Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another awesome George W. Bush story you probably have never heard that makes me hate myself for ever saying anything bad about this man.

On Tuesday, I was in Georgia for a panel discussion on Islamonazism when Michael Medved told the audience about a meeting he and other conservative radio hosts had with President George W. Bush on the last Wednesday he was in the White House.
The President summoned Medved, Hugh Hewitt, and a bunch of others to the Oval Office where he sat them down on the couches, pulled up a chair, looked them all in the eyes and told them “to go easy on the new guy and let him grow into the job because it’s harder than any of you could imagine”.
Bush, the villain…Bush, the terrible…Bush, the demented cowboy riding nightmare through the imaginations of the Left even to this day…summoned conservative radio hosts with great sway and influence to the White House so that he could sit them down and make them promise to go easy on Obama after his inauguration.
Bush told these radio hosts that, for the good of the country, they needed to allow Obama the chance to prove himself.  Though they were conservative and he was a Democrat, Bush told these men that as Americans they needed to root for him to succeed and to give him the chance to grow into the role that he won in the election and to prove he was up to the job and capable of leading the nation.
Bush was the captain of a ship preparing to turn the wheel of state over to his successor, and he actually took steps to make sure Republicans did not initiate a groundless partisan war from Day One, just because this president was from the other side of the aisle.
Bush demanded Obama be given his chance to succeed before criticism was automatically flung at him.
Amazing, isn’t it?
I’ve said it before, and I will keep saying this for the rest of my life, but I’m ashamed I ever joined in with all the name-calling and Bush-bashing Democrats did for 8 years with this kind, decent, patriotic man in the White House.
Almost daily, I come across some new story of just how professionally, generously, and respectfully he always conducted himself — always with such class, love for country, and such genuinely good intentions.
George W. Bush is absolutely nothing like the caricature the media created of him and Democrats gleefully perpetuated.
He did everything he could to guarantee Obama got off on the right foot when he took over on January 20th, 2009.  He went out of his way, in fact, to do this.
I don’t think I need to say how much I doubt Obama will do the same for President Palin once she’s sworn in come 2013…and I know the Left won’t cut her a bit of slack as she takes over and her administration begins.
But, I really am touched and beyond impressed that Bush called those influential voices together and wouldn’t let them leave his presence without them promising to the nation that they would give the new president the benefit of the doubt and cut him slack.
If, just three years ago, you had told me I’d say something like this I would have thought you were insane, but I really believe George W. Bush has become one of the men I most admire in this world.  I can count on one hand all the people I have ever known who would have done what he did with those radio commentators. Two of them are women I admire, and only one of the rest is a politician.
W. really and truly never ceases to amaze me.

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