Friday, October 22, 2010

Rush: REVERSE Operation Chaos

"Reverse operation chaos," enthuses Rush Limbaugh, "even the Clintons are on board!"

If you're a Democrat, Rush Limbaugh wants you to stay home. Or, better yet, he says to vote Republican.

65 seats won't move the Democrats, Rush assures. At 75 seats? Now we're talking, he says.

Rush Limbaugh, the perennial prankster and again, trouble maker for the Democrats hits a raw nerve. He knows that the American public is thinking back to the halcyon days of a Clinton as president and a recalcitrant Republican Congress with fondness.

Only problem? Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton.

He's less fun. He's less flexible. He's less pragmatic. He's more liberal.

The only solution then, is to remind Americans of what they're missing and help engage everyone irritated with Obama to stay home or vote Republican.

Will it work?

Actually, I think this idea is pure genius.

People on the center left feel nothing but impotent rage. They don't like President Obama, but they don't like Republicans. This solution gives them an option. It gives them a good reason to vote Republican or to stay home.

Plus, it's true. I have been saying for a year that Hillary Clinton may be used to playing second fiddle but won't stay second fiddle.

I also predicted that Rahm Emanuel would leave serving the President right about now. Why? He's a Clintonista and would need to be free in order to help Hillary.

So far, things are going exactly as prophesied.

Would Hillary Clinton primary Barack Obama in 2012? Yes.

Would Hillary Clinton win? Yes.

Would Hillary Clinton be tougher for Republicans to beat? Yes again.

Rush's Reverse Operation Chaos is genius.

Sent from my iPhone

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