Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Child’s First Book of Government Regulations
A Child’s First Book of Government Regulations: ".blet { font-family: arial black,verdana,tahoma,sans; font-weight: bold; } The Obama Administration’s Official Alphabet Guide for Learning Government’s Role in Your Life Hi, I’m Omar, the Obama administration’s official kid’s ambassador. Today I’ll be guiding you through some of the many necessary regulations that government imposes on us for our protection — and we’ll learn the [...]"
Good news: Napolitano Says DHS to Begin Battling global warming as Homeland Security Issue
Good news: Napolitano Says DHS to Begin Battling global warming as Homeland Security Issue: "Securing the safety of the United States has become a farce. The Department of Homeland Security was instituted in the aftermath of 911, and now instead of protecting the country from terror attacks is turning its attention to advancing the liberal agenda under the pretense of protecting us from non-existent global warming. From CNS News via memeorandum: Napolitano Says DHS to Begin Battling Climate Change as Homeland Security Issue
At an all-day White House conference on 'environmental justice,' Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that her department is creating a new task force to battle the effects of climate change on domestic security operations.What the heck does HHS have anything at all to do with 'environmental justice?' Or for that matter the Labor Department? Or the Interior Department, let alone DHS? What the heck is this? Why can't these bureaucracies stick to their designated task without such absurd mission creep? Earlier this year, the nominated TSA chief wanted to tackle global warming by siphoning money from airport security: Obama TSA Nominee Erroll Southers Withdraws, Called Anti-Abortion Christians Terrorists, Put Global Warming Ahead Of War On Terror, Wanted Rationed Security. Here's the video from that sad episode (watch at the end when he infers that national security ought be rationed to save money for global warming and education!):
Speaking at the first White House Forum on Environmental Justice on Thursday, Napolitano discussed the initial findings of the department’s recently created 'Climate Change and Adaptation Task Force.'
Napolitano explained that the task force was charged with “identifying and assessing the impact that climate change could have on the missions and operations of the Department of Homeland Security.”
The conference did not define “environmental justice,” and the only reference to the task force that can be found is on the DHS Web site. The June 2010 Department of Homeland Security Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan states “climate change has the potential to accelerate and intensify extreme weather events which threaten the nation’s sustainability and security.”
...The all day White House Forum on Environmental Justice also included talks by White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.
The protection of We the People, the #1 role of government, has become a joke and is taking a back seat to ideological ends. More from Don Surber, Pajamas Media, Right Wing News and Weasel Zippers
UPDATE: Janet Napolitano says Report Suspicion Activity at Wal-Mart to the DHS HILARIOUS!
Poll: tea party views outside mainstream. Where are such polls of lefty groups?
Poll: tea party views outside mainstream. Where are such polls of lefty groups?: "Saw this AP post over at the Detroit News over Thanksgiving: Poll finds tea party views outside mainstream. The poll is a fraud and the AP's own take on it reveals its bias:
Tea party backers fashion themselves as 'we the people,' but polls show the Republican Party's most conservative and energized voters are hardly your average crowd.That last part is very important because it appears that the statistics have been fudged to show a there there where there is none. For example, lets say we have 100 people. 98 of them - let's call them the tea party - score 100% on a test. The other 2 scores a 50%. The way you could spin this is that most of the OTHER test takers score only 50%. What the AP is doing is it is separating the sample size along ideological lines to make it appear like there are far more non-tea party-minded people than there really are. In my example, the total comparison sample size should be 100 people, not 2. Nationwide, a plurality of voters see things the tea party's way. And here in MI: Detroit Free Press: 40% of Michigan voters back Tea Party, voters prefer cuts to higher taxes. The AP is trying to marginalize the tea party as a small, obscure movement. It failed.
According to an Associated Press-GfK Poll this month, 84 percent who call themselves tea party supporters don't like how President Barack Obama is handling his job — a view shared by just 35 percent of all other adults. Tea partiers are about four times likelier than others to back repealing Obama's health care overhaul and twice as likely to favor renewing tax cuts for the highest-earning Americans.
Exit polls of voters in this month's congressional elections reveal similar gulfs. Most tea party supporters — 86 percent — want less government intrusion on people and businesses, but only 35 percent of other voters said so.
In the bigger scope of things, when is the last time that the AP ran such a poll focusing on Code Pink? Peta? The fact that they do so for the tea party indicates that it is a far bigger movement than the AP wants to admit.
Europe shuts down after being blanketed by global warming
Europe shuts down after being blanketed by global warming: "Lady Gaga's gig got canceled too because of
From the AP via The Detroit News: Europe's snow cancels flights, Lady Gaga show
Stranded travelers slept on makeshift beds at European airports Sunday as wintry weather caused travel havoc, dashing the hopes of those attempting to head away for the holidays by road, rail and air.You know, this whole global warming thing sure feels... cold.
...Heathrow Airport, Europe's busiest hub for air passengers, stopped accepting arrivals Sunday at the start of the Christmas travel rush.
'The domino effect of disruption to services could continue for some days to come,' Heathrow spokesman Andrew Teacher said.
Icy conditions curtailed Europe's high speed train services, left cars skidding through slushy streets and saw major events postponed — including music shows and sporting events.
In Paris, a Lady Gaga concert was canceled because trucks delivering sets for the pop diva's extravagant event couldn't get to the city's Bercy stadium. The show was expected to be rescheduled for Tuesday.
...About 40 percent of flights were canceled at Frankfurt airport and at Paris' Charles de Gaulle.
Related: Today in Weather History. '1983: It was so cold in Moosomin, Saskatchewan, that several children got stuck to their playground equipment and had to be thawed off. (It was -43F or -41.5C.)' Dang.
UPDATE: Related headlines over at drudge:
- UK: Coldest December since records began...
- ...Millions see Christmas travel plans thwarted
- FLASHBACK 2000: UK snowfalls are now just thing of past -- 'Children just aren't going to know what snow is'...
Assange Gets Wikileaked. Details of Sexual Assault Leaked to Press
Assange Gets Wikileaked. Details of Sexual Assault Leaked to Press: "Turnabout is fair play, except to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The Guardian, one of the vehicles picked by Wikileaks to release secret US documents to the world, has now released some of the secret court papers surrounding the rape charges hanging over his head. The biggest of these revelations was that he could have avoided the charges if he would have only agreed to an STD test. Assange's lawyers have lashed out against the leak of the court papers which seems a bit disingenuous considering that their client's notoriety arises from his leaking of confidential information.
Bjorn Hurtig, Mr Assange's Swedish lawyer, said he would lodge a formal complaint to the authorities and ask them to investigate how such sensitive police material leaked into the public domain. 'It is with great concern that I hear about this because it puts Julian and his defence in a bad position,' he told a colleague.The information released by the Guardian not only fits the legal definition of rape in Sweden, but it shows the man as a narcissistic sexual predator. Four acts of sexual assault were outlined in the hearings against Assange:'I do not like the idea that Julian may be forced into a trial in the media. And I feel especially concerned that he will be presented with the evidence in his own language for the first time when reading the newspaper. I do not know who has given these documents to the media, but the purpose can only be one thing - trying to make Julian look bad
- That Assange 'unlawfully coerced' Miss A by using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.
- That he 'sexually molested' Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her 'express wish' one should be used.
- That he 'deliberately molested' Miss A 'in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity'.
- That he had sex with a second woman, Miss W, without a condom while she was asleep.
'Miss A's' account to police, which Assange disputes, stated that he began stroking her leg as they drank tea, before he pulled off her clothes and snapped a necklace that she was wearing. According to her statement she 'tried to put on some articles of clothing as it was going too quickly and uncomfortably but Assange ripped them off again'. Miss A told police that she didn't want to go any further 'but that it was too late to stop Assange as she had gone along with it so far', and so she allowed him to undress her.
According to the statement, Miss A then realised he was trying to have unprotected sex with her. She told police that she had tried a number of times to reach for a condom but Assange had stopped her by holding her arms and pinning her legs. The statement records Miss A describing how Assange then released her arms and agreed to use a condom, but she told the police that at some stage Assange had 'done something' with the condom that resulted in it becoming ripped, and ejaculated without withdrawing.
On the following morning, Saturday 14 August, Assange spoke at a seminar organised by Miss A. A second woman, Miss W, had contacted Miss A to ask if she could attend. Both women joined Assange, the co-ordinator of the Swedish WikiLeaks group, whom we will call 'Harold', and a few others for lunch.
Assange left the lunch with Miss W. She told the police she and Assange had visited the place where she worked and had then gone to a cinema where they had moved to the back row. He had kissed her and put his hands inside her clothing, she said.
That evening, Miss A held a party at her flat. One of her friends, 'Monica', later told police that during the party Miss A had told her about the ripped condom and unprotected sex. Another friend told police that during the evening Miss A told her she had had 'the worst sex ever' with Assange: 'Not only had it been the world's worst screw, it had also been violent.'....On Sunday 15 August, Monica told police, Miss A told her that she thought Assange had torn the condom on purpose. According to Monica, Miss A said Assange was still staying in her flat but they were not having sex because he had 'exceeded the limits of what she felt she could accept' and she did not feel safe.
The following day, Miss W phoned Assange and arranged to meet him late in the evening, according to her statement. The pair went back to her flat in Enkoping, near Stockholm. Miss W told police that though they started to have sex, Assange had not wanted to wear a condom, and she had moved away because she had not wanted unprotected sex. Assange had then lost interest, she said, and fallen asleep. However, during the night, they had both woken up and had sex at least once when 'he agreed unwillingly to use a condom'.
Early the next morning, Miss W told police, she had gone to buy breakfast before getting back into bed and falling asleep beside Assange. She had awoken to find him having sex with her, she said, but when she asked whether he was wearing a condom he said no. 'According to her statement, she said: 'You better not have HIV' and he answered: 'Of course not,' ' but 'she couldn't be bothered to tell him one more time because she had been going on about the condom all night. She had never had unprotected sex before.'Click here for the full story in the Guardian.
Just as with the 'dating profile" uncovered last week, Assange seems more of a narcissistic egomaniac than a hero. Additionally, the moaning of his lawyers about the Swedish police leaks is the height of hypocrisy, that their client's life is devoted to publishing confidential material.
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France Gives Lebanon Anti-Tank Missiles That Would Only Be Used Against Israel
France Gives Lebanon Anti-Tank Missiles That Would Only Be Used Against Israel: "By Barry Rubin
The French news agency AFP is reporting that France is giving the Lebanese army 100 anti-tank HOT missiles in February to be used by the military’s Gazelle helicopters. There are no conditions attached to their use.
Israel is concerned about the deal. In November, the U.S. government lifted a freeze on $100 million in aid to Lebanon when that government—which is basically though not completely controlled by Iran, Syria, and Hizballah—promised that it would not give arms to Hizballah and would try to keep that group from controlling the border and attacking Israel.
Of course, the Lebanese government and army will do nothing of the kind, both because much of it sides with Hizballah and the rest is afraid of Hizballah. Hizballah has accumulated an arsenal estimated at about 40,000 rockets with no interference at all by the Lebanese government, Western countries, or the UNIFIL force that was set up in 2006 to…stop the import of such weapons.
Now let’s see, what country has tanks and might use them against somebody in Lebanon during a future war? Turkey? No. Iran? No. Syria? No. Jordan? No. Al-Qaida? No. See if you can guess.
If you guessed Hizballah, remember, they don't have tanks.
Of course, the positive side here is that Hizballah doesn’t want the French anti-tank missiles because it has better Soviet-made ones supplied by Syria and paid for by Iran. Moreover, the Gazelle helicopters wouldn’t be effective against Israel since they would easily and quickly be shot down.
This is what comes, however, of pretending that Lebanon is still an independent country opposed to being taken over by Iran, Syria, and Hizballah. That used to be true but since the United States and France didn’t help Lebanon back then, the country is now close to being a possession of the Iran-Syria bloc.
Unless Western countries face the reality of the situation in the Middle East they will continue to do things that are (or should be), in strategic terms, certifiably insane.
Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are Lebanon: Liberation, Conflict, and Crisis (Palgrave Macmillan), Conflict and Insurgency in the Contemporary Middle Eastand editor of the (seventh edition) (Viking-Penguin), The Israel-Arab Reader the paperback edition of The Truth About Syria(Palgrave-Macmillan), A Chronological History of Terrorism (Sharpe), and The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley).
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New Examples of "Sex-God" Julian Assange's Stalking and other Creepy Treatment of Women
New Examples of "Sex-God" Julian Assange's Stalking and other Creepy Treatment of Women: "
From the beginning, the American journalist told The Mail that Assange was rude, and when he offered him a copy of his recent, well-reviewed book, he said: ‘Don’t bother. I’d only throw it away.’ The Wikileaks founder got busy focusing on the reporter's girlfriend.
‘He was acting as if she were a single girl on her own, though it must have been obvious to him that we were together.’ Later, when the woman said she was going outside to smoke, Mr Assange left the table to join her.
The American journalist, who spoke out on condition of anonymity, said: ‘When they hadn’t come back after 45 minutes I went to see what was happening. ‘They were standing very close together a little way down the street, and Julian was whispering in her ear.’
Even then, they did not come in. The group finally left when the restaurant closed for the night. The journalist turned round and saw that Mr Assange and his girlfriend were walking hand in hand, and when he asked him what was happening, ‘he dropped into a classic fighter’s pose, with his fists up’.
The writer spent the night alone.
‘Assange seemed to take pleasure in humiliating me,’ he said.
‘He tried to take this woman away from me and then spent the night with two other women later in the week. It’s extraordinary.’
Elizabeth (not her real name) met Assange one night in April 2004, about two years before Assange started his now-infamous whistle-blowing website Wikileaks. She was 19 at the time; Assange was 33 and a student at the University of Melbourne studying physics and mathematics. Elizabeth spotted Assange at a bar near Melbourne and approached the older man with the long white hair because he seemed different than other guys she'd met.
'I started talking to him and he just seemed kind of quiet and nerdy,' she told us in a phone interview. 'I didn't think he was sexy or anything. Just strangely alluring for a 19-year-old girl.' Assange flirted with her, showing off by explaining complex equations and joking about her mathematical ignorance.
They chatted until the bar closed, and Assange walked Elizabeth back to the small town where she lived with her parents. Walking down a small country road, Assange kissed Elizabeth. She wasn't particularly thrilled by this development, but it didn't put her off too much either. 'It was like, fine, whatever,' Elizabeth said. 'He wasn't creepy about it, and he didn't try anything weird.'
Soon after, Elizabeth received this email inviting her on a date: (click on images to make them larger)
Elizabeth doesn't remember how she responded and no longer has her reply, but it was probably dismissive because 'I wasn't into him,' she said. She certainly didn't give him her phone number, which explains why she was shocked when Assange called the house where she lived with her parents the following day. The call went about as poorly as you might expect after Assange wouldn't tell Elizabeth how he got her number.
'I was really cold because he somehow found out information about me and I didn't know how and it scared me,' she said.
But Assange wasn't discouraged. (How could any woman not want him?) After his call, he emailed to whine at her for not being more polite on the phone:


A couple days later, Assange tried calling Elizabeth again. This time, Elizabeth pretended to be someone else because she was becoming increasingly creeped out by Assange's persistence. But judging from Assange's next email, he mistakenly interpreted this as a coy flirtation:

After a few more emails got him nowhere, Assange decided to change tack. Instead of calling Elizabeth, he would try to get Elizabeth to call him. But he chose probably the creepiest way possible to give her his phone number. Somehow,Assange figured out the make and license plate number of her car. Then he incorporated it into a riddle which, when solved, would reveal his phone number...the guy was stalking her

More weirded out than ever, Elizabeth emailed back that she couldn't call him because the riddle didn't give her his number. So Assange decided to go back to calling her, and later that day sent an email asking the best time to call:

At this point, Elizabeth told him flat-out to stop calling her house. Assange then tried to give Elizabeth yet another way to contact him—through his (now-defunct) personal website, (Note the subject line: Re: Don't call me):

Finally, Assange gave up. But not before making up for his humiliation with a stream of overwrought put-downs in an email:

Julian Assange is being set up as a hero, celebrities pay for his bail and worship him as a modern day hero.
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Bad News For Dems… Ultra-Blue States Continue to Lose Population to Red States – Texas Will Gain 4 House Seats
Bad News For Dems… Ultra-Blue States Continue to Lose Population to Red States – Texas Will Gain 4 House Seats: "
The census report coming out on Tuesday is expected to give Republicans more good news as the US population continues to shift from ultra-blue states to more conservative southern Sun Belt states.
The AP reported:
"The 2010 census report coming out Tuesday will include a boatload of good political news for Republicans and grim data for Democrats hoping to re-elect President Barack Obama and rebound from last month’s devastating elections.
The population continues to shift from Democratic-leaning Rust Belt states to Republican-leaning Sun Belt states, a trend the Census Bureau will detail in its once-a-decade report to the president. Political clout shifts, too, because the nation must reapportion the 435 House districts to make them roughly equal in population, based on the latest census figures.
The biggest gainer will be Texas, a GOP-dominated state expected to gain up to four new House seats, for a total of 36. The chief losers — New York and Ohio, each projected by nongovernment analysts to lose two seats — were carried by Obama in 2008 and are typical of states in the Northeast and Midwest that are declining in political influence.
Democrats’ problems don’t end there.
November’s elections put Republicans in control of dozens of state legislatures and governorships, just as states prepare to redraw their congressional and legislative district maps. It’s often a brutally partisan process, and Republicans’ control in those states will enable them to create new districts to their liking.
The combination of population shifts and the recent election results could make Obama’s re-election campaign more difficult. Each House seat represents an electoral vote in the presidential election process, giving more weight to states Obama probably will lose in 2012. The states he carried in 2008 are projected to lose, on balance, six electoral votes to states that his GOP challenger, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, won. That sets a higher bar for Obama before his re-election campaign even starts.
“The way the maps have shifted have made Obama’s route to success much more difficult,” said Republican Party spokesman Doug Heye. He said the GOP takeover of several state governments on the eve of redistricting efforts was “a dramatic shift.”
Irony Alert: Lawyers For Julian Assange Outraged That Details About His Sex Life Were Leaked
Irony Alert: Lawyers For Julian Assange Outraged That Details About His Sex Life Were Leaked: "
Oh, cry me a river…
Lawyers for noted anti-American anarchist and professional leaker Julian Assange are outraged that information on his sex life was leaked to the press.
His lawyers say they do not know who has given these documents to the media, but the purpose can only be one thing – trying to make Julian look bad.
How tragic.
The Australian reported:
"LAWYERS for Julian Assange have expressed anger about an alleged smear campaign against the Australian WikiLeaks founder.
Incriminating police files were published in the British newspaper that has used him as its source for hundreds of leaked US embassy cables.
In a move that surprised many of Mr Assange’s closest supporters on Saturday, The Guardian newspaper published previously unseen police documents that accused Mr Assange in graphic detail of sexually assaulting two Swedish women. One witness is said to have stated: “Not only had it been the world’s worst screw, it had also been violent.”
Bjorn Hurtig, Mr Assange’s Swedish lawyer, said he would lodge a formal complaint to the authorities and ask them to investigate how such sensitive police material leaked into the public domain. “It is with great concern that I hear about this because it puts Julian and his defence in a bad position,” he told a colleague.
“I do not like the idea that Julian may be forced into a trial in the media. And I feel especially concerned that he will be presented with the evidence in his own language for the first time when reading the newspaper. I do not know who has given these documents to the media, but the purpose can only be one thing – trying to make Julian look bad.”
Gross… Millions of Funky Dead Sea Creatures Wash Ashore After Record Florida Freeze (Video)
Gross… Millions of Funky Dead Sea Creatures Wash Ashore After Record Florida Freeze (Video): "
Gross… The funky dead sea creatures are everywhere.
That ought to smell good, huh?
The record cold in Florida is killing millions of sea creatures that are washing up on shore.
NBC 2 reported:
Sanibel Island’s Lighthouse Beach is covered with thousands of dead sea creatures that washed ashore because of the cold weather.
Sea urchins, sea sponge, sea worms and stone crabs litter the beach for several miles.
Marine life experts say the temperatures have been dropping 10 to 15 degrees, which sends the sea creatures into shock. They can’t hold onto the gulf floor and the waves wash them ashore.
They are alive when they wash ashore, but they die in the cold air.
You can’t escape the dead sea creatures.
(NBC 2)
Al Gore was not available for comment.
"Biden claims November election was about START
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Rep. Peter King Says GOP Will Hold Hearings on Muslim Radicalization (Video)
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) told FOX News today that the GOP will investigate muslim radicalization in the US when they take over Congress next year. King will take up the chairmanship of the House Homeland Security Committee.
Of course, the left is already calling King a bigot.
Republican Rep. Peter King of New York plans to hold hearings in Congress next year on the "radicalization" of Muslim communities, his office confirmed to the Hotsheet.
As first reported by the New York Times, King is planning to hold the hearings once he takes up the chairmanship of the House Homeland Security Committee. He says the hearings are planned in response to complaints from law enforcement officials that Muslim leaders have been uncooperative in terror investigations.
"When I meet with law enforcement, they are constantly telling me how little cooperation they get from Muslim leaders," King told the Times. "It is controversial. But to me, it is something that has to be discussed."
The hearings come at a time of increased concerns about "homegrown" Muslim terrorists – along with persistent fears that innocent Muslims have been unfairly targeted since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Muslim leaders told the Times they have strong concerns about King's proposed hearings.
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GOP budget leader: 'We're heading to Greece, we're heading to Ireland'
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) warned Sunday that the U.S. is headed in the direction of states that have gone bust.
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McConnell vows to grill 2012 Dems on healthcare reform repeal
Republicans will control the House and incoming Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) plans to pass a repeal of the healthcare law.
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John Dingell, Joe Biden prove Politifact is a shill for liberalism
Ultimately, though, the control of healthcare is the control of the people. And that is the proverbial reing of power that Democrats seek (Shocking Audio: Rep. John Dingell (D-Detroit) Says ObamaCare Will Eventually "CONTROL THE PEOPLE"):
Let me remind you this has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you're going to pass legislation that will cover 300 American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people. - John DingellHow is it that the hacks at Politifact claim with a straight face that ObamaCare isn't a takeover again? Not just of healthcare, but of us.
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President Raul Castro Warns Cubans: “We Are Running Out of Time. If We Don´t Change Things Now, We Will Bring About the Collapse”
President Raul Castro Warns Cubans: “We Are Running Out of Time. If We Don´t Change Things Now, We Will Bring About the Collapse”: "
President Raul Castro warned Cubans today that the country is running out of time if they don’t change their failed Soviet-style economic system.
Cadena Gramonte reported:
In a two-hour speech, Raúl Castro emphasized that the initiatives introduced regarding the Cuban economy do not mean the end of the ideals of the revolution to create an equal society, but rather to strengthen, not replace, socialism.
The Cuban leader stressed the need for the country and its leaders to correct mistakes because, otherwise, the Revolution and efforts made by many generations will collapse. Raul Castro said: ¨We are already running out of time. If we don´t change things now, we will bring about the collapse (…) of efforts by many generations.”
Castro recently admitted the state payrolls are padded with more than one million surplus workers. In the country’s most significant reforms since Raul succeeded his brother Fidel in 2008, the country is laying off 500,000 workers by April and is expected to cut another 500,000 to 800,000 in three years.
Castro also warned Cubans about freebies and handouts.
He also warned his countrymen that they’ll have to work in the new Cuba, and can no longer rely on the state for handouts.
“Many of us Cubans confuse socialism with freebies and subsidies, and equality with egalitarianism,” the president said.
Maybe our democratic leaders in Washington could learn a thing or two from the Cuban situation, no?
"New Video Shows Saint Al Sharpton Screaming “Punk-A$ Faggot” at a Stranger in the Audience (Video)
New Video Shows Saint Al Sharpton Screaming “Punk-A$ Faggot” at a Stranger in the Audience (Video): "
A documentary scheduled to be released next year shows Saint Al, the patron saint of race-hustlers, screaming “punk-a$ faggot” at a member of the audience during the Morton Downey Jr. Show.
Via The Blaze:
An upcoming documentary about classic TV agitator Morton Downey, Jr. may end up being a great flick. But the film’s “star” might not be Downey, but rather Al Sharpton, who is seen in the movie’s trailer screaming a gay slur.
The Smoking Gun explains the documentary, Evocateur, focuses on “the acerbic, chain-smoking talk show host“ whose ”eponymous 1980s program was filmed in Secaucus, New Jersey and whose audience was filled with current and future probationers.” Think of it as the pre-cursor to Jerry Springer.
Apparently, the Rev. Al Sharpton was a regular guest on the program.
Evidently, Saint Al, who has made career out of race-hustling, was not so accepting of other minorities.
Here he is caught on film calling someone a “punk-a$ faggot!”
ÉVOCATEUR – Official Trailer
Of course, Al will be immediately forgiven by our moral superiors on the left and in the media for this latest transgression.
After all, he votes democrat.