Sunday, October 17, 2010

MSM ignoring that 38 black Republicans running for national office

It is hailed by Today's Politics Freedom Number as "the most under reported story of the 2010 political season."
In what is without a doubt the most under reported story of the 2010 political season it seems that there are no less than 38 black Republicans running for national office. That's right 38-three for Congress thirty five for the House-how is it that the "Old Media" has missed this? Then again how is it that the "New Media" hasn't picked up on this?

This blogger has to admit he missed it himself. If not for the Laura Ingraham Show-and her guest today Michael Steele-this blogger would have been clueless! In fact Steele made a statement in June concerning the historic amount of black Americans running for office this year on the federal,state,and local level...(click here for the full list).

This is amazing! The Republican party historically was the party of black Americans until the 30's when somehow the party of slavery-the Democrats-managed somehow to win them over to their side. What followed is a sad story of liberal philosophy and theories almost singlehandedly destroying the fabric of the American black social community. In fact through the endless entitlement mentality of the Democrats black Americans-as well as a multitude of other races-have been enslaved by dependency on the all-mighty government! ...

Indeed, I have said many, many times in this blog that black slave ancestors are turning over in their graves at about 10 RPM right now knowing that the Democrat Party that foisted and fought for enslaving black people in the 19th century, did the same thing in the 20th and into the 21st centuries - shackling to black population to hopelessness and dependency on the Democrat Party. Back then, it was through physical force. Today, it is through political force as any black person not towing the liberal line is branded an Uncle Tom or a porch money of the white man. Democrats are the ones that run failed minority urban schools, failed minority urban cities (read: Detroit), have replaced the father with the government via welfare, etc. The list is endless, but there is only one result - the lifelong dependency of the black community on the Democrat apparatus via social programs specifically designed to shackle them. The Democrats have institutionalized black people to where they cannot be free. Democrat social programs are methods of control. The victim mentality was installed in black communities by Democrats. Affirmative action separates people by their race. Us against them. Black versus white. The party of identity politics divides people and judges them by the color of their skin, not by the content of their character. Democrats have kept blacks down in the plantations of failed urban environments with failed public schools that only teach hopelessness, doomed to continue voting for Democrats to get handouts that they have been convinced they are entitled to. And Democrats continue to to reap many votes from people's misery that they themselves have created. It's time that the black community wakes up and starts to vote for freedom, including their own, and their inalienable right to self determination that those centuries ago fought for.

And yet with all that history from centuries ago to this very day, and in what may be the largest case in history of mass projection, Democrats point their crooked fingers at we freedom-loving conservatives as racist bigots. They keep blacks on their liberal plantations and then complain that there aren't enough of them at tea parties. Yet many good black people still attend tea parties and are openly conservative knowing full well the hostility that will be focused on them (via moonbattery):
The MSM does 2 things with respect to black conservatives. 1) Berate them. Or 2) Ignore them. The latter results in people not knowing that 32 (the number I had mentioned before, but it looks like 38 now) black Republicans ran in this years primaries:
As I pointed out in the interview, several weeks before the NYT saw fit to release the info, there are many black Republicans running for seats. I asserted there were 22. There are in fact 38. It should come as no surprise that TP didn't know any were running. From a prior post of mine: Detroit News: "President Barack Obama's election has inspired a record number of African-American candidates to run for Congress this year. What's surprising is that they're running as Republicans". How did liberals treat these black conservative? This is how:

..."I've been told I hate myself. I've been called an Uncle Tom. I've been told I'm a spook at the door," said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government.

...They've been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. 
As I have said many times, if you want to know what true intolerance is, be a black conservative. Speaking of, I got a chance to interview 3 black conservatives at a Sarah Palin rally in Clarkston, MI that I covered (coverage at the links here and here). I asked them specifically about the racial angle:
It's not about race, but rather policy, and it is the latter that gave rise to the tea party movement, not the former. Yet, opponents have done their best to paint the tea party as racist even though I have reported from many tea parties and my pics and interviews included black people there. In fact, there are many black tea party participants that are simply ignored by the media. I asked an interracial couple the race question at a recent tea party rally:
As well as Andrew, who brought together the Pontiac Tea Party and has seven interracial children (he brought 2 with him on this day):
Here's one more video from Washington DC:
The liberal MSM, as indicated by the many interviews in these tea party chronicles, hates black conservatives almost as much as the liberal activist left. Almost.

Video: How MI Dems are smearing black conservative justice Robert Young
Video: Runaway Slave asks "One Nation" Rally - "Free At Last?"
Dems include black conservative West's social security number in attack flier, call it 'oversight'
History: GOP elected first 21 black people to US House, 67 years before first black Democrat. First blacks in the Senate were all GOP too
Detroit News: "President Barack Obama's election has inspired a record number of African-American candidates to run for Congress this year. What's surprising is that they're running as Republicans"
NAACP: "Black holes" are raaaacist!
NAACP Opposes Bill To Outlaw Racially Motivated Abortions!
Video: Alan Combs paints tea party protesters as racist
Leonard Pitts Jr: Tea Partiers are raaaaacist and need to go to the back of the bus
Heh: Dallas Tea Party Invites the White People of MSNBC
Breitbart to NY Times Reporter for Alleging Racial Tones at CPAC: 'You're a Despicable Human Being,' 'These People have such a Patronizing Attitude Towards Black People in this Country, They Should be Ashamed of Themselves'
Flashback Video of Bryant Gumbel: Lack of Blacks Makes Winter Olympics 'Look Like GOP Convention'
Good Grief: Calling Obama 'Professor' Now Raaaaacist!
NBC Cafeteria Celebrates Black History Month With Fried Chicken, Collard Greens
John Conyers (D) Wants Haiti Relief Official Demoted Because They Have Too Many White People On Staff
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Obama SOTU: "I Forgot He Was Black Tonight For an Hour"
Hope and Change? 68 percent of MI blacks said it would take 100 years, or never, before racial equality is achieved, compared to 63 percent in 2008
Today everyone should be reminded that Martin Luther King Jr. was a REPUBLICAN
Harry Reid racist flashback: Called Clarence Thomas an "embarrassment" and said Thomas's opinions are "poorly written"
Obama hypocrisy on racial comments: 2002: Remove Trent Lott. 2007: Fire Imus! 2010: Forgive Harry Reid "without question"
Bill Clinton on Obama: "A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Getting Us Coffee"
Harry Reid: Barack Obama is "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect"
Change! Americans live in more segregation now then they did more than 40 years ago
Black man Dyron Hart sentenced to slap on wrist for white supremacist threats on Facebook
Video of Chris Matthews: Palin Supporters Racist — 'White vs. Other People'
Jesse Jackson: 'You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man'
Irony: Civil Rights Groups Sue To End Ban On Racial Discrimination, Want Overturn Of MCRI
Video: Part 1 of Glenn Beck's special on black conservatives in America
Video: Example #986,203 That Black People Are Being Shackled And Enslaved By The Democrat Party Line
National Black Republican Association calls on Democrat Party to apologize for racism
Detroit Free Press Editorial After Ricci Decision: "Can Someone Please Tell Us How To Discriminate Against White People Now?"
After SCOTUS Ricci Decision, Colleges Wonder: "Now How Are We Going To Discriminate Against Asian People?"
Why Is Detroit, 81% Black, Still Using Affirmative Action Against Whites? Now Worried About SCOTUS Ricci Decision!
SCOTUS Ricci Decision Has Local Impact - MI white teacher with seniority layed off in favor of black teachers
The Senate Votes To Apologize For Slavery, Discrimination. In 100 Years, Will Senate Apologize For Affirmative Action?
African-American Student Suspended For Claiming To Be African-American
Cal School District Segregating Students By Race! Call it "Heritage Assemblies"
University of Delaware: "All Whites Are Racist"
Mandating Discrimination with Stimulus Funds
Monica Conyers: "Black people cannot be racist"

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