthly record for December of 5 set in 1962.
- Naples Regional Airport (APF) observed 125 days of temperatures at or above 90 degrees, the 12th most on record. The average number of 90+ degree days per year is 109. Naples also observed 13 days of low temperatures below 40 degrees. This ties the 5th most number of sub-40 degree days on record. The average yearly number of sub-40 degree days is 3. Eight of the 13 days occurred in December, which breaks the previous monthly record for December of 7 set in 1981.
Full report at NOAA/NWS here:
h/t to Joe D’Aleo
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