Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another Christmas Surprise - Dems Roll Out $1.1 Trillion, 1,924-Page Budget Bill

from Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Another Christmas Surprise - Dems Roll Out $1.1 Trillion, 1,924-Page Budget Bill: "I have warned time and again that the lame duck Democratic Congress could not be trusted, and that the longer it went on, the more mischief Democrats would attempt. I urged Mitch McConnell and other Republicans in the Senate to do everything within their power to shut down the Senate after passing the bear minimum necessary to keep the government operating until the new Congress was sworn in.

While Senate Republicans could not make Democrats go home, they could bring everything to a halt. Instead, McConnell showed good faith in negotiating with Obama a "tax deal" and showing a willingness to consider other measures once that deal was passed.

The reward for cooperation with the lame duck Democrats? The Democrats just dumped a $1.1 trillion budget bill and are preparing to move it to a vote with no chance for review or debate. As reported by The Politico:

Senate Democrats began rolling out Tuesday a year-end, government-wide spending bill that cuts more than $26 billion from President Barack Obama’s 2011 requests even as it defies earmark bans – or veto threats over Joint Strike Fighter engines.
Filling more than 1,900 pages and costing $1.1 trillion, the measure is sure to invite criticism as a last stand by the Senate’s old bulls before the more conservative, tea party-oriented Congress takes hold in January. But weeks of bipartisan work have gone into the effort to meet spending targets previously embraced by the Republican leadership and also try to salvage something from the failed budget process this year....

Even before the official release Tuesday afternoon, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, attacked Democrats for ignoring, he said, the “clear will expressed by voters this past election.” And New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg, a senior Republican on both the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committees, said a short-term continuing resolution would be preferable at this stage give the shortness of time before the holiday recess.
Fox News is reporting:

Republicans poring over a 1,924-page overarching spending bill proposed by Democrats to cover the rest of the fiscal year are threatening to grind the legislation to a halt, citing massive earmark spending, which, if passed, would be enacted into law without debate in the full Senate.

Two sources who spoke to Fox News are describing the legislation as 'a total mess.'
Shut it down. Do only the bear minimum to keep the government operating for another 60 days. Then either go home, or grind the Senate to a standstill.

How many times do I have to tell you this?


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