Friday, October 15, 2010

Eco-fascist: "human technology" has been "disturbing the atmosphere and climate" for the last "10,00

10,000 years ago, SUVs were already causing global warming, which is how we pulled out of the ice age. Or something. It's pretty much an assertion, save the SUVs, of moonbat Stewart Brand, an advocate of geoengineering. As with many eco-fascists today, Brand is not just anti-American. He is anti-human:
Let's just look at what's been happening with the climate over the last 10,000 years. This is from a great piece over at WattsUpWithThat which illustrates why the current global warming alarmists are out of their gourd. First, a graph of temperature as reconstructed from NOAA ice cores clearly showing a hockey stick shape:

So time to panic, right? Well, not so fast! If you include time before 1400, you see this:
That gigantic peak at around 1000 AD is what is known as the medieval warming period (MWP) which the alarmists have done their darnedest to hide. I mean - there were no SUVs, or airplanes, or coal power plants, etc. It's quite inconvenient and that is why they hid the MWP and their 'hockey stick' data is fraudulent as I have pointed out many times in this blog:
Note the missing MWP in the infamous fraudulent "hockey stick" graph. But there's even more. If we go back in time even more, the ice core has this to show:
What we know as the MWP is nothing! Back in Christ's day, it was significantly warmer than either today, or during the MWP. If we go back some more before that, it is even more revealing that the Earth right now is pretty cool compared to what it was for thousands of years:
Note the huge increase at the beginning of the graph. That's the planet coming out of the ice age. If we go back in time even earlier, we see that we should be absolutely happy with where we are at right now:
Yikes! Just look at all the above graphs again, and keep your eye on the current "hockey stick" that is supposedly caused by man. And then look at that last graph. The climate has always changed. Always will. As I have said before on this blog, if all human activity were to cease tomorrow, the atmosphere wouldn't notice it. There are more graphs at the WUWT piece, so click over and check out their commentary. Idiot eco-fascists like Brand haven't a clue as to what they are talking about.

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