Thursday, December 9, 2010

As socialism fails: UK asks residents to shovel their own roads

Yeow!  I guess the UK government is a tad short of money.  Residents should not stop shoveling when their driveway is cleared.  They should continue shoveling until the road is cleared, too.  And the government has two bonuses for them: The law is being changed so that the people won't be sued for doing it poorly, and the government will give them road salt for free!

How very nice.

This is what happens when governments run out of other peoples' money.  The National Health System is fraying at the seams, giving rise to a robust – and profitable – private health industry.  Their websites are getting hacked from every corner as retribution for stifling free speech by arresting Assange for not using a condom.  And now they are overwhelmed by snow … so shovel it yourself!  Just wait until obese Brits start dropping like flies from the strenuous shoveling, have to go to hospital that wouldn't pass muster as a kennel in the United States, and then have to sit while the intake folks get DNS responses on their attempts to pull up the patient's records.

Socialism sucks the life out of a country, eh?

Sent from my iPhone

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