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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tea party-backed O’Donnell wins upset in Del.
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Privacy No More | Stump Report
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Bank of America warns of new fees after financial reforms
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Feds target 60 hunters in Kansas hunting probe - Yahoo! Sports
Feds target 60 hunters in Kansas hunting probe - Yahoo! Sports
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Good News: Over 280,000 Federal Workers Owe $3.3 Billion in Back Taxes, Capitol Hill Itself Owes $9.
Over 280,000 federal workers and retirees owed more than $3.3 billion in back income taxes in 2009 (up from $3.0 billion in 2008 and $2.7 billion in 2007).Read the rest for the list of top 10 agencies and commissions and other departments and their delinquency rates. Taxprof also links to these related stories:
The cabinet departments with the largest percentages of employee/retiree tax deadbeats are:
- Housing & Urban Development: 4.40%
- Veterans Affairs: 4.04%
- Education: 3.86%
- Army: 3.69%
- Health & Human Services: 3.58%
- Defense: 3.20%
- Commerce: 3.15%
- Air Force: 3.14%
- State: 3.10%
- Navy: 2.95%
- The Atlantic, Why Do White House Staffers Have Trouble Paying Taxes?
- Fox News, White House Aides Owed More Than $800G in Back Taxes
- The Hill, Hill Staffers Owe More Than $9M in Taxes
- L.A. Times, 41 Obama White House Aides Owe the IRS $831,000 in Back Taxes -- and They're Not Alone
- Washington Post, Capitol Hill Employees Owed $9.3 Million in Back Taxes Last Year, Data Show
Maybe Harry Reid was correct when he claimed "our tax system is voluntary:"
You know darned well that if you or I had skipped out on our taxes we would be doing a nickel in the can. But the ruling class gets a pass. So do those that work for the ruling class.
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Do Herbal Supplements Work? Botanical Supplements Face New Scrutiny -
Do Herbal Supplements Work? Botanical Supplements Face New Scrutiny -
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Video: Supposedly banned George W Bush interview from 2006
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Irony: Harry Reid arrives at clean energy summit in fleet of gas-guzzling SUVs
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"Pay no attention to the giant SUVs behind me" |
The Heartland Institute reports that while the Senate Majority Hypocrite "and other high-profile environmental activists blasted carbon-based fuels at the Reid-sponsored summit, Reid and other bigwigs were caught on film driving to and from the summit in several SUVs."
If you all might recall, a similar incident happened with Reid in 2007 when he drove a Chevy Suburban ACROSS THE STREET OF THE CAPITOL to hold a news conference on energy efficiency. I kid you not! From Michelle Malkin in 2007: Pictures worth a thousand words: Harry Reid and Cameron Diaz"I was absolutely astonished, not to mention appalled, that Harry Reid would retain a fleet of gas-guzzling SUVs so that he and a few aides would not have to walk the mere 100 yards to address environmental activists," said Heartland Institute Senior Fellow James M. Taylor, who took the attached photo. "If greenhouse gas emissions are such a problem, you would think Reid might have actually made the short stroll through the parking lot, or at least retain Priuses rather than large SUVs for the summit," said Taylor.
The caption reads:
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid walks from his Chevrolet Suburban (left) to attend a news conference on energy efficiency Wednesday in Upper Senate Park. Reid rode in the sport utility vehicle from the Capitol to the event, which was across the street."This is further proof that the global warming movement is an utter fraud. If the proponents by their actions don't believe it, why should anyone else?
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Stimulus Watch : $800K Spent On Teaching African Men To Wash Their Junk
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Stunner… Dem Operative Illegally Used State Offices to Campaign for Patty Murray
What a complete shock.
A Washington Democrat used state offices to campaign for far left Senator Patty Murray.
A Patty Murray suppporter illegally sent a political message from state offices to state veterans. The emailed flyers encouraged the veterans to join the Murray campaign. This violated federal and state laws and the department's own policies.
Red County reported:
The Washington Employment Security Department has released to Red County the email sent by a WorkSource employee who used government resources to organize support for Sen. Patty Murray's campaign. In the email, WorkSource employee Sally Garcia asks veterans to contact Kerala Hise, either by telephone or at a address, to get involved in a '"walk and knock" to remind people to vote" for Murray's re-election.
Garcia's email also suggested that recipients "[t]ake a look at the attachments I"—Garcia—"have included." Employment Security unequivocally stated that no attachments were sent with the message but that Garcia did send a file to recipients who responded with interest. The file contains three People for Patty Murray flyers (click to download the file), an advertisement for a get out the vote event, a bulleted list of Murray's awards from veterans organizations, and a promotion for Murray's campaign kickoff rally in Vancouver.
Last week, Employment Security spokeswoman Sheryl Hutchison confirmed that the email represented a breach of agency policies and suggested it might potential violations of state and federal law.
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