Monday, October 25, 2010

Video: Dem Candidate Gary McDowell (MI-1) wants to kill people that are too expensive to treat

It's official. Liberals want you to die if some bureaucrat determines that you are too expensive to treat. By definition a death panel. Democrat candidate Gary McDowell, who is running against Dan Benishek (R) for the seat of disgraced Judas turncoat Bart Stupak in Michigan's 1st Congressional district, admitted to a crowd of supporters that people near the end of their will get kicked down the stairs to save on cost:
Via Dan Calabrese, a statement from Republican candidate Dan Benishek:
"End of life care decisions are incredibly personal. As a physician, I believe very strongly that these difficult choices should be made by patients and their families, in consultation with their doctors. New medical technology has given millions of Americans the chance to live longer and better lives. These 'procedures' should be made more available, not 'allocated' by the government."
I have said many times in this blog that the hardest hit by ObamaCare will end up being seniors. All government run plans have one end result - rationing. And what is rationed is that which is most expensive. And those that bear the brunt of the rationing are those that need those expensive procedures but who aren't expected to be paying much in the way of taxes - the elderly. From the bureaucrat's point of view, why care for the elderly that 1) don't pay taxes and 2) aren't going to live much longer anyway? That's liberal compassion, the same that a fetus gets at Planned Parenthood. This is the essence of comparative effectiveness that is at the heart of ObamaCare. Comparative effectiveness, as per Obama's rationing czar 'Dr.' Ezekiel Emanuel, takes only 2 things into consideration when denying or approving treatment: 1) age, 2) cost. Simple as that. It yields this ghoulish chart:This chart would be page 1 of the "how to" guide of any death panel. Old people are too expensive to be worth keeping alive because they've already paid their taxes and are thus essentially useless to a totalitarian state. The very young too are of little value since they won't be paying taxes for a while yet. The people that should be treated are healthy people that pay taxes, but don't really need it because, well - they're mostly healthy. Dan Calabrese ends with this:
If it's just your money, and you decided to pay a health care provider to provide the care, no one needs to wring their hands about "limited resources" that supposedly take away from education or whatever else. But as soon as you add health care to the list of "rights" that are guaranteed by government, it becomes just one more thing that's competing for those limited resources, and politicians like Gary McDowell bemoan what is spent on forms of health care they do not prefer.
But not in public. Because people might be listening. Especially people with video cameras.
Thank goodness for flip cams. Repeal this monstrosity:
We don't need socialized medicine:

Sent from my iPhone

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