Friday, December 24, 2010
Baby, It's Frozen Outside
Baby, It's Frozen Outside: "Just keep telling us how much the planet is warming. The folks with chattering teeth in Europe will surely nod in agreement.Traditional family walks to help the turkey go down could be off the cards this year as December 25 is set to be the coldest Christmas ever.The mercury plummeted to -5.9C in Glenlivet, Scotland, in 1996, but the Met Office has now warned freezing conditions could see this"
The Age of Uncertainty
The Age of Uncertainty: "
Entrepreneurs fret daily over economic uncertainty. Case in point: Even with passage of the lame-duck tax deal, they still don’t know what their tax burden will be two years from now.
Approval of that deal lifted what The Wall Street Journal dubs the “world of the temporary tax code” to unprecedented heights. The Journal explains:
The U.S. will have no permanent regime governing levies on salaries, capital gains and dividends, the Social Security tax, as well as a slew of targeted breaks for families, students and other groups. This on top of dozens of corporate-tax provisions that already were subject to annual renewal.
All this uncertainty “complicates planning and discourages hiring and investment” because “businesses tend to be more reluctant to invest when they perceive high levels of uncertainty about various things, including taxes.”
One bitter fruit of all this uncertainty can be gleaned from a recent Federal Reserve study. The Fed calculated that skittish companies are now sitting on nearly $2 trillion of cash reserves rather than deploying those resources to expand payrolls, build new plants, or purchase new equipment. This is not only $130 billion higher than it was at the end of June but, as a percentage of total assets, the highest cash-reserve level in over half a century.
Two recent court decisions exemplify the full extent of the uncertainty created by the current administration. On December 10, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia rejected a plea from the nation’s manufacturers to scuttle a regulatory initiative by the Environmental Protection Agency that would subject them to new regulatory burdens in a quixotic effort to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions. “The EPA’s agenda,” the National Association of Manufacturers said in a statement, “places unnecessary burdens on manufacturers, drives up energy costs and imposes even more uncertainty on the nation’s job creators.”
The second court decision concerned the new health-care law. A federal judge in Virginia ruled that a crucial provision in Obamacare — the mandate that individuals purchase governmentally approved health insurance — violates the Constitution. “An individual’s personal decision to [purchase or decline to purchase] health insurance from a private provider,” District Court Judge Henry Hudson wrote, “is beyond the historical reach of the U.S. Constitution.” The fate of the policy now depends on the Supreme Court.
And regardless of the ultimate fate of the mandate, the statuary language of Obamacare bestows unprecedented discretionary power upon the federal bureaucrats charged with its implementation. John Hoff, a former assistant secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services, explained:
While it is detailed in some instances, [the new health law] is largely aspirational; it directs the Administration to achieve various universally desired goals — better quality of health care, improved access to care, and increased efficiency of delivery. It constructs the scaffolding of federal control and gives the Administration very broad authority to achieve these aspirations. Each of the many actions taken to implement it will determine the shape of that control. Implementation will be technically difficult and politically charged.
This high degree of bureaucratic discretion, it is important to point out, affects the entire health-care sector, which now constitutes fully one-sixth of the economy.
At this stage, business executives or ordinary citizens trying to comprehend the implications of the new law might as well flip a coin or hire a fortune teller. How will the bureaucrats interpret this “aspirational” language? Will Judge Hudson’s decision be upheld on appeal? And what consequences will flow from all these unknowns? Will insurance rates skyrocket, encouraging consumers to forgo coverage until they need it, which in turn will cause insurers to increase premiums further in a never-ending insurance death spiral? Should employers maintain their current health plans under the law’s “grandfather” clause, or just dump their employees into the new health exchanges where the cost of coverage might be prohibitive? And if the cost of coverage skyrockets, what about all those rosy projections of manageable subsidy costs from the Congressional Budget Office? Those dollar figures might jump by a few hundred billion — or more. Where will that money come from?
Then there’s the president’s on-again, off-again offshore-drilling policy. And what about employers who may face stacked union elections if the Department of Labor opts to circumvent Congress and implement card check (the number one item on Big Labor’s wish list) administratively?
This layered uncertainty looms as a Sword of Damocles over every business, every investor, and every head of household in America. It has suffocated the risk-taking, entrepreneurial spirit that has made America the exceptional nation in human history. For entrepreneurship hinges on intelligent risk-taking, not closing your eyes and plunging headfirst off the foggy cliff of government intervention and manipulation.
Our current and ongoing economic malaise arises from something we have not seen in America since the days of FDR’s failed New Deal. Our entrepreneurs — society’s economic risk-takers — have lost confidence — $2 trillion worth of confidence — in the federal government’s willingness to let them operate in a way that makes economic sense.
This is why the recent tax deal ultimately does nothing to improve our long-term economic outlook. True, the compromise was better than one potential option: a catastrophic increase in the tax burden that would have destroyed jobs, businesses, and lives. But the goals of this legislative exercise should have been more ambitious: One, create breathing room for entrepreneurs, families, and investors in the form of a reasonable tax and regulatory burden; and two, guarantee that Congress will remain faithful to these policies for the long haul. This would give our most productive citizens the confidence that if they make an investment that requires a long time horizon, they can count on a stable policy environment.
This would mean, among other things, a permanent extension of the Bush-era tax rates for everyone, putting an end to the most egregious regulatory initiatives now underway, consigning Obamacare to the dustbin of history, and allowing energy companies to identify, recover, and generate as much domestic energy as possible.
Our wealth creators will reengage with our free-enterprise system only when these good policies are in place and stable. And we will know we have succeeded only when investors and businesses move that sidelined $2 trillion into new plants, equipment, and jobs.
Crosses banned in Bethlehem because of fear of the Religion of Peace
Crosses banned in Bethlehem because of fear of the Religion of Peace: "How sad is it that the cross is now banned in Jesus' own birth place? And all on account of a chronic case of the Religion of Peace. From Asian News via memeorandum: Christmas in Bethlehem: the cross banished from souvenirs
This Christmas in Bethlehem, the cross has been banned from souvenirs for tourists and pilgrims in the Holy Land. Some textile workshops in Jerusalem and Hebron have begun to print and sell T-shirts depicting the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem without the cross. Because of the growth of Islamic fundamentalism in the Palestinian territories, the cross was also removed from t-shirts of football teams. Interviewed by AsiaNews, Samir Qumsieh, journalist and director of the Catholic television station Al-Mahed Nativity TV in Bethlehem, said: 'I want to launch a campaign to urge people not to buy these products - he says - because the removal of the cross is an intimidation against Christians, it is like saying that Jesus was never crucified. 'If you know Muslim history, the prospect of a museum is nil. What it will be converted to is a victory mosque, much like the one they want to put up at Ground Zero.
...'In the Holy Land - said Qumsieh - the emigration of Christians is growing, even if the authorities refuse to give precise numbers. Every day there are people who flee to other countries. As Christians, we live in a constant feeling of fear and uncertainty, and if you live in constant tension and pessimism you can not plan anything.
...The reporter says that if this exodus continues there will be no more Catholics in the Holy Land and that one day the Church of the Nativity could be turned into a museum.
UPDATE: From the AP via The Detroit News: Pilgrims, clergy come to Bethlehem for Christmas
Thousands of tourists, pilgrims and clergy converged on Bethlehem on Friday as the town of Jesus' birth prepared to celebrate Christmas Eve.Keep the peace? What could possibly be wrong in an area dominated by eth Religion of Peace?
Boy Scout marching bands played in Manger Square, just outside the Church of the Nativity, which Christian tradition identifies as the site of Jesus' birth in a stable two millennia ago. Pilgrims lit candles inside, and Palestinian policemen deployed around the town to keep the peace.
Video: How The Obama Stole Christmas
Video: How The Obama Stole Christmas: "Via Ed Morrissey:
Oscar's not a big fan of Christmas either:
Seasons Greetings… Black Extremists Scream Racist Insults & Attack Christians at Oklahoma City Bus Terminal on Christmas Eve (Video)
Seasons Greetings… Black Extremists Scream Racist Insults & Attack Christians at Oklahoma City Bus Terminal on Christmas Eve (Video): "
A group of radical black Muslims(?) held an anti-Christmas anti white-man rally today at the Oklahoma City bus terminal.
The radicals screamed,
“God hates Christmas!… God hates Christmas! God hates America and is going to destroy it… The white man changed the truth of God into a lie. We’re out here because we love you.”
They attacked whites, Christians, gays… It was an all-inclusive hate fest:
From the video:
Some of the greatest hits from this video:
“God hates Christmas.”
“The white man has set up laws where the faggots and lesbians have rights, and parades.”
“The white man is against nature, and we prove that out of scripture.”
“The white man is in power now because he is a thief and a murderer.”
“God hates America, and he will destroy it.”
“The white man has never taught you about God. He lied, and told you he was God.”
** Any help in identifying this hate group would be much appreciated.
"Change!…GOP-Controlled House Will Open Congress With Reading of US Constitution
Change!…GOP-Controlled House Will Open Congress With Reading of US Constitution: "
As soon as Speaker Pelosi hands over her gavel to GOP leader John Boehner the 112th Congress of the United States will open with a reading of the US Constitution, a document often ignored by the far left extremists of the current Obama-Pelosi regime.
The 112th Congress
Republican Party – 242 members Democrat Party 193 members
They really need to hand out some copies, too.
The Washington Times reported:
"The Constitution frequently gets lip service in Congress, but House Republicans next year will make sure it gets a lot more than that – the new rules the incoming majority party proposed this week call for a full reading of the country’s founding document on the floor of the House on Jan. 6.
The goal, backers said, is to underscore the limited-government rules the Founders imposed on Congress – and to try to bring some of those principles back into everyday legislating.
“It stems from the debate that we’ve had for the last two years about things like the exercise of authority in a whole host of different areas by the EPA, we’ve had this debate in relation to the health care bill, the cap-and-trade legislation,” said Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte, Virginia Republican, who proposed the reading. “This Congress has been very aggressive in expanding the power of the federal government, and there’s been a big backlash to that.”
Great News: Outgoing Accidental Governor Now Pardoning Illegals
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Video: Remember the Chrysler Workers Who Drank on the Job?
- Chrysler FIRES Employees In Detroit Caught On Tape Smoking Pot, Drinking On the Job
- Video of Huckabee on Chrysler Employees In Detroit Caught On Tape Smoking Pot, Drinking On the Job
- Video: Chrysler Employees In Detroit Caught On Tape Smoking Pot, Drinking On the Job
And an update from Fox Business Network:
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Good News: EPA Takes Over Texas Carbon Emission Permits
The Environmental Protection Agency Thursday announced its plans to take over carbon dioxide permitting of any new power plants and refineries in Texas, citing the state's refusal to comply with emissions regulations going into effect Jan. 2.How can CO2 have a harmful effect on human health? It's what humans exhale with every breath! Npo wonder global warming is at the bottom of the priority list of Americans, and rightfully so:
Texas industries have openly opposed the Obama administration's Clean Air Act, a program designed to curb greenhouse gas emissions. They claim that the cuts will threaten productivity, and that the economy, in turn, will take a hit.
The EPA said Thursday that it was reassuming the state's Clean Air Act Permits because "officials in Texas have made clear . . . they have no intention of implementing this portion of the federal air permitting program," The Associated Press reported.
"EPA prefers that the state of Texas and all states remain the permitting authority for (greenhouse gas) sources," the agency said in a statement. "In the same way that EPA has worked with other states and local agencies, the agency stands ready to do the same with (Texas)."
The EPA constructed a framework for carbon emissions regulations in seven other states: Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon and Wyoming.
...The new carbon emissions standards were adopted after a 2007 Supreme Court ruled that greenhouse gases should be classified as pollutants under the Clean Air Act and EPA research in 2009 revealed that the gases have a harmful effect on human health.
In essence, the jig is up. It was an excuse to impose more socialism, and nothing else. And that's why the EPA is going ahead with it's takeover of red states. More from Henry Payne over at The Michigan View: EPA Chief Jackson: Enforce Green religion in the public square
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Video: Former Agriculture Secretary Confirms FBI Investigations Into USDA Inside-Job Pigford Fraud
Yesterday, Pigford report co-author Peter Schweizer spoke to a specific USDA inside job wherein a federal employee was getting paid by Pigford lawyers to illegally sign up fraudulent claimants. Today, former Secretary of the Department of Agriculture Mike Espy, who now represents thousands of Pigford II claimants, says there is "no doubt" that he has heard those reports, and furthermore says there are FBI investigations that have looked into these troubling allegations. This comports with the Big Government witness report from a retired FBI agent who is willing to testify that he has evidence of widespread fraud involving Pigford claimants in Arkansas and a USDA employee, who still is on the job.The video:
Big Government promises a lot more after the New Year. Ugh.
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Video: Cops arrest preacher for saying homosexuality a sin
22 "'Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable. - Leviticus 18 (NIV)
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. - Romans 1 (NIV)Repeating the abvove is punishable by jailtime in Britain. Want to know where Obama's hate crimes legislation will lead? Look over at what has happened in Britain under similar language:
At least in the above case, the preacher may himself be redeemed. He's suing:
Telling a street preacher that it is against the law to affirm the Bible's teaching on homosexuality is costing a team of British police officers some $11,000 – plus legal fees.The fact that cops even approached him in the first place should be a warning that Britain has fallen into totalitarian hell, one in which you can't even quote from the Bible lest you be arrested.
That was the resolution announced by The Christian Institute in a case that it fought on behalf of a street preacher, Dale Mcalpine, who was arrested and detained for nearly eight hours on the basis of the officers' decision that the Bible's teachings violated the law.
Mike Judge, spokesman for the institute, which fights on behalf of Christian and human rights in the United Kingdom, said perhaps the officers should remember the situation developed in Cumbria, not North Korea.
"Mr. Mcalpine was arrested and held in a cell for expressing his Christian views," Judge said of the case, which was resolved just days ago. "Sadly, it's not an isolated case. We have defended a number of Christians wrongfully arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act. There is a problem with the law and it needs to be fixed."
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AARP gets payoff for Obamacare support
AARP stands to make hundreds of millions with massive new Obamacare regulations giving breaks to AARP for its support for Obama and Obamacare. 90% of AARP election donations went to Democrats.
If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it's missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe.
Have you torn up your AARP card yet?
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Over the River and Through the Woods…
On Christmas Day in Hopewell Township, New Jersey, approximately 100 patriots will re-enact George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River. This annual memorial to the Christmas Night crossing of 1776 historically draws large crowds, and takes place regardless of inclement weather. In a war known for its many heroic deeds and acts of bravery, why does this specific moment merit such attention?
After the publication of his book 1776, historian David McCullough gave a speech at The Heritage Foundation in which he masterfully explained how Washington's courageous actions that Christmas Night determined the fate of America. Click here to hear "America's historian" speak about the lasting significance of Washington's crossing of the Delaware 234 years ago.
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Obamacare: The Price Controls Begin
The Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday that, starting next year, health insurance companies must receive permission from the Obama administration before they can raise rates higher than 10%. As we warned before Obamacare even became law, this is a form of price control, a government intervention that has a long and well established history of failure.
Way back in 1993, Heritage Foundation scholar Heritage's Ed Haislmaier was detailing the shortcomings of price controls in health care:
Price controls would not work in health care because they attack the symptoms of runaway costs, not the cause. Medical costs today are soaring because consumers are largely insulated from them…and because the tax system discourages consumers from seeking good value for money in health care.
Most policy makers who favor health care price controls view them as a way to curb rapid medical inflation. But most of the blame for that same inflation can be traced directly to previous government health care policies that they support or maintain. Health care price controls also are attractive to Members of Congress because they provide a benefit (cheaper medical care) to a favored constituency (health care consumers) at the expense of less favored constituencies (doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and insurance companies). This is why some Members of Congress are so quick to blame the health care industry for escalating medical costs, when in fact it is largely government laws, regulations, and policies that are responsible.
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Obama Uses EPA to Seize Control of Energy Sector
Dems were able to ram Cap & Tax through the House, but this debacle will never make it through the Senate, now that such a large number of people are aware that the government and media have been lying, and that global warming — or "climate change" as the lack of warming has forced moonbats to call it — has no validity whatsoever. But fortunately for advocates of totalitarian collectivism, Comrade Obama still has an ace up his sleeve: control of the faceless, unaccountable, and irredeemably leftist bureaucracy. Here's how it will be used for the next 2 years:
US President Barack Obama's administration said Thursday it will regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, after legislation on climate change died in Congress.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it would regulate fossil fuel power plants and petroleum refineries — which together emit nearly 40 percent of US greenhouse gases — starting in 2012.
"We are following through on our commitment to proceed in a measured and careful way to reduce greenhouse gas pollution that threatens the health and welfare of Americans and contributes to climate change," EPA chief Lisa Jackson said in a statement.
Using a debunked hoax as justification for yet another outrageous power grab proves that the 2010 elections did not deflate the Moonbat Messiah's audacity, and that his lust for control is anything but measured and careful. Takeover of the energy sector will fit nicely with the federal government's newly acquired control of healthcare and the food supply. When all this power has been consolidated by the lumbering bureaucracy, calling America a free country will become an insult to the concept of freedom.
At least the Manchurian Moonbat is living up to one of his campaign promises. Remember when he promised to make energy prices "skyrocket"?
He actually said this before the election. Horrifyingly, millions of people were sufficiently deranged by moonbattery to vote for him anyway.
On tips from Byron and G. Fox.
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Obama To Read Reagan Book on Vacation (Wait Til He Finds Out He’s Not a Socialist!)
Barack Obama is actually going to read a book that's not about himself this Christmas season.
The White House (reportedly) says that the far left former community organizer is going to read a book about Ronald Reagan.
The last time Obama was seen reading a book in public it was one he reportedly wrote.
U.S. President Barack Obama reads his book "Of Thee I Sing" to 2nd graders at Long Branch Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia, December 17, 2010. (REUTERS/Jim Young)
FOX News reported:
The White House says that President Obama plans on spending some of his Hawaiian vacation reading, and among the books on his list is one about President Reagan.
Obama will be digging into Lou Cannon's biography, "President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime."
The president has been reading up on books about other presidents in the past few months. Most recently before the midterm elections, he was reading "The Clinton TAPES" by Taylor Branch, among others.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said in a briefing Wednesday that reading will be part of Obama's vacation plans, "He'll read a good amount of stuff. He'll have, obviously, his daily intelligence briefing, as well as probably a novel or two."
It will be like a foreign language for Obama.
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CHANGE! Obama Adminstration Approved Business With Blacklisted Nations
We're starting to see a pattern here…
When the Iraqi people were being slaughtered in the street Obama said genocide was preferable to continued US presence in the region.
When the Iranian freedom protesters were being shot at from rooftops, he turned his back on them.
And, now we learn that the Obama Administration has allowed American companies to do billions of dollars of business with evil anti-democratic regimes – including the Iranians who are supplying terrorists with bombs to kill US soldiers.
The New York Times reported:
Despite sanctions and trade embargoes, over the past decade the United States government has allowed American companies to do billions of dollars in business with Iran and other countries blacklisted as state sponsors of terrorism, an examination by The New York Times has found.
In an interview, the Obama administration's point man on sanctions, Stuart A. Levey, said that focusing on the exceptions "misses the forest for the trees."
Hat Tip K. Solomon
And, yet Obama has the gall to lecture the global community to "Stand up for freedom."
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Unreal. Local Media Reports Union Thugs Screaming “F**k You!” Are “Christmas Caroling”
Hmm. Maybe this is the liberal version of Silent Night?
Dana Loesch at Big Journalism reported on a recent incident in Quincy.
Union thugs went to harass a business executive at his home.
WGEM reported:
It's Christmas caroling with a message.
Wednesday night, locked out workers from Roquette America in Keokuk staged a very unique protest.
They took a break from the picket lines to go caroling outside the homes of top Roquette executives who live in Quincy.
They took a break from the picket lines to go caroling outside the homes of top Roquette executives who live in Quincy.
Dana provdes the rest of the story: A caravan of 80 people went to a home to sing insults and, according to eyewitnesses, shouting "F*CK YOU" at various houses right before Christmas? …On private property. I'm told by locals that one of the houses they visited was down a private lane of an elderly couple whose granddaughter often stays with them (and luckily wasn't the night the union struck) – the union trespassed.
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Video report: Residents NC are fighting city's decision to remove Christian flag from local Veteran'
Here's a report of the original controversy in the fall:
The ACLU is of course fighting Christmas gain too:
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Morning Bell: Remembering the Providential Gift of America
Christmas, 1776.
Summer had begun with strong declarations of noble ideals, but by winter the cause of liberty seemed to be at low ebb. Having suffered defeat after defeat, many had all but given up hope. It looked like freedom would succumb yet again, as it had throughout history, to the forces of authoritarianism and tyranny.
Then, on Christmas Day, 1776, a small band of colonial forces under the command of Gen. George Washington, having retreated all the way from New York, again crossed the Delaware River and brought battle at Trenton, New Jersey. Washington not only won the battle but regained the initiative and turned the war in the patriots' favor. One week later, Washington defeated the British at Princeton and forced the enemy to withdraw, preventing its advance on Philadelphia, seat of the Continental Congress.
When it announced itself to the world in 1776, the United States of America was little more than an alliance of 13 small colonies on a barren continent, thousands of miles from their ancestral homeland, surrounded by hostile powers.
Now, well over two centuries after winning independence from the British Empire, America is the freest, wealthiest, most powerful nation on Earth. Along the way it established sovereign nationhood, settled a continent and more and brought unprecedented prosperity to its citizens. It survived a devastating Civil War that threatened its very life, abolished slavery and raised up the emancipated to be citizens equal to their one-time masters. It triumphed in two world wars fought on foreign soil and a decades-long struggle against worldwide communism that, 20 years ago, led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union.
What accounts for this monumental success? The founding of the United States was indeed revolutionary. But not in the sense of replacing one set of rulers with another, or overthrowing the institutions of society. John Adams queried:
What do we mean by the American Revolution? The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. . . . This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution.
Our revolution was about the ideas upon which a new nation was to be established. Permanent truths "applicable to all men and all times," as Abraham Lincoln later said, proclaimed that principle rather than will would be the ultimate ground of government.
What is truly revolutionary about America is that, for the first time in history, these universal ideas became the foundation of a system of government and its political culture. Because of these principles, rather than despite them, the American Revolution culminated not in tyranny but a constitutional government that has long endured.
To this day, 233 years after Washington and his men crossed the Delaware, these principles–proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and promulgated by the Constitution–still define us as a nation and inspire us as a people. These principles are responsible for a prosperous, just nation unlike any other. They are the highest achievements of our tradition, a beacon to those who strive for freedom but also a warning to tyrants and despots everywhere. Because of these principles, not despite them, America achieved greatness.
The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson later recorded, was "neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, [but] was intended to be an expression of the American mind."
As Americans, our aim must be a clear expression and forthright defense of the nation's principles in the public square so that they become, once again, an expression of the American mind. Despite constant scorn by academic elites, political leaders and the popular media, most Americans still believe in the uniqueness of this country and respect the Founders' noble ideas. They may fail a test of particulars – quick: when did Washington cross the Delaware? – but they overwhelmingly want to know about this nation and its meaning.
We must give voice to all those who have not given up on their country's experiment in self-government, have not concluded the cause of liberty and limited constitutional government is lost and have not accepted America's decline as inevitable.
The goal must be to restore the liberating principles of the American Founding as the defining public philosophy of our nation. As it was for most of American history, so it can be again.
The joy of this wonderful season is about new beginnings and the eternal promise of redemption. We Americans have the immeasurable benefit, the providential gift, of having inherited a great country.
We must never forget its confidence, optimism and promise, its endless capacity for renewal, are contained in our dedication to the enduring principles of liberty with which all men are endowed by their Creator.
May you and yours have a merry and blessed Christmas.
Quick Hits:
- The EPA announced yesterday that it will regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and oil refineries next year in an attempt to curb global warming.
- The Interior Department announced new rules yesterday that will make it easier for the government to restrict development on federal land.
- A 13-year-old boy was arrested last week for using a permanent marker while in class at his Oklahoma City middle school, a violation of an obscure city ordinance.
- Despite sanctions and trade embargoes, over the past decade the U.S. government has allowed American companies to do billions of dollars in business with Iran and other countries blacklisted as state sponsors of terrorism.
- China has said it is willing to bail out debt-ridden countries in the euro zone using its $2.7trillion overseas investment fund.
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Kook Global Warmer James Hansen: ClimateGate was a 'Viscous' Hoax by Professional Swiftboaters
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Nice: Napolitano Scolds Reporter for Airing Complaints of Dead Border Agent's Family
For the airing of grievances, Janet Napolitano, likely on one of her 364 days a year on the job, blasted the reporter. From FoxNews via memeorandum:
Napolitano should be mad at a border agent getting killed via her failure, not at the family for putting the blame where it belongs. More from The Gateway Pundit, Scared Monkeys and Wake up America. Here's a segment where the question of did the agent die in vain came up:
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, leaving the funeral of a murdered Border Patrol agent Wednesday, scolded a reporter for asking her to address the victim's family's concerns that not enough is being done to secure the southern border.
The family of agent Brian Terry had complained that Napolitano had offered them "empty words" when she called to express her condolences. Terry's father, Kent Terry, in an interview with ABC affiliate KGUN, said he told Napolitano to "wake your man up in the White House," to which she replied that he's done more in two years than any president.
Napolitano attended the Detroit funeral Wednesday where she vowed "swift justice" for Terry's killers. But asked about the family's concerns outside the service, Napolitano said "now is not the time to talk about all that has been done."
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Good news: Obama partnering with garbage collectors to snoop on you. rummage through your trash
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George W. Bush’s Sells As Many Books in One Month As Clinton Did in 6 Years
'Decision Points' is flying off the shelves.
George W. Bush sold over 2 million copies in one month – as many as Bill Clinton sold in 6 years.
It may be a monstrous success but that doesn't mean the state-run media will like it.
CBS News aired a fake cover of former President George W. Bush's memoir
over the weekend, after a staffer apparently got duped by a hoax image floating around the Internet. (FOX)
What a comeback.
The Daily Mail reported:
For someone who mangled words on a regular basis, it's an impressive feat.
Former U.S. President George W Bush's memoir has sold an astonishing two million copies since it was released in early November – and it's not even in paperback yet.
'Decision Points', published both in hardcover and e-book form, is flying off the shelves, the Crown Publishing Group says.
By contrast, former president Bill Clinton's memoir, 'My Life', has logged sales of 2.2million copies since it was first published in 2004.
A spokesman for Crown called the performance remarkable.
He claimed he could not think of any other hardcover nonfiction books in 2010 that had sold even one million copies, much less two.
In 'Decision Points,' Mr Bush recounts the inner workings of the White House and his administration following the September 11 attacks, including decisions that led to the wars in Afghanistan in Iraq.He recounts parts of his childhood, speaks lovingly of his family and wife, and wonders about how history will judge him.
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US Senator Writes Letter to Santa About Global Warming… No, Seriously
US Senator Writes Letter to Santa About Global Warming… No, Seriously: "
**Written by Doug Powers
New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez is still a true believer. This letter appeared in the Huffington Post:
Dear Santa Claus,
I am writing out of concern, because you may have to move from the North Pole due to the dramatic melting of Arctic sea ice. The Navy’s chief oceanographer says that by the summer of 2020 the North Pole may not have summer ice and other scientists project that an ice-free Arctic is possible as soon as 2012!
Scientists overwhelmingly agree that polar ice is melting because of greenhouse gas pollution and I am working hard to reduce these emissions. But there is probably nothing we can do in time to save the North Pole. I am worried about your safety and your ability to deliver billions of Christmas gifts if the ice cap on the North Pole no longer stays frozen all year. What will happen to your house, your workshop, the elves’ houses and your reindeer barns?
The rest is here if you dare. Hasn’t Menendez received the latest memo that another ice age is on the way due to the warming which causes the cold and snow that makes it hotter, creating blizzards? That should be enough to save the North Pole… I think.
Since when does a self-respecting Democrat care about St. Nick, anyway? Santa Claus is a morbidly obese future burden on the health care system who utilizes animal slave labor and vertically-challenged sweatshop workers who are paid well below a living wage in a non-union environment to manufacture and deliver toys that are fraught with small-part choking hazards that may promote violence. Democrats should be more than happy to see Santa forced to move down here where he’ll be more easily regulated and they can confiscate their fair share of the presents.
Just to cover all the bases, because global warming has been found to cause dental problems in children, Menendez also hand-delivered a letter to the Tooth Fairy, who just happened to be in DC attending the signing of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal.
The threat global warming poses to American pikas is also expected to prompt Menendez to write a letter to the Easter Bunny this coming April. Stay tuned.
(h/t Weasel Zippers)
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
Alabama Town’s Failed Pension Is a Warning
Alabama Town’s Failed Pension Is a Warning: "
It stopped sending monthly pension checks to its 150 retired workers, breaking a state law requiring it to pay its promised retirement benefits in full.
“This struggling small city on the outskirts of Mobile was warned for years that if it did nothing, its pension fund would run out of money by 2009.
Since then, Nettie Banks, 68, a retired Prichard police and fire dispatcher, has filed for bankruptcy. Alfred Arnold, a 66-year-old retired fire captain, has gone back to work as a shopping mall security guard to try to keep his house.
And it stands as a warning to cities like Philadelphia and states like Illinois, whose pension funds are under great strain: if nothing changes, the money eventually does run out, and when that happens, misery and turmoil follow.
It is not just the pensioners who suffer when a pension fund runs dry. If a city tried to follow the law and pay its pensioners with money from its annual operating budget, it would probably have to adopt large tax increases, or make huge service cuts, to come up with the money.” [emphasis added]