TIME FOR I TOLD YOU SO; And For War…It’s Inevitable Now: "
Let’s dispense from the beginning with the idea that more “sternly-worded letters,” sanctions, condemnations, or talks (serious this time!) are the answer to North Korea’s dual declarations of war. They have NEVER worked, because when dealing with evil, you must speak to it in the language it understands. Evil only understands violence.
Here’s what we got from the Eunuch in Chief: “…too soon to discuss ways the U.S. military might deter the reclusive communist state from another strike.”
And from his lapdog Stephen Bosworth: “I would not at all accept that our policy toward North Korea is a failure,” Bosworth said after flying to Seoul to meet South Korean officials. “They are a difficult interlocutor,” he said of the North, “but we’re not throwing our policy away.”
While the North’s uranium program is disappointing and provocative, he told reporters, it isn’t surprising. “This is not a crisis.”
The best lines are from PJ Crowley: “…the Obama administration would take its time to assess the available information. He said the revelation of the new uranium enrichment facility would violate Pyongyang’s obligation to stop pursuing nuclear weapons but also may be what he called a ‘publicity stunt.’”
But my personal favorite came from State Department spokesman Mark Toner, who called North Korea’s actions “very, very bad.”
I guess their answer is to send NoKo to bed without any supper. I did not know this level of denial existed outside of Egypt.
But Obama has a point; I mean, if the sinking of a South Korean navy ship and the killing of 46 South Koreans in March wasn’t enough for us to consider violence against the violent, 200 artillery shells and a lousy 2 deaths certainly won’t qualify.
When I wrote DA PLANE! DA PLANE! When Did We Become Fantasy Island? last week, I was the only one who believed and warned that the LA missile was from North Korea. I don’t deny that China aided and abetted, perhaps even supplied weaponry or the submarine. That’s because China has long told us they would reign in NoKo, but the actions of both countries for over a decade now clearly indicate they were mere words.
I have said it over and over again in past articles: when the sh*t hits the fan, China WILL back, support, and use North Korean aggression to achieve their goals as outlined in their manifesto. Goals which have never, ever changed.
But don’t just believe me. Let’s look at the clues of just the past 8 months that lead any reasonable, NON-psychotic person to that very conclusion. (Hippies, avert your eyes…logic and truth are NOT your friends.)
And our response to every violent NoKo action?
“North Korea, that was very naughty of you. How about more money and aid?”
Look, people. All of these sky sightings are NOT coincidence, for there is no such thing. We are about to see a world war, and the forces of Islam and Communism—hence the term I coined ISLAMMUNISM—have been planning for almost 2 decades now. It is upon us, and we’ve been down this road too many times in the past 2 centuries to feign ignorance as to what to do now. WE KNOW WHAT TO DO; IT’S THE APPLICATION WHERE WE’RE FAILING.
“But as ye have once rejected these things, and have fought against the people of the Lord, even so I may expect you will do it again…
“…But behold, it supposeth me that I talk to you concerning these things in vain; or it supposeth me that thou art a child of hell…
“…I will come against you with my armies; yea, even I will arm my women and my children, and I will come against you, and I will follow you even into your own land…and it shall be blood for blood, yea, life for life; and I will give you battle even until you are destroyed from off the face of the earth.
“Behold, I am in my anger, and also my people; ye have sought to murder us, and we have only sought to defend ourselves. But behold, if ye seek to destroy us more we will seek to destroy you…” –epistle from Capt. Moroni to the wicked Ammoron, Alma 54: 8,11,12-13, Book of Mormon
THAT is how you SPEAK to evil; THAT is how you ACT toward evil!
Sh*t, meet fan. Don’t know how to say it in Chinese, and wouldn’t even if I did. I’m an American, and I speak English…and now, violence, because THAT is the language they understand.
Keep the faith, bros, in all things courage, and no substitute for VICTORY.
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