Thursday, October 28, 2010

Media Matters Bizarre Hail Mary: We Can’t Stop Beck with Ad Boycotts, Sarah Please Help Us

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  1. David Brock is a horse's derriere on his best day! We don't shut down free speech in this country, you moron, and those who want to do so have an agenda that is wholly un-American

  2. This is so laughfable. Why would you plead for help from a moron? Your kind of people have never stopped and constantly spewing lies about SP; that she is a dunder head, she does not read,yada,yada..etc. So now you are reaching out to her for support so you silence Beck. Gotta hand it you you.. good try anyway. Truth will set you free. Wake up and stand up and admit you and your followers are finished. Beck will come out on top. ZI will continue to buy his books,donate contributions to SP and rally for for the 2012 election.

    Hahah..all of you

  3. Palin is too busy trying to save our country from the mess in congress (both parties) and the White House.

  4. With all the hard work Palin has done, flying all over the U.S. from Alaska to Florida, from California to Delaware, she will deserve a lot of the credit for the conservatives who win this November. She has awakened a lot of America, including me.

  5. Amazing. From this angle, I can't even see Soros' hand up his ass, and his movements are so lifelike!


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