Flashback: How Congresscritters justified the constitutionality of ObamaCare: "Since the federal judge in Virginia declared ObamaCare unconstitutional, I thought it amusing to take a stroll down memory lane as to what our Congresscritters said justifying their vote. First up: Video: John Conyers (D-MI) claims ObamaCare mandate constitutional because of nonexistant 'good and welfare' clause in US Constitution
(This guy got fired last month:) Video: Rep. Phil Hare (D-IL) on ObamaCare: “I don’t worry about the Constitution on this”
(This one got fired as Speaker of the House:) Pelosi can't answer question of constitutionality of healthcare mandates, claims such questions are not serious!
Senator Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa): ObamaCare Mandate Constitutional But I Can't Find The Actual Provision Or Something. No video on that one. Sen. Nelson Says He is Unable to Say Where Constitution Authorizes Insurance Mandate
There you have it folks - a compendium of kakistocrasy.
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