Thursday, October 28, 2010

White House Crack Up


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via Atlas Shrugs by Pamela Geller on 10/28/10

There's a fascinating series over at Newsflavor from a White House mole deep inside and high up, think 'deepthroat." I was waiting for the bomb to drop but it's more like  Scheherazade ...............

Obama is a disaster. Everyone knows. Anyone aiding and abeting the enemy in the White House be damned. It's America first, stupid. This is why the left is so dangerous.

  • White House Insider: Pelosi and Obama at War
  • White House Insider: Coming Soon – Serious White House Scandal
  • White House Insider: Obama Offering Hillary Clinton Vice President Position
  • Food for Thought
  • White House Insider: "President Obama is lost. Absolutely lost."

  • I really believe the party needs to purge itself of this administration.  And I think we will.  November is a start in that direction.  New leadership will emerge.  The White House will be marginalized – perhaps so much so that there will be a Democrat challenger to Obama in 2012.

    Purge the party of this administration? You really feel the Obama White House is that bad?  You remember that question – and then you can come back and ask me again later next year when this scandal finally comes to the surface. 

    The scandal in Chicago?  Chicago is the primary component – but it will likely start in D.C. – one thing will lead to the other.  The Justice Department, and back to Chicago. 

    And what if this never happens?  What if there is no scandal? What if Obama is simply re-elected in 2012 and serves a full and successful second term?  I suppose that is a possibility – but not a probable one.  They are scrambling to make that happen, but after November, the White House loses its protection.  I told you that – you understand that, right?

    You are talking about CongressYes-yes…without Congress, without the Congressional leadership to quash potential hearings, the White House is far more vulnerable.  Remember Lewinski?  If the Democrats had not lost Congress in 1994, there would have been no scandal – at least not to the extent that it became.  But Democrats didn't control Congress, and so the scandal was allowed – encouraged by those -expletive- Republicans to move ahead.  Same thing with Watergate.  Democrats in Congress allowed the scandal to grow and move ahead.  That's how it works.  And now we have a Democrat President, realizing he is looking at a Republican Congress, and he is facing a real -expletive- storm.

    You used Watergate as an example.  Do you really think Obama could be facing a Watergate type scandal?  I mean, something that big?  Yes I do.  I hope not.  That is what is going on right now – I'm trying to explain that part of it to you but maybe I'm not doing a good enough job of it.  There are those in the party – the Democratic Party, who are right now actively preparing for that possible outcome and taking protective measures to protect the party.  Let Obama go down for it – but save the party.  President Obama in turn – at least those around him who are capable enough still to function in that way, are trying to keep the party entangled in the mess, to motivate them to continue protecting the White House.  THAT is what is going on right now.  And the stakes are very high – the repercussions very serious.  That is why I keep telling you to fully appreciate the dangers here.  This stuff is no joke.  That is why I came to you.  If this goes bad, and it could just like that, I can pull the plug.  And make no mistake – I will.

    I get that – but I'm still having a hard time believing a scandal so big is not being reported by the media.  You're wrong there.  It is being reported – bits and pieces of it.  The story will already be out there and growing before the mainstream finally runs with it.  Don't forget, most of them still want to protect the White House.  That is simply fact.  I know this – I worked directly with them during the campaign.  But it's starting to change – and eventually it will break.  The barbarians haven't broken down the gate yet – but after these midterms, they will.  Look at the Democrats who are now openly challenging the president.  Every day another one rebukes the president.  That is an incredibly dangerous thing to do politically – it can destroy a career.  Ask yourself why they would be so willing to do that.  Are they just stupid, too bold – or is it something else?

    I don't know… (shakes head) The word is out there – President Obama is in real trouble.  They may not have the specifics, but the story of a big scandal coming is circulating now within the party – both parties.  So why put your own political career on the line supporting a president who is facing such a fiasco?  Simple – they won't.  And so you are seeing the separation happening.  The party itself is starting to separate itself from the president.  You ever watch those nature programs where the herd doesn't hang out with the sick one?  You got that poor sick antelope or whatever standing all by itself and when it tries to join back with the herd they run away from it?  They'll even attack it themselves if they have to.  That's what happens in politics.  If you are in real trouble, the others separate from you.  That is what is happening to the president right now.

    Here is a terrible but telling anecdote:

    Ok, I'll just come out and say what is already underway, and to hell with the possible consequences to me.  I will not support Barack Obama in 2012.  That possibility has left the table for me.  Based on what I know, what I have been told, what I have seen in recent weeks…no, I cannot support the President for a second term.  My concern for the party, for the country…my conscience does not allow me that option any longer.  Obama is not fit to be president.  He simply does not possess the inclinations necessary to lead the country.  And I don't like saying that.  I helped the man get elected.  I was in the trenches day after day from city to city helping things get done in 2008…I take no pleasure in saying I was a part of that.  And I take no pleasure in saying Obama should not be re-elected in 2012.

    That is a very strong statement – anything recent that causes you to now say you will not support Obama in 2012?  (Long pause – question is repeated) There is much I have been told, some I know, some more that will probably develop in the coming weeks and months.  But you want specifics, right? I understand that…I'll give you an example of why President Obama is not right for America.  He sure as hell has not been right for the party.  Not long ago, the president took a meeting.  He's late, which apparently is becoming more and more common with him.  The meeting was almost cancelled.  In strolls the president, joking with an aide.  He plops down on a sofa, leans over and claps another guy on the back asking how he's been.  Apologizes for being late, says he was "held up".  He laughs some more.  The meeting begins.  After just ten minutes, during which time the president appears to almost totally withdraw into himself,  an aide walks in and whispers something to the president, who then nods and quickly stands up, shakes a few hands and tells another aide to update him later on the rest of the meeting.  As the president is walking out he is laughing at something yet again.  He asked no questions of those at the meeting – not one.  He left after just ten minutes, coming in laughing and leaving laughing.  His behavior during that brief time he was there was described as "borderline manic".

    Ok, you have already stated previously that the president doesn't show much interest in the day to day business of being president – why is this example so bad, or different?  Care to know what that particular meeting was about on that day?

    Certainly.  Afghanistan.  That meeting was an update on Afghanistan, and the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, could give a -expletive-. 

    Were you actually there to witness this?  No, I was long gone from the White House by then.  It was told to me though by someone who was.  They were there.  First hand.  They were also left to apologize to the ones left in the room after the president left.  Some of these were military.  They were not happy.  No…that is not accurate. They were pissed.  They didn't say much at the time, but word got back.  They were in shock at the president's behavior.  The country had just lost a number of soldiers the week prior, the public opinion on the war was falling…and the president didn't seem to care.  He arrives late, leaves early, appears to emotionally shut down during the actual discussion, and to then start laughing once again as he is leaving…how does someone reconcile with that kind of behavior?  I can't.  It turns my stomach.  I didn't want to believe what I was being told, but I had seen similar kinds of behavior from the president myself, and I can't dispute the credibility of the source.  They have no reason to lie.

    So is that one example the real tipping point for you in no longer being willing to support Obama in 2012? Or do you have any others you wish to share? Oh, I have others, though I cannot share all of them at this point because they involve some still in range of potential White House retribution.  Then again, I suppose I am still in range of such retribution myself.

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