Friday, October 15, 2010

Surprise! ObamaCare to make Doctor Unavailability Syndrome (DUS) much worse

Let's just think about this logically (which we on the right did by the way). We have the best medical system in the history of history in this country. It is operating at 100% capacity. All of a sudden, the federal government wants to airdrop 30-some million people on that system, and the liberals didn't think this would create long waiting lines? Especially since those 30 million will see this new entitlement as "free" and abuse it? Really??? Didn't they look at what has happened in Massachusetts?
From the New York Daily News via memeorandumIs there a doctor in the house? Obamacare will worsen the physician shortage Congress helped create
There is a new disease spreading like a cancer in doctors' offices and hospitals throughout the U.S. I have named it Doctor Unavailability Syndrome (DUS). It is characterized by a rising shortage of doctors, both specialists and primary care, as well as the growing inability of the doctors we do have to take care of patient needs.

What good is a shiny new insurance card if there is not a physician available to see you?

This disease can be traced back to 1997, when Congress, anticipating a doctor surplus, included a section in its budget-balancing law that froze the number of Medicare-sponsored residency positions.

But instead of a surplus, a shortage soon developed, and has worsened over the years, now reaching epidemic proportions. The Association of American Medical Colleges Center for Workforce Studies just reported an anticipated shortage of 90,000 doctors of all kinds over the next decade, with half of them being primary care physicians and the other half surgeons and specialists.

...the new health care law, known ironically as the Affordable Care Act, is promoting and extending the kind of low co-pay and low deductible insurance that is easy to overuse, overwhelming doctors further and leading to an upward spiral of health care costs.
...modern medicine is moving further in the direction of high-tech solutions that require substantial training to perform. In many areas of medicine, we need more specialization rather than less. The growing shortage of specialists is at least as worrisome as the shortage of primary care doctors.
Remember when Nancy Pelosi - simultaneous holder of the dual titles of Speaker of the House as well as Dimmest Bulb of the House (we're in the best of hands folks!) - said that "we need to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"?
Well we're finding out, and it's all bad. Insurance premiums are increasing even faster than they would have if ObamaCare hadn't passed, and Obama's minions are threatening insurance companies with bankrupcy for even hinting that ObamaCare is the cause (it is). That's in spite of the fact that Democrats have abandoned the claim that ObamaCare will reduce cost and deficit.  The Obama regime via the FDA is deep-sixing miracle cancer drugs that extend life because they cost too much (ObamaCare begins early: FDA may pull Avastin approval OVER COST CONCERNS). Insurance companies are being forced to cut coverage plans. Every time socialized medicine has been tried, it's been a proven failure.

The doctor shortage will be most pronounced in specialties such as cardiology, oncology and emergency medicine, where the need is acute. In other words, people will die as a result. But worry not, because ObamaCare will help you quit smoking and that boob job you always wanted will be all taken care of. Just don't get a heart attack. Or cancer. Because if you do the regime doesn't want to go through the expense of keeping you alive. Especially if you're a senior and have been bled dry of your tax contribution.

Reuters: ObamaCare to worsen doctor shortage
ObamaCare Preview: IRS Answered Only 8.8% of 352,758 Telephone Calls From Deaf Taxpayers
Washington Examiner: Obamacare is even worse than critics thought
Predictable: Major health insurers to stop offering new child-only policies due to terminal case of ObamaCare
Government Admits Medical Costs Will Rise Under ObamaCare, Sebelius Threatens Insurers Who Criticize It, And Not Even Jon Stewart Is Buying The BS
Good Grief: White House Wants Doctors to Prescribe Drugs for Fat Kids

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